[NSW] OzBargain 18th Birthday - Blacktown Meetup (Sat 30th Nov, 5PM, Butchers Buffet)

⚠️❗EVENT IS FULL❗⚠️ Click on waitlist and I can add you if someone drops out.

As per event description, PLEASE arrive @4:40pm for check in & name tags outside the restaurant.

Eat from 5pm-6:30pm.

Since this is a timed AYCE event, I don't have leeway for latecomers since the restaurant sets the time.

Late attendees after 5:03 pm will not be checked in so will lose their deposit.

We'll be busy eating or chatting with other OBs so will not be dealing with latecomers.

Thanks for your punctuality and understanding to help this event be successful.

⚠️❗Please only register if you intend to definitely attend because we need to prepay 48 hours in advance.❗⚠️

🥳🎂 Blacktown Butchers Buffet - OzBargain 18th Birthday Meet Up 🎂🥳
📅 Date: Saturday, 30th November 2024
🕖 Time: Meet at 4:40pm - please arrive on time Eat from 5:00 PM-6:30 PM (90 minutes buffet)
⚠️ Note: Deposit not refundable if you are a no-show or late-comer
🏬 Place: Butchers Buffet (https://www.butchersbuffet.com.au/menu) 21 David Lane, Blacktown NSW 2148
💲 Cost: $53 down to $45 (no cost for long-term OzBargainers) Thanks Butchers Buffet/@scotty/OzBargain/@ISP.
Over 10 years old is $53.99 at the door.
4-10 yrs old is $35.99 at door. Feel free to bring & pay at door.
🍽️ Menu: Korean 90 minutes Buffet: bbq meats, salads, cold & hot food, side dishes, sauces, desserts, hot beverage.
🍺Bonus: 1 free soft drink or Korean beer. (Any extra drinks will be at your expense.)
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Limit: 60 people absolute max. EVENT FULL
🎁 Prizes: Yes. Thanks to Creative Labs; @ISP, @Bottom G, @scotty🙂
🙏 Thanks! @scotty / OzBargain for sponsoring this event with a very generous subsidy of $45 p/p!
CONFIRMED OzBargainers ❗EVENT FULL❗ 60 people limit
1. @SydneySurfer 16. @dinted 31. @marynacion2018 46. @Veeehaaa
2 @2racha 17. @firedragon 32. @mikeoxlarge 47. @VKV
3. @Archdon 18. @I Smell Pennies 33. @myheartisforpizza 48. @vvaaa
4. @asianhatchling 19. @ichoosethesteak 34. @OnlyLurking 49. @CRS34
5. @BargainsForAll 20. @Irsekar 35. @Ozb4life 50. @dinhs
6. @BarginHunter 1980 21. @iScream 36. @Pilgrim7 51. @muchodinero
7. @Bottom G 22. @Janert 37. @pull the lever 52. @RoseJJ
8. @buynow thinklater 23. @Jen2023 38. @Rogerrr 53. @yuzeng1
9. @Cameron17665 24. @jonathansoriano 39. @sayno 54. @moogi27 n/s
10. @cheapm8 25. @juzzayy 40. @somekindofatightarse 55. @suanne6239
11. @Chinay 26. @kiarasvdm 41. @st.anger 56. @homersyd
12. @ChocolateMiwk 27. @kingfisherman 42. @Syd Bargain Girl 57. @crazyboy
13. @clockbook 28. @KoNpHuSeD 43. @Terrycrewscrew 58. @honeylemon
14. @cukecar 29. @lordra 44. @tianming 59. @homersyd kid n/s
15. @DanTheMan10 30. @LoyalSamoyed 45. @Tranks27 60. @kopaka
Creative Labs Exclusive Black Friday deal on OZBargain with 50% OFF on selected TWS and headphones
Exclusive Black Friday deal on OZBargain with 50% OFF on selected TWS and headphones.
Exclusive OZBargain Promo Code: OZB50
Available products:
Ace TWS Series: Aurvana Ace 2, Aurvana.
Ace Zen Air TWS Series: Zen Air Pro, Zen Air Plus, Zen Air 2.
Outlier Free Bone Conduction Headphone Series: Outlier Free Pro+, Outlier Free Pro, Outlier Free+, Outlier Free, Outlier Free mini.
Offer ends on December 31, 2024


  • -8

    Scary suburb…

    • Only for the brave …haha
      Seriously, some of the best Korean food is in Blacktown.

