[NSW] OzBargain 18th Birthday - Sydney Picnic Meetup 11AM on 1 Dec at Hyde Park


Had to wait a bit before organising one of the latter ozb birthday events for Sydney - This time we're doing a picnic! You may have seen my previous event that many people enjoyed and would tie in with Black Friday.

Details More Info
Date Sunday 1 December 2024
Time 11am - 4pm so feel free to drop by whenever
Location Hyde Park(maps.app.goo.gl) Happy to take suggestions on where exactly
How to get there 5 mins walk from the St James and Museum station and 10 mins from Townhall / Gadigal station. Timed street parking is available on the smaller streets though I could be wrong
Cap 150

While Scotty has provided a a generous budget per person, I'll try using about $20pp (will most likely be closer to $10pp). This is also a potluck so feel free to contribute! You can bring cutlery, food, drinks picnic mats and even activities. You can also give a helping hand as a co-organiser if people want to try out hosting an event.

Please let me know if there are any dietary requirements so that I can adjust what I bring!

Feel free to expect similar things as last year i.e. expired drinks, cheap food, maybe some home cooking batches. Will post more deets later

Looking forward to


Top Cashback: $15 cashback on min $15 spend for new members only. The code will be shared one day prior to the event so watch out for this space!
They have also kindly sponsored 2x $50 vouchers to give out
6x SMASH! double pass for SMASH!2025
Some Ozbargain shopping bags \
Watch this space for sponsorships and prizes!

Food menu

Sandwich platters
Buffalo wings
Expired Schweppes
Expired Sunkist

EDIT: Hey everyone! Sorry to bother you but this event will be moved to the Sunday due to personal commitments. Apologies for the inconvenience and hope to see you there!

EDIT 2: Scotty has allowed attendance to this event regardless of whether you hit the attendance cap or not. Since there's a surge in people coming, I might re-think how I will sort out food and will update below when I can. There is a good chance that shirts will be there but please do be respectful when it gets handed out.


  • +1

    We have way too many events in/around the Sydney centre/CBD.

    Food menu

    Expired drinks


    • +2

      Not expired, only past best before ;-)


      • +1

        That was a joke.

        Anyway I purchased a bunch of Mount Franklin water from Amazon and it has black particles floating everywhere inside. The shit's not even past the best before date :(

        Coca Cola is currently investigating.

        • +6

          That's the Coca Cola particles. Only difference between Coca Cola & Mt Franklin water is the number of particles

  • +2

    Don't you mean in Sydney? If we're looking to reduce, you could easily can remove the Bankstown event since you've got two events going on in NSW.

    I'm happy to cancel the event if that's the case, though there will be people that won't be able to attend the Fortress event which is the purpose of this event. If it's an issue of cost then I can make it a free event.

    Seems like you weren't there for the drinks. You actually missed out.

    • -4

      Not sure what you on about mate lmao

  • -1

    Watch out for my hat

    • ill take it. anything to store the drinks

  • +2

    Time to whip out the trivia again

    • omg yess plss. it was such a hit!

  • Can we bring alcohol?

  • Hope the weather is better this time around!

    • hope so too! thanks for your help last time (:

  • +3

    Need more exposure to a lot more people, so they know this event exist.

    The most important thing from meetups is not the food/beverages/prizes, but being together, spend time together. It's good for mental health. So many people got stress and mental illness from being alone/isolation during Covid, high inflation, high living cost, mortgage, etc. Maybe one of the reasons why some people attended some events previously.

    "Us being together is always
    A very big deal to me
    Us taking some time from our daily routines
    Only means that we care
    And we wanted to share for a while
    A tear or a smile
    Give part of ourselves to somebody else
    And our being together is always
    So honest and real to me
    Us both saying, 'Yes, I'm aware that you're there'
    Goes to show how you know
    When somebody loves you so
    Being together is my kind of fun
    Learning your ups and your downs
    Is my dance in the sun
    And if someone asked me
    What I needed to count on
    To make me as happy as I've ever been
    It would be our being together again"

    • -2

      People be downvoting in this comment section but scared to put their hand up to register to this event. How embarrassing!

  • +1

    Will Auntie be in attendance this year as well?

    • +1

      oooh not sure. maybe? we're pretty easy going so probs get blown away with wherever the wind is blowing and she might be attending whatever she is interested in

  • +3

    If this event is in an open, public park,
    you will find more people just not bothering to register for this event….but still showing up.

