Unlimited Internet / Phone Bundle ???

Hi my contract has just expired with DODO so wouldn't mind swapping I checked out whirlpool but nothing is really sticking out.

What they are offering to stay with them:
$59.80 / mth Unlimited Internet & line rental (Only pay 22 out of 24 mths)

the price is reasonable but internet can leave a bit to be desired at times.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions


  • If you dont need customer service TPG's about the same in price
    But customer service is terrible..

    We had trouble when we first signed up with TPG, But since changing away from a Billion Modem, We have had little issues other than having to turn off power and on again on modem maybe once a month…

    If u need phone calls they have $10 for unlimmited Australia Wide LandLines (not mobiles) and 100 international minutes… Includes 1300 numbers too..

  • Thanks don't use a home phone

    • I have been looking as well but nothing else seems as good if you are on the Telstra Network.

      If you have access to the Optus Network, give the Spintel urban plans a look. You might not need unlimited as well, looking at my Dodo usage history I struggle to go past 50GB..

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