      • +1

        I've had a few, can't disagree. Give it a shot and pick one place that you know you like or close to public transport. Who knows, you might find there's a few local Ozbs in the area.

    • +1

      nothing too scary actually

    • +1

      I have tried Filipino food there and also watched a Parade there previously. it's safe for me to walk around there, even went to the local library too.

    • Yes, in 1995.

    • Not if you're black and from around town…

    • Spoken like a true city folk. You enjoying the harbour view

  • +1

    Let me know if anyone is interested and I'll organise.
    Butchers Buffet might be easiest.

  • +2

    Keen for 30 Nov butchers buffet

    • Done. Have sent message.

  • +1

    Butchers Buffet sounds good. I prefer 30th Nov.

    • Done. Please register asap as there is presently a limit of 20. Happy to ask to expand, but will see.

  • +1

    Prefer 30th Nov

    • Done. Have sent message.

  • Ok, 30th it is and Butchers Buffet.
    I have updated the title with the date and location.

  • +1

    Costs have definitely increased a lot, and with a weekend surcharge too now.

    In 2019, it cost $39 for the buffet dinner:


    Buffet includes Wagyu and Angus beef, pork, chicken, hot foods, cold foods, salads, sauces, condiments, coffee and desserts 😋👍
    Dinner further includes Steamed egg, Wagyu beef soup and choice 1 Can soft drink or Korean beer!!!
    LET'S MEAT 🤣🤪🥳


    Sydney's Best Korean BBQ All You Can Eat - Butchers Buffet
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Zmi-nP5lbA | 6:04

    Korean BBQ | Butcher’s Buffet |Grand Opening | Blacktown Branch
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bkr56JJ9mrI | 4:12

  • +1

    Anyone keen to swap this to LUNCH instead? $44 for lunch on Saturday.

    • +1

      That will clash with the picnic at Hyde Park

      Since, every weekend of November, has a birthday event,
      what about lunch-time, during the weekend of 2-3 NOV 2024 ?

      • +2

        Clash doesn’t matter as not many are turning up to the city event especially if they live in the west I think they’d choose Blacktown instead due to travel.

  • Ahh, Ok. Does that matter though. Anyone doing both?
    I can't do that weekend unfortunately.

    • +2

      Anyone doing both?

      AYCE Buffet and then sweating it out, on the way to Hyde Park later in the afternoon? haha

  • can you please share your payid for transfer?

    • +1

      Hi and thanks for registering. Have sent you pm.

  • +2

    Hi guys, I’m working with a contact of mine who works at Butcher’s to see if we can get the pricing down. Have advised OP re this. Will update in a few days…

    • Thanks. Will see what eventuates.

  • +5


    The contact I have with Butcher's Buffet has come through and thanks to him he's been able to help us celebrate OzBargain's 18th Birthday Meetup.

    The following has been proposed by my contact:

    "I would be able to assist to meet your $45pp budgeting requirements however will have to request the following to make it work. I will also further support the event by including 1x free soft drink/Korean beer per person."

    I've already called OP (SydneySurfer) to confirm the follow:

    • Location: Butchers Buffet Blacktown

    • Date and time: Sat 30 Nov, but time to be changed from 6pm to 5pm start

    • Price: Butchers Buffet will be able to match our $45pp budget, down from $52.99 (huge thanks to my contact).

    • Payment: must be in advanced (48 hours before actual event date). We will provide you a tax invoice if required.