    • +1

      yeah they just won't get anything until they do so theyre excluded from any prizes or shirts. I'll probably close up like three days from the event

  • +1

    Bailed out last year due to bad weather. Hopefully dont have to bail this time 😁

    • yeah surprisingly we only got a little bit of rain so pretty decent turn up for the peeps

  • -1

    Hello does this need to be in a park? Budget is $45 pp so why not going somewhere else? There is a Korean BBQ buffet at Butchers Buffet Chinatown for $43.99pp for lunch on Fri-Sun. They provide halal meat and chicken, so it's great for people who can only have these.

    • -3

      OP just trying to get the lowest cost OzB meetup award :)

      oi @cerealsm0k3r stop downvoting me lmao

      • +2

        haha i wish. mines more communal where food isn't the primary reason for a get-together.

        usually more friendships are made from my events and I get the see lil ones grow :)

        • -2

          Are you gonna do the traditional water gun fight?

        • I saw ur other meetup at Pacinos VIC. I'm curious how is it different from this one?

          • @floxyz: pretty much the same thing. people get together have a discussion and talk about themselves, sometimes catch up with people from the previous year.

            I think the only difference is there will be prizes for this one.

            • -1

              @cerealsmok3r: Exactly! And it's not in a park, right😄 We can get together n hv a chat anywhere, but can you bring freshly cooked, delicious, juicy Korean bbq to the park?✌️🤤✌️

    • +3

      Feel free to organise your own

      • I'm just concerned not many people are gonna help OP finish the expired Schweppes and Sunkist hehe.. But seriously OP if you change the venue to Buthers Buffet Chinatown, you can count me in. Bring the Schweppes and Sunkist along. Maybe I will organise one next year, not this year

        • haha you'd be surprised! theyre the first to go since its still good and you can store them for special occasions. maybe it might not be the case since its not coke zero and bundaberg

  • try to cook sunkist wings with these expired one

  • +1

    I’m keen to come to this event last year was great

    • bring the drone again! maybe you and @emphasise can do a collab on the b-roll

  • +1

    Registered - at this rate I am guaranteed a Smash ticket!

    • bro stop. thats cheating lol

  • +1

    Hey everyone! Sorry to bother you but this event will be moved to the Sunday due to personal commitments. Apologies for the inconvenience and hope to see you there!

    • Ok, see you there 😀

    • +2

      November has 30 days …

      • 😂

      • +11

        That's a backdoored way to do an event in December. Someone might try to host an OzBargain Christmas Eve party on the 54th of November…

        • -1

          Shhh don't give them ideas scotty! Haha

        • is it ok to host for 1 dec or shud i jujst cancel? i cant actually host on saturday ://

          • +3

            @cerealsmok3r: 1 Dec is fine — making this the last event for this year. Sorry I can't make it on Sunday.

            • +2

              @scotty: awesome thanks scotty! I've amended the details for it properly now so happy for u to update the main table on the main page

      • +1

        LOL this is too funny

      • I knew something was up when I changed the date but couldnt figure out what facepalm

  • +1

    "Please note that the meetup event must be in November 2024."

    But since this is an exception that's been approved, then could be a good opportunity to distribute the late arriving T-shirts from China, for people based in Sydney ?

    • +5

      Yes. cerealsmok3r can pick up from my place when the T-shirts have arrived.

    • Yeah my bad. I totally forgot about a wedding lol

      • +3

        Maybe try to use "Google Task" app for example as reminder. If you lose your phone or broken, another phone/tablet/laptop with Google Task app can keep reminding you. Useful with sync if phone is lost/broken.

        I use Google Task, so won't forget things/appointments etc. When my previous phone has become broken with reminder app that doesn't have sync feature, then I have started to use Google Task with sync feature as it is useful for me. But no search function lol if people have too many reminders in the app.

        • oooh thats a great suggestion! I use google keep but i use so many apps to keep track of different things. ill definitely give it a shot

  • Yes that way, can save some local postage cost to the various Sydney organisers too.
    If 360 shirts ordered in total, and there are 17 Sydney events out of the 44 posted, around 140 t-shirts that's no need to send inter-state.
    (the maths above is simply based on number of events, not number of people attending for each event).

    • Pretty sure it’ll be whatever is remaining unless Scotty allocates a set amount.

  • +13

    I think it would be difficult to fill this 150 cap — some people would probably prefer events in buffets and restaurants & put themselves on their waitlists, and they would use up their 2 events limit. That certainly makes planning the picnic difficult when you don't know the numbers.

    How about me making this event excluded from the 2-events limit? Anyone interested to come can click on "Register" even when already registered with 2 other events?

    • +1

      Great idea!

    • +2

      Yes please Scotty, that would be really amazing! Would love to start my ozbargain merch collection!

    • +2

      Yes please. I wanna attend this one but I don't want to eat into my 2 attendance cap.

    • +1

      You should be able to just click on Register on this event regardless whether you have already registered to 2 events.

