I have the single door version, triple door version such a good deal. Have installed for a friend. This only comes with sensor cables for 2 doors, if you have a third door you'll need to buy an …
Equates $12.24 each. Not homekit compatible. Compatible devices: Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, SmartThings, iOS devices, Android devices Remote Control: Control your home appliances remotely and …
Lowest I think it has ever been for the Apple Homekit 4 pack. Equates ($13.74 each). The Homekit with energy monitoring version 4 pack is also on discount with 10% off and $5 coupon stacked …
Hi there, Good deal IMHO, Alexa and home Kit compatible. Alexa Light Bulbs: Meross smart bulb is compatible with Apple HomeKit, Alexa Echo, Echo dot, and Google Home Assistant. You can control …
The Meross smart garage door opener is always popular and here's the updated version that supports up to 3 garage doors and has an external WiFi antenna to provide better connectivity/range than …
Hi All, Long time member but first time poster :-) I didn’t see this posted yet so figured I’d give it a go. OzBargains favourite smart garage opener is on sale at 40% off!! I’ve got this …
Remote and Voice Control: You can turn garage door on/off from anywhere with internet via the Meross app. Or control your devices hands free, just give voice commands to turn on/off the connected …
Solid deals starting at midnight on Meross products, for Boxing Day sales. Should be ATL’s on both the Garage Door Opener and 4-Pack Smart Outlets. meross Smart Plug WiFi Outlet with Energy …
Pretty much an all-time low price for this Light Strip. Bought it in the last deal and they're great around the house with HomeKit. What I've been using them for: TV bias lighting; Under …
70c off ATL at $12 each! Automate your Christmas Tree lights day/night, all-year round Save your neighbours precious fifty-winks by responsibly toggling your outdoor fair lights Warm up your Coffee …
A fresh ATL on OzBargains favourite smart garage opener! Save your loved one this Christmas when you leave on a 2 hour road trip and forget if you closed the garage door, or return home with baby …
Getting ready for your Xmas lights installation? meross dual wifi outlet is on special again $39.99 (same ATL as last year) Voice control: Control the outdoor smart plug by giving voice commands to …
Almost ATL price on this 4-pack of Meross Smart Plugs! A fantastic price at $12 each. Automatically turn off devices/lights after hours to save power Turn on your WFH office heater every morning as …
Ripped right from this deal and a tad bit cheaper that it! I was in the hunt for this item in the last week, and held tough knowing Prime Big Deals Day was coming… Glad I waited as it's …
Was looking for this when I missed the deal and it came up again. Made sure to see if its compatible with your garage door first though Mine was a Steelline SD1200 which the support team said was …
These smart garage door openers have always been popular here and now it's even cheaper than the previous deal on both the HomeKit and non-HomeKit versions. To sweeten the deal further you can …
Was looking at expanding my smart products and noticed the Hub was $10.99USD for the AU version, free shipping too and 5% off with "welcome" Unsure if matter supported but for the …
First time poster! Works out to ~$12.5 each. ATL was $48.29 last December according to 3camel. Using them with https://github.com/albertogeniola/meross-homeassistant in my Home Assistant …