    Many thanks,

  • +1

    Fantastic work ISP! Thanks so much for making contact and helping us out. Hope to see you there too.

    Get in quick everyone so you don't miss out for this no-out-of-pocket event, thanks to the generosity of @scotty, OzBargain, Butcher's Buffet and ISP's effort.

  • Can those who registered please remember to BeemIt $10 to my account to confirm their spot?

    I cannot send everyone a message since not everyone has messages enabled.

    My BeemIt details should appear once you register.

    If I have not sent a message to you, it is because you do not have messaging enabled. Please send me a message for details if you cannot see my BeemIt details.

    Thanks very much.

  • I checked my train timetable and it seems they only recommended bus on the day and time. Is there any trackwork from Ashfield on the day? Anyone has any idea?Thanks

    • https://www.transport.nsw.gov.au/system/files/media/document…

      But not sure how that would affect you as buses replace trains between Ashfield and Central not between Ashfield and Blacktown. They also replace trains between Richmond and Blacktown which shouldn’t affect you either.

      • Yes that’s what I don’t understand why Google map only shows buses option for me in that particular weekend. Thanks so much for your help anyway 😊

  • Hi all, the numbers have increased to 30 since more have shown interest.
    If you are still interested and have not registered, please feel free to register/waitlist because I can increase the limit if more OzBargainers want to attend.
    However, you must Beem me the $10 holding deposit with your OzBargain username as a reference so that I can confirm your registration.

  • Hi, I love to join but not able to register as my account is new. Let me know if you have a spot to make up the number. I can beem the deposit asap.

    • Sorry, I can't. Even one of my kids is missing out. My husband just scraped in. Next year!?

  • +3

    Hey all, I'm like many of you who are messaging me, in that some family members joined a few years ago and some haven't. Even one of my sons missed out on this Blacktown event because he'll be too new. I have a few grown up children and only 2 are members so the rest cannot attend.

    *If you are new or not yet a member and would like to attend, you are welcome.
    *You just need to join OzBargain and pay the $45 (discounted from $53) to me in advance.
    *That's because I need to prepay 48 hours in advance.
    *I will then add you to the booking.
    *You will not be registered officially on Ozbargain, as it blocks you from doing so, and since you will not be sponsored by Scotty/OzBargain.

    I hope that's OK and you will still choose to celebrate OzBargain's 18th b'day with us by paying the discounted price of $45 (with free drink) instead of $53.

    If you still won't make it, then maybe next year?!
    I'm planning on running this again next year if there's demand.

    • Thank you for your hard work! The message is clear. There's always next year too.

  • Hey, I have registered, just wondering if I can do payid/bank transfer instead as I do not have a beem account?

    • same! could you please share with me your payid details please

    • @Cameron17665, Please send me a message if you want to pay Via PayID. You don't have messages enabled. Thanks.

  • +2

    I plan on walking in, I will waddle out.

  • +1

    If anyone wants to sponsor this event with prizes, please feel free to contact me via PM. Would be excellent!

  • +2

    Hey everyone, I have an extra volunteer who just offered to tick people off the list so that I can increase the size of the gettogether. My husband. Is there demand for increasing to 50 people?

    • +1

      You also have me as a volunteer too :)

    • +1

      I can volunteer also. I'm not far off from the place so can get there early

      • +1

        knowing you probs volunteer to eat 🤣

        • +2

          Haha. Great Bottom G & ISP!

          *Told hubby that a few people were sad they couldn't go and I was unsure about too many people. So he said he'll help tick off names and round people up, etc. ISP should be a big help too since he's done this before. Thanks too @Bottom G for quick offer.

    • +2

      I am more than happy to help also.
      Please dm if you need anything. Cerealsmoker has my number. I can Dm you with it if you need.
      @Bottom G and @I Smell Pennies looking forward to seeing you guys after a year since our Parra meet!

  • I am interested.

