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Best sub $400 phone camera

Nexus 5 just died Just want the best camera / largest onboard storage for the price. Ideally running a clean version of Android 8.1 Thanks in advance.

Vibram Fivefingers Shoes

Looking to get some vibram fivefingers any ideas where I can get a discount? Any other recommendations for minimalist/ barefoot experience? Thanks

Outdoor Table + Chairs

Need a new 6 seat outdoor setting. Something a bit funky the the dog won't destroy jumping on, maybe resin? Suggestions?

Wusthof Classic Super Slicer (10" 26cm)

Looking for this knife cheapest I can find is $155 anyone know a good place to buy wusthof?

US Car Rental website?

Need a one way rental for for about 3 weeks in the US. Any recommendations for a website cheaper than the usual?

Flat bar road bike / commuter (Perth)

Flat bar road bike / commuter. Suit 181cm Male Frame 55-58cm / Large Mid - high end components Perth can weight on freight Any good deals around can't find much except low end of full road.

Instantaneous Gas hot water (WA)

Our old Bosch has finally died. So need a new instantaneous Gas hot water system and install in Perth. Any recommendations?

Queen bed

Need a queen bed for the spare bedroom any recommendations?

18V Drill/Driver Kit

Looking for a good deal on a cordless 18V Drill / Driver Kit. Only for around home so don't know what way to go. No rush so can order from overseas if significantly cheaper. Any ideas …

128GB + USB 3.0 thumb drive

Any suggestions on what to get and where from? Wanted small fast, reliable and ideally cheap.


Swap to Telstra mobile network

Need to swap to Telstra for work coverage. Any good signup bonuses for porting a #? free first month / discount etc? I am looking at the $27 / $25 plans from Woolworths / Aldi. Thanks

Pandemic Legacy

Looking to find this a bit cheaper for a gift. Cheapest can find $95 thought I had 10℅ of but doesn't work.

New Kettle?

After a new kettle what/ from where do you recommend? any good deals around? Thanks

Need to spend $2500 on Credit Card

I have a new credit card and need to spend $2500 I don't really spend much other than groceries any ideas? I shop @ coles so maybe some discounted cards can i get 5% off? If so where??? Any …

Nexus 5X case

Picked up the Nexus 5X and want a case I know the adopted one is half price but prefer the style that isn't on sale. A quick look at ebay has 'genuine' in the $15-$20 range. Any …

OneWorld Status Match?

I am Gold on Emirates but after an One World airline, to status match. AirBerlin won't do it, any other suggestions?

Jacket Hardshell Similar Quality - Arc'teryx Alpha / Beta

Looking for a hardshell Jacket (maybe softshell) good for hiking, snow, cycling Ideally: 3L Goretex / similar waterproof windproof Current pick Arc'teryx alpha or beta Any suggestions on …

High quality secateur / pruning shears

Looking for a gift for someone who loves gardening. High quality secateur / pruning shears. Any advice would be appreciated.

Best Deal for a PS4

Hi looking to buy another PS4 missed the $411 1TB / Uncartered Target deal & no stock @ Kmart $349 500gb Any Ideas?


PlayStation Plus (AUS or US)

looking for a discount on playstation plus any ideas? Thanks in advance

South Korea Snowboarding Dec/Jan

Looking for a deal for Snowboarding in South Korea fly from either Perth or Melbourne Thanks


US or AU PSN - which one should I go?

Hi just got a PS4 should I go with the US or Australian Playstation Network? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Soda Stream

Hi Looking for a Soda Stream for a gift. The best price I can find is $95 for the source element. What one should I get and where can I get it the cheapest?

PS4 cheaper than $377?

Hi Looking to get a PS4 would prefer the 1Tb but Dick smith has the 500gb for $377 any better deals around?

Mens Leather Shoes

Looking for some good quality, black mens leather shoes (without a slippery sole). Something I could wear to a job interview etc. Any ideas would be great

US car insurance options ???

