OzBargain 18th Birthday Meetups (2024)

How to use Event Checkins and List of Your Events

For those going to an OzBargain meetup, please ask the organiser or a co-organiser to check you in.

For meetup organisers, please

  • Make sure you check in everyone that comes. Make another user or two as "co-organisers" to help you check in.
  • Scan or take photos of all the receipts, and email them to me scotty@ozbargain.com.au. Make sure you include (1) the location of the meetup, and (2) your bank account or PayID for reimbursement.

This is the forum post that some of you guys have been waiting for — a placeholder for all the OzBargain birthday meetups in 2024. We have been running these IRL meetups in November each year since 2017, and last year the OzBargain meetup organisers put together 29 events where 565 ozbargainers get to meet and share a meal together. We will be doing the same again this year —

  • Someone from the OzBargain community might want to organise an event locally
  • Other OzBargain users will want to attend those events
  • OzBargain will sponsor those events

There will be a new OzBargain T-shirt this year to be given out exclusively at the meetup events, in Aussie green & gold with "OzBargain verified Not A Bot" at the back. Finger crossed that the factory I found on Alibaba can deliver those shirts on time though.

Process will be similar to last year. To organise an event:

  • Post a new thread in Site Discussions with "OzBargain 18th Birthday - <Location> Meetup" in the title. Use the thread to discuss with the community to work out preferred date/time & venue. Please note that the meetup event must be in November 2024.

  • Update the title with date/time and venue when it's confirmed, and I'll add your post into the list of events. A poll will be created to allow users to confirm who will be coming.

For the rest of this post, I'll be copying the snippets from last year's, and I will highlight the changes.

Organising events

Budget for the 2024 events will be updated to strictly $45pp (due to increase of cost of living), which should cover food, venue and/or activities.

Try not to duplicate the location. For example if someone has already organised a meetup somewhere in Parramatta, don't organise another one even if it's at a different venue or date.

Please have all the events posted up before the end of October. We will not accept any new meetup requests after 31st of October.

Some budget examples copied from last year,

  • BBQ or pizza at public park (with coupons, of course)
  • Everyone orders UberEats / DoorDash / HungryPanda to eat at the beach and send receipts to scotty for reimbursement
  • Cheap eat in a cafe / restaurant

We are not able to sponsor alcoholic drinks in these meetup events. Some people might want to consume alcohol at meetup events, and that can be done at their own expense.

Add the tag ozbargain18 to your posts.

Soft cap of organising up to 2 meetups. We are going to limit the number of events one can attend this year (see under "Attending events" below) and we don't want people to get around the limit by being organisers of multiple events.

Attending events

You can attend at most two events that you are not organising. We did have that clause last year but we still have quite a few people attending 5+ events, so we will be putting a hard cap this year, i.e. you won't even be able to click on "Yes I am attending" if you are already registered for 2 events.

OzBargain meetups are strictly users only this year. In the past there were some leniency for partners, children or other family members that don't have OzBargain accounts. However for this year we decided that one must have an OzBargain account to be part of the meetup.

We won't allow "new accounts" from participating in meetups either. In the last couple of years we had accounts created just to have free meals at OzBargain meetups, and then never logged in again.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are some of the questions asked by organisers and attendees.

Q: How can we get the OzBargain T-shirts this year?

OzBargain T-shirts this year would be gold/yellow text on green — I've given the Pantone code to the manufacturer however they will probably just pick whatever in their inventory that's closest. The delivery of the T-shirts is also delayed (as of 18 Oct) due to Chinese national day holidays and material change. Currently no ETA but I'll work with the organisers once I have received the shirts, so I can forward those to organisers in different states. I'll put the design here when the manufacturer sent me a photo of the test print.

300 shirts are ordered this year, and I'll try to distribute them amongst organisers, so that they can be given out to ozbargainers during the event. Not everyone is going to receive a free OzBargain T-shirt of their sizes — consider that as a bonus rather than entitlement.