    • +1

      I've opened up more spots so please register and pay the $10 deposit immediately if anyone wants to join in the birthday celebrations.

      • Many thanks. Registered and paid

  • -1

    6 years ago we live streamed in the event..could it be time?


    Book my spot in mate, send me ye ol PAYID please and I'll send over straight away

    • Can you register and pay as above please? See my post below and info in event. Glad to have you attend if you register yourself and BeemIt. Thanks.

  • beemit $10 for deposit, please add me, thank you

    • Done. Thanks.

  • +1

    Hi everyone. If you want to attend, please register and follow the instructions above. Pay via BeemIt as per above also. Sorry, am working every day and night and weekends for a few weeks (except for evening of Parra event), so can't go back and forth and chase payments. Thanks.

    • what hgappens if you dont have beem?

      • Hi @cerealsmok3r,

        I no longer have PayID. I had activated it for this but it gave away my personal email (not OB email as my bank only let me use the email on the bank account) plus it gave away my full name. So I removed it again after I was advised not to use it anymore, due to security.

        I don't give bank account details to strangers.
        I don't have BPay.

        Maybe you can join BeemIt (easy with a bank keycard) or have someone you know pay for you through BeemIt and you can reimburse them. Apologies for the inconvenience!

        BeemIt is really good and easy to use. I've used it regularly for years between family and friends for dining and presents, and it's been great.

  • beemit $10 for deposit, please add me, thank you

    • Thanks. Have added you.

  • beemit $10 for deposit, please add me, thank you OP!

    I cancelled my previous registration as it was before 12am on 10/11/24 but payment went thru at 12:01am 11/11/24 (in case it gets cancelled), so I just re-registered after 12am so I'm registered on the same day as the payment (ie. 11/11/24). Hope this is ok. Thanks.

    • Got it. Thank you. Have added you.

  • BTW @SydneySurfer - can i bring my kid (12yr old)? thanks

    • @homersyd Yes, you'll need to prepay $45 if you want them to receive the discount and free drink by being added to the booking.

      Or you can just turn up with them and pay the regular 12yr old rate at the door which is $52.99.

      I just checked their site and only 4-10 yrs old are considered children unfortunately.

      If you want to add your child, get in quickly please as my absolute limit is 60 people. There's already someone else who paid $45 to attend. Have added them to list above. So that's why event is limited to 59 self registrations, even though limit is actually 60.

      • EDIT: Paid for kid today thanks mate

        • Thanks for prompt payment. Have added to list above.

  • Do 2 year old kids need to pay separately?

    • Paid

      • Please check with restaurant if they charge for 2 yr old.

        • I checked they said infants 1-3 year old are $7.

          • @crazyboy: In that case, I think you can just turn up with your toddler and pay $7 at the door. :)

  • Registered and paid.

  • -5

    I’m not a big fan of the Butchers Buffet at Blacktown after going there a couple of weeks after it opened last year. It’s a shame it’s not being held at Volcanos steakhouse, I definitely would’ve come to that… Although, I kind of do protest a bit with my wallet and go there much less these days since Covid, before Covid they charged $52.90 for a 650g bone in ribeye steak (the Blacktown location didn’t exist then, it was only Parramatta and Bankstown), now they charge $86.90-$96.90 for a 500 gram bone in ribeye.

    They also had 2 flavours of protein shakes on their menu before Covid which they don’t have on their drinks menu anymore, I would always order the banana and peanut butter flavour one, since they don’t serve alcohol.

    • bro either couldn’t handle the negs or is a competitor 💀

  • @kopaka You do not have messages enabled but paid while on waiting list, Please pm me. Thanks.

  • +1

    ⚠️❗EVENT IS FULL❗⚠️
    Sorry to those who waitlisted and was removed accidently. If you want to waitlist again, I can add you if someone drops out. Or if the numbers increase.

  • What are hot b3verage at kbbq. Rsls have different types of soup. Anyone have idea. S

    • Not sure. If you call them and find out, please let us know.