Hi I am going to hire a car in California for about a month I can find reasonable rates for hire but when you add the sli / cdw insurance options it more than doubles the price. I am looking for a …

Good oven under $2000

Hi I am after a new free standing oven. Must have a gas cooktop The oven can be gas or electric (is there much difference?) Under 80cm wide would be the best but can go to 90cm I am in Perth Any …

Undersink inline water filter

Hi Looking to filter my kitchen water supply things I am after Particulate reduction, Chlorine reduction, Taste Odour reduction, Parasitic Cyst removal; Giardia and Cryptosporidium. There is such a …

Unlimited Internet / Phone Bundle ???

Hi my contract has just expired with DODO so wouldn't mind swapping I checked out whirlpool but nothing is really sticking out. What they are offering to stay with them: $59.80 / mth …

High End Road Bike?

Hi looking for suggestions on a high end road bike . US sellers are fine as I am about to head there but would prefer an Australian vendor What I am currently considering ($1400 US) …

New phone <$400/mth or Plan <$40/mth

Hi looking for a new phone under $400 probably an android unless I can be convinced otherwise. Was thinking about getting the nexus 5 unless there are any great phones/plans I should jump on willing …

Best Laptop under $500????

Hi my laptop is on the way out so I need a replacement. Mainly use it for the internet/downloads, office & connecting to my TV. So the only thing I really need is HDMI out. Any ideas would be …

Logitech z906 Speakers

Hi I missed the DSE deal last month & want another set of these great speakers but only want to pay about $300 any ideas?

Best Price for Audio-Technica (ATH-M50 or ATH-ANC9) to Perth within a week

Hi looking to get both Audio-Technica ATH-M50 Professional Studio Monitor Headphones -Coiled Cable Audio-Technica ATH-ANC9 QuietPoint Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Wine Delivery

Hi my house mates are drinking lots of red wine so thought I would be "nice guy house mate" and get them some wine delivered.

Need to spend exactly $100

Hi I have $100 visa electronic gift card that is about to expire Any ideas how i can turn it into something useful like a coles or woOlies gift card would be great.

Nexus 4 Bumper case

Hi looking to get a Nexus 4 bumper but google are out of stock My preferences on brand #1 Google OEM #2 Shenit #3 Abacus #4 Poetic where can I get one in Australia not from Ebay?

New phone? Crap then upgrade or reasonable but outdated?

Just lost my phone and can't decide what to do Option #1 Buy a cheap phone (less than $50) and wait for the Galaxy S4 or Nexus 5 Option #2 Buy a Galaxy S3 or Nexus 4

Best Foreign Exchange Rates for cash??

I already use a 28 Degrees card overseas, This time I need hard currency before I leave because it is a pain finding an ATM in Japan.

Nifty Fifty - EF 50mm f/1.8 II -Best Price

Hi after a gift for my brother and thought the nifty fifty - EF 50mm f/1.8 II would be great so iam looking for the best price or a better idea for a lens

High Quality King Size mattress – Perth

I need a new bed and I want it to be awesome but I don’t want to spend too much.

HD Projector – Xbox & Movies

It will be used to watch Movies & play Console games.

Light 13” laptop comparable to Mac Air

I want a small and light laptop (13") to run windows 8 ($14.99 upgrade) about the only comparable thing I can find is Samsung Series 9 but it is expensive

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Hi looking for some reasonable quality thermals for snowboarding and hiking. If anyone could point me in the right direction it would be great.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Hardened Edition

Looking for a copy of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 - Hardened Edition for XBOX 360.


Anyone have much experience with US mail forwarding?

In-Car GPS unit

Hi I want to buy an In-Car GPS unit as a xmas present max budget $250 it is for my parents so relatively simple and I think at least 4” I was looking at maybe tom tom XL340 but I don’t really know …

Mobile phone

I need to get a mobile and use the Telstra network due to coverage while at work. The phone will mainly be used for receiving calls and occasional 5-10 min std / mobile call also I would like not …

50% off First Year Hosting

expired 50% off First Year Hosting

yevo I have been using these guys for about 3 years now and I have never had any dramas. The deal is you get a 50% discount for your first year of hosting. Just order a …