    • +2

      Yes, and use this last event to distribute the late arriving t-shirts to the Sydney people, maybe.
      Rather to post to various organizers first, then re-distribute to the attendees.

    • +2

      Very generous of you @scotty, thanks!

    • +1

      I think I set the limit as 150 so people can come and go throughout the duration of the event given that it coincides with Black Friday weekend.

      I think that works well if people are expecting shirts and they have not yet arrived in time for their events.

      • I think as a flow on question. Will this encourage people to max it out and attend two events elsewhere plus this event or are they unable to change the mind about attending unless its for the exception of relinquishing their registration if they are unable to attend

  • +2

    I'm a new user to ozbargain so am unable to register for this event? Would i still be able to participate? Of course I don't intend to participate in any of the prizes or t-shirts but would be happy to bring some food along for the potluck and chat with the rest of the ozbargainers if that's ok?

    • -1

      Yeah that's ok. It's better with more people as the cap/limit won't likely be reached. Only the prizes are for registered members (I don't expect it too).

      • +1

        Scotty allowed this event not being part of the 2 limit cap. So should be ok, but check with mods/ scotty

        • haha didnt realise this was the case but yes - the more the merrier!

  • Expired Buffalo wings please, or I'm not coming!

    • +1

      hahah please no - last thing i want is people dying from food poisoning

      • +1

        Does blue cheese dipping sauce expire? It's already moldy from day one.

  • +3

    seems like the forum has been locked so pls see below for list of sponsors and prizes


    Top Cashback - 2x $50 vouchers, $15 cashback on min $15 spend for new members only. The code will be shared one day prior to the event
    SMASH! Inc - 6x SMASH! double pass for SMASH!2025
    Ozbargain - OzBargain Shopping bags, OzBargain T-shirts
    ISP - Deep Massage Gun

    • oh these expire too lol

    • +1

      For the shirts can we do it raffle style? It's always a shitfight for the shirts and then certain sizes run out and basically whoever mobs scotty when he arrives gets one leaving the others who were standing around trying to socialise out of luck.

      • will this require people to be there at the same time for the raffle to happen?

      • will have to see how much is left but im leaning towards the shirts going to the people in chronological order and then it goes out to the rest before the cap was removed. that should be pretty fair and saves me the effort of organising a raffle

        this should be much because when i was looking at it, there were 8 people but maybe this was a bit higher

        • Chronological as in age of account or first to arrive or?

          • @Vavoom: I think the organiser means in the order of registration to this event, chronological.
            Not by account creation time.

    • Whats the code for top cashback

  • +2

    I was skim reading and saw the words "black" and "tie".

    Thought you updated the dress code to be a black tie event.

    But reread and was tie in with Black Friday

  • +4

    Just a heads up, weather forecast isn't looking good and looking like it may be similar to last year with rain. Current forecast 8.5mm rain 😬


    • +6

      time for me to show my blunt umbrella

      • +5

        OG's of Ozbargain's would bring their woodworms from this old deal

        One of my favourite purchases and more suitable for taller people like me


        Mine all got stolen throughout the years as I'd leave it outside stores or restaurants due to the size.. very sad times

        • +1

          Indeed, I brought my OG Woodworm last year. Looks like it'll be getting another showing this year.

    • +1

      AccuWeather is now saying "Mostly cloudy and warmer" but BOM says(bom.gov.au) "Medium chance of showers. The chance of a thunderstorm." but only 0-1mm of rainfall?

      • Yep, looks like the forecast now is looking good! Hopefully weather holds up on the day 👍

    • haha it might be similar turnout with 20~ peep rocking up. hopefully the rain starts after the event ends like last year

      otherwise bring all your ozbargain brollys!

      • Last year, there were trees to stand under, where the benches and tables were.

        What's the exact location, this year ?

        • will probs look for something similar

  • +10

    hellooooo everyone! hope everyone has their umbrellas and ponchos ready as it will be raining a bit on the Sunday! Please let me know if you're still coming to the event as I will start prepping and cooking now.

    whats on the menu:
    - vegetarian migoreng
    - ongiri diy sesh with (spicy) tuna mayo / furikake
    - american pulled pork
    - twiggy sticks
    - buffalo wings
    - dinner rolls
    - greek salad
    - salad with sesame salad dressing
    - potato salad
    - expired drinks (courtesy to SunnyC)

    The list is subject to change and there will be a few more things to come on the day as a lovely surprise! Please feel free to bring more food/cutlery/plates/drinks as I won't be supplying those. Also would be sick if someone could bring a gazebo or some tables.

    I will also need some helpers in finding a place to set up, welcoming peeps and making sure they guide the lost ozbargainers making their way there. Knowing me, I'll be late as usual haha.

    catchyas then!

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