  • I just returned to Australia from months overseas where I couldn't log in to my account. I registered for the event but apparently I'm on the waitlist.

  • +1

    Someone has dropped out so I am messaging people on the waitlist to offer the spot. If I message you, please let me know if you want the spot and pay the deposit. I'll go down the list if I don't receive a reply. Thanks.

    • I'm still 29, yaaayyyy!

      • +1

        It's actually alphabetical order so could change. 😀

  • +6

    @Jen2023 you have mail.

    Hey all, if any of you need to drop out, no worries. Please let me know tonight so I can offer your spot to those on waitlist. Thanks. 😊

    p.s. We have OzBargain tshirts to give away!

    • Yay!

    • Whoooo!
      Mate, if you need help with anything, let me know.

      • +1

        Thanks. Will send you a pm.

  • +2

    Hi all,

    Please read this message and the event info on this page carefully, and contact me if you have a question not addressed.

    Plan is to meet at 4:40pm today outside Butchers Buffet Blacktown.

    • ⚠️If you need to pull out today, please let me know so I can contact people on the waiting list.
    • 🙏 Then please click on "Cancel Registration" to let a waitlisted person attend.
    • I will then contact people on the waitlist. Unfortunately, since the event is prepaid, there will be no refunds of deposits.

    ❗Attendees will need to log in on their phones and go to their event page, which will automatically generate their personal QR code ready for us to scan.

    See scotty's explanation of how to generate your own QR code -> event checkin
    We will have volunteers there to help you log in as long as you know your OB username and password.

    Please note that expired QR codes are invalid.

    Scotty has said, "Do note that the QR code regenerates every few minutes (preventing people passing their own QR code around to have others check-in for them) so they do need internet access to regenerate their code at the spot."

    Attendees will not scan an event QR code. We will scan your QR code before distributing username labels and refunding your deposit.

    People who cannot generate QR codes and prove they are a sponsored OzBargainer will not be able to enter this OzBargain event.

  • +1

    Thank you for organising. Enjoyed the evening!

    • +9

      Every one got a tshirt/hoodie or prize. We were very lucky that we got so many tshirts this year due to the late delivery.

      Thank you again @scotty for sponsoring the night and OB goods.

      We had one no show as they forgot it was on. Sad as there were people on the waitlist.

      • Damn. I was next on the waitlist! Sounded like a great night.

        • @squeeb Yes, sad - sorry about that. I'm not allowing anyone next year who has a no show badge.

          Our no show was also a no show for Penrith. Very slack!

          When our no show registered for Blacktown, Penrith hadn't happened yet. I'll keep checking registered attendees next year in case registrants don't show up to a prior event.

          Hubby and I even visited the store during the day to speak to the manager, counted tables and make sure all was fine. The manager even printed out drinks vouchers for us especially. Really nice guy. So it's disappointing that you had to miss out.

          Please register next year. I'm going to record the waitlisted people from this year and put you all at the top of the list.

          • @sydney au: @sydneysurfer you and your hubby put alot of your own time and effort into the organising the event for everyone so appreciate that.

            I get that things happen and you have been very fair.

            Looking forward to catching up at next years event. I will get in early!

  • +3

    thank you for the night and the shirt! :)

    • +1

      You're very welcome.

      I'm sorry the prizespinning was slow to hand out prizes, but am glad that everyone got a t-shirt/prize. Hubby had worked hard to find and program a spinner that automatically removed OB names of previous winners, so that worked well, but it was done before we knew we had that many shirts and he did inform me once he knew that it didn't really suit handing out that many prizes. So my bad.

      It shouldn't be a problem in future though as our event just got lucky with tshirts this year. We'll use scotty's randomiser in future too which is faster if necessary.

      We hope everyone enjoyed themselves!

      *Am waiting for the no show to pay the difference so I can pay back @scotty's full $45.

  • +2

    Thank you for organising! 🙏

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