Organisers: please do not promise the availability of T-shirts.

Update 31 Oct: looks like it might get to the organisers near the last week of November

Q: Can we bring family members and kids to OzBargain meetups? Will the cost incurred by them be paid by OzBargain?

OzBargain meetup events this year are for OzBargain members only — you need an OzBargain account (that's not recently created) to register for meetup events. Our meetup budget of $45 per person is also for OzBargain members only. You can bring your family or friends to OzBargain meetups. However if they are not registered to the event, they aren't sponsored.

Q from organiser. How is OzBargain paying for my event?

The sponsorship works by reimbursing the cost of the event. So

  • As an organiser, please pay for the venue and food first. Use the reward cards if you wish to collect points. However please keep all your receipts.
  • Send the receipts to my email address scotty@<this domain>. Make sure you take good photos and the numbers on the receipts are readable. Please also include your banking details (BSB/Acc or PayID) in your email so I can reimburse you.
  • I'll do a fund transfer to your bank account.

This post is work in place. I'll keep everyone updated when we move closer to November and event features get implemented.

List of Events

DateTimeVenue, LocationOrganiserRegWL
Fri, 22 Nov7:00PMDookki, BelconnenCodeXD160
Thu, 28 Nov6:30PMStar Buffet, Canberracaptain danger222
Fri, 1 Nov1:30PMIppudo, Chatswoodihbh260
Thu, 7 Nov6:00PMThe Savoury Dining, Penrithidontalwaysnotlie140
Sat, 9 Nov11:00AMTaste of Shanghai, Burwoodjiayijames160
Mon, 11 Nov6:00PMFortress, Sydneyimpostor660
Tue, 12 Nov6:30PMLuho, Crows NestSerathis420
Wed, 13 Nov6:00PMBar Reggio, Darlnghursttlai200
Thu, 14 Nov6:00PMLeumeah Hotel, Campbelltownweb5090
Fri, 15 Nov6:30PMCommercial Hotel, ParramattaI Smell Pennies810
Fri, 15 Nov6:00PMDoodee King, Castle Hillsd4399340183
Sat, 16 Nov5:30PMStar Buffet, BankstownI Smell Pennies320
Mon, 18 Nov6:00PMNikaido, MascotFat Horny Ghost820
Thu, 21 Nov6:00PMSubset 27 Ed Square, Edmondson Parksuchan180
Sat, 23 Nov1:00PMAll About Chicken, Coffs Harbourtwilsoncrow80
Sat, 23 Nov12:00PMDa Franco, Concordjiayijames110
Sat, 23 Nov6:00PMZaap by Chang Thai Lao, Cabramattadinted170
Wed, 27 Nov7:20PMEpicurean Crown, BarangarooFat Horny Ghost257
Sat, 30 Nov5:00PMButchers Buffet, Blacktownsydney au6810
Sun, 1 Dec11:00AMHyde Park, Sydneycerealsmok3r550
Fri, 29 Nov6:30PMParap Tavern, ParapJaymeRyan50
Sat, 2 Nov4:00PMMt Gravatt Street Food, Mount Gravattilyhu130
Sun, 3 Nov6:00PMDavid's Master Pot, Underwoodp1723227
Sat, 9 Nov12:30PMGreen Zebra, Sunshine CoastAlley Cat90
Sun, 10 Nov6:00PMVizzeto Woodfire, Moorookaquop120
Wed, 13 Nov6:30PMOkami, SpringwoodWarmachine992710
Sat, 16 Nov12:00PMThe Gunshop Cafe, West Endquop212
Sun, 17 Nov1:00PMEl Atar, ToowoombaTooSerious250
Fri, 22 Nov12:00PMHanwoori Restaurant, Brisbanejaysee-teh250
Sat, 30 Nov11:30AMRen Yakiniku, Sunnybankjaysee-teh370
Wed, 13 Nov7:00PMIndian Temptations, Enfieldtwilsoncrow340
Sun, 17 Nov6:00PMBeach Bum, Hovekickling320
Sun, 10 Nov1:00PMBar Wa Izakaya, Hobartzelliot40
Fri, 8 Nov7:00PMWill's Dumpling, Moonee Pondsharryozz440
Tue, 12 Nov6:00PMMoohan, Box Hillhamroll510
Thu, 14 Nov6:00PMFortress, Melbourneneil940
Fri, 15 Nov6:00PMOkami, CragieburnRoadZilla190
Fri, 15 Nov12:30PMInglewood Coffee, Mount Waverleyneil470
Tue, 19 Nov6:30PMVillage Green Hotel, Mulgravepatryn330
Fri, 22 Nov6:00PMPacinos, Flemingtoncerealsmok3r210
Sat, 23 Nov12:30PMQuang Vinh, St Albansmangamuncher60
Fri, 29 Nov6:15PMMoon Dog Wild West, Footscraymangamuncher2110
Fri, 6 Dec4:30PMAsian Beer Cafe, Melbourneneil240
Sat, 9 Nov6:30PMThe Gate Bar and Bistro, SuccessOzbargainasaurus188
Sun, 10 Nov6:00PMMack Daddy's, Mount LawleyMixhael4019
Sat, 30 Nov6:00PMMack Daddy's, Mount LawleyMixhael211

46 events from 35 organisers.


  • ISP gonna host one in VIC?

    • +8

      Maybe if you pay for my plane ticket and accommodation :)

      • +7

        I've been legally claiming all mine as a work expense and/or tax 😜

        • Seriously? How?

  • Add the tag ozbargain18 to your posts.

    Regular users can't add tags to forum posts

    • +1

      I'll add the tag then, since I also need to manually set up the post as an event.

  • +20

    In the last couple of years we had accounts created just to have free meals at OzBargain meetups, and then never logged in again.

    Classic OzBargain behaviour.

  • +17

    people attending 5+ events

    Me, flat out having the social interaction battery to attend 1 meetup.


    • +4

      How about the IKEA cafeteria this year? Surely some LADDA would lure you out of the house

      • +3

        i HAVE been looking for a reason to make another pilgrimage to the slacks creek ikea… i really only need a few skadis panels atm.

        now i just need

        60 days of supplies
        oxen and carts
        rag tag team of scoundrels and misfits

        • +2

          Hm. Can the 60 days of supplies be in the form of Daim candy?
          Otherwise I think I've seen a rural produce shop down the road near the IKEA warehouse

  • +2

    Scotty coming to Melbourne?

  • +7
    • +6

      Trust you to be the first one haha

  • Nice! Can we see what the design will be for the shirt? And will there be hoodies to be given out again this year?

    • +4

      There are some limited left over hoodies from this year. However these are very limited.

  • There’s ayce at Tara sushi Surry hills if you wanna organise. Should be under budget

    • Do they sit more than 2 people at a table? Many places like that aren't suitable for big groups.

      • +1

        I’ve been there. Scotty won’t like it.

        • +1

          Oh damn and i was planning to organise one there

          • +1

            @kenadroid: Nothing stopping ya

            • +1

              @cerealsmok3r: Lol but it scotty says no then it's no right?

              • +3

                @kenadroid: Well if you want your meetup to have 25 or so people sitting in a line eating sushi then feel free, but I think scotty would like a meetup that is more dynamic and interactive. I mean that is the point of it anyway; the point wasn’t to just dine and dash, or so I learnt…

    • yooo i plan to organise that XD

    • i think they're cap is around 20-25 people. But im also not sure if they do reservations

      • Might have to call and ask

  • +4

    Thank youi Scotty and the rest of the team
    excited for this year's meetup! : )

  • Any follow up on this?

    • +11

      What kind of follow up are you expecting? We had pushed out an app on Google Play and App Store back in 2020. However the app sucks, and I really can't stand those platforms so we pulled the apps. Mobile web is still the best way to access OzBargain.

  • -1

    @scotty how to define "new accounts" ? is it too late to join now?

    • +12

      There's a reason I don't want to publicise the definition of "new accounts" here. However if someone still does not have an account here, should the person come to our 18th birthday meetup?

      • -1

        got it yeah definitely not. it will be just dash and go case

  • +1

    Thank you again @scotty for sponsoring these events. Looking forward to getting one organised in Adelaide.

  • With you turning 18 @scotty, what is going to be your alcoholic beverage of choice? Best start slow though, as we encourage responsible consumption of alcohol.

  • Does anyone host Birthdays in Vic - Gippsland ? or is it generally just Melb cbd/burbs? (I attempted to search but results were all over the shop)

    • +1

      Can't recall ever having a meetup in Gippsland? Where were you thinking?

      • I was just curious as I have never attended a birthday bash.

        If I can score a ticket or two (one for my brother) for Fortress that works for me (straight walk from flinders and I've never been there). Did tickets sell out fast last year?

        If there is a decent amount of gippslanders here, I would be interested in hosting a function at somewhere in the LaTrobe Valley in the future. I ran many 30-60ppl LAN-parties in a previous life.

        • +4

          Your brother will need an OzBargain account to attend, and not one recently created

        • Did tickets sell out fast last year?

          Within 24 hours.

          If there is a decent amount of gippslanders here, I would be interested in hosting a function at somewhere in the LaTrobe Valley in the future.

          Sounds good.

    • +1

      I hosted in the northwest area and theres a few towards the south or east side of melb cbd

  • +7

    For VIC, I guess we can do Fortress again.

    Thinking also would be nice to do a coffee meetup at Inglewood Coffee in Malvern. It would have to be a weekday mid-day thing like a Friday lunch or something? Would be cool to get a roastery tour followed by coffee & sandwiches/snacks(google.com).

    • You mean mount Waverley/notting hill?

      • Ha, yes.

    • In the unlikely chance the Melbourne meetup happens around the time of the Parramatta meetup I'll look at flying to Melbourne and Sydney :)

    • Friday lunchtime works well actually

    • This is literally around the corner from my work!! Perhaps it should happen for a non-official catch up anyway for anyone who is local in the area :D

    • I really enjoyed the last fortress meetup!

    • +1

      Just to update, we have Fortress on 14th penciled in and 15th for Inglewood. Just awaiting final confirmation for both.

  • +4

    " Budget for the 2024 events will be updated to strictly $45pp "
    Good budget Thanks :)

  • +1

    Thanks to everyone who attended last year, the positive feedback was well received and i can confirm that there will be another event in Moonee Ponds area (VIC)

    [VIC] OzBargain 18th Birthday - Moonee Ponds Meetup at Will's Dumpling (7PM on Friday 8th November 2024)

  • +15

    Can I just say that I reckon scotty's being incredibly generous by upping the limit to $45 as I reckon even the previous limit of $35 can still cover a lot of restaurants in Sydney.

    • +1

      Totally agree.

      Lower limits, encourages the OzBargainer's creativity :-)

      • +2

        That should be one of OzBargainer's DNA: Creative to be tightarse :)

        • Limitations fosters creativity.
          Knowledge comes from suffering.

    • +1

      I was planning to organise one that's half the limit but there's already going to be too many in Sydney lol

    • +1

      Maybe lower spend limit + OzB Clothing?
      $20 + Hoody
      $30 + TShirt
      $40 + Socks

      • +1

        could work but knowing how painfully this is logistically for the organisers and on ozb, I'd opt to be lazy and not take that approach

        • +1

          I was replying to the comment, that scotty was being generous with a upsized dining spend,
          AND still being generous with bringing t-shirts too.

          Lower budgets can incentivize OzB creativity, and the picnic in the park last year, with not-so-best-before drinks was great.

          I'd opt to be lazy

          It is a lot of (unseen) work to build community and to maintain community.

          • +1

            @whyisave: yeah definitely. I'm waiting to organise an event for sydney so all the lil youngins can organise their event. Iirc from last year, I've been heavily advocating and getting others to organise for more specific demographics. If all goes well we might see a females preferred event and a even a vego/vegan one. I'm happy to guide and advise.

      • +1

        I might be able to get a printed t-shirt done for $15 and but a printed hoodie done for $25?

  • +13

    I will be giving out OzBargain Prime Premium Plus stickers/bumpers at any meetups I attend. And as usual I'll be supplying prizes from other sponsors. Last year it was Razer mice.

    For those planning other meetups please don't message me days before your meetup asking if I can give you prizes. Impossible timeframes.

    • +1

      To clarify further. I give prizes to meetups I attend. I won't be sending you stuff.

      • +2

        Username checks out.

        "Are we clear?"


    • +1

      patiently waiting for a surprise Brisvegas leg added to the 2024 Clear tour

      • +2

        Too bad Bonza went under. I could have got cheap flights.

    • Ozbargain theme T-shirts again?

  • Soft cap of organising up to 2 meetups.

    Is this 'soft cap' per state?

    A person can attend 2 in NSW and then 1 in QLD (or VIC) ?

    • +5

      I’d imagine it’s Australia wide

    • +1

      i like to imagine those with access to company paid business trips be like yeah boss i got to visit some guys over in nsw, then vic then qld…all within the same week

      • What if that company is 'OzBargain Pty Ltd' ?

        • +6

          Just FYI there's actually an OzBargain Pty Ltd and that's not us. November is usually too busy for us to travel around anyway.

          • @scotty: Do you reckon they call themselves oz bargain too ? Or o-zee-bargain? Or Ozzie-bargain? Or oh-zed-bee-Argain?

            • +1

              @Jimothy Wongingtons: Anyone who pronounces Oz like Aussie or Ozzie is off their head lol.

              • +1

                @Clear: One of my boys in my workshop team calls it ozzie bargain lol- still not sure if he’s trying to wind me up or legit believes it to be that

      • +1

        consultants probs lol

        • +2

          Whatever they are, I’m sure they are professionals

  • +4

    Japanese Yakinuku Buffet @ Nikaido Mascot NSW is up pending Scotty's approval

  • +3

    As you can see the List of Events table in the post has been gradually populated. There are still some posts that have not been converted to events, as the date is not confirmed. Post a comment here to notify me that your event is ready.

  • +3

    Where are the QLD folks??

  • Event in Fortress Central Park is actually located in Chippendale NSW 2008. It is more into games etc.

    I wonder if we can add one more in the City 2000. It is in a food court area near Town Hall station, only 1 restaurant opens on Saturday morning until afternoon. It is Sayong Curry and Laksa (Malaysian restaurant). It is near Town Hall station and Hyde Park. Access from Woolworths Town Hall (at the back then go downstairs) or from Pitt St.

    In other events, people may feel hurry or more focus on eating like Ippudo Chatswood or the buffet in Mascot with small tables for example. But this food court is different as people can stay longer there and not that busy on Saturday. Also I think we can put the tables together, so more people on the same tables like long table if possible. Not only eating, but we can have a talk with other people too without hurry. Hyde Park is nearby too if people want to have a walk or play there after that.

    The prices are quite cheap as it is in a food court. Not only Laksa, there are other menu including rice and noodle too (check google maps). Cash only, but I think we can ask for the receipt. If not, then not this place.

      • Event in Fortress Central Park is actually located in Chippendale NSW 2008. It is more into games etc.

        I didn't miss it. I am asking if we could organise 1 in the City. Fortress is in Chippendale 2008, not Sydney City 2000.

        • +2

          It's literally a five-minute walk from Central Station.

          No one's stopping you from organising your own event.

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