Riczter » posts

How do I do bold text and in-text links in forum posts?

is it as simple as bold and a href?

How would this go running Win7Pro - C30 Processor

http://www.horize.com/index.php/catalog/product/custom/id/167 How would this go running Windows 7 Pro. its got 4GB RAM so the main problem would be the CPU at only 1.2GHz.

Sony's new MUTEKI iPod Dock.

Was looking for a good set of party speakers and was going to get these for $422 http://www.jbhifi.com.au/portable/mp3-players/ipod-dock/sony/420-watt-mini-mu-te-ki-ipod-iphone-dock-sku-90005/ when I

Good Speakers/iPod Dock for outdoor parties

I need a really good new set of speakers or decent ipod dock for outdoor parties. Doesn't need to be waterproof or anything, as it will be undercover, but it needs to have good build quality.


Hey, I wanna know if I can use my crappy HP laptop with E450 processor as a HTPC running XBMC.

Mach Xtreme MX-ES 32GB

Saw this today, got me a little excited. I've been looking for a good value high speed thumb drive for ages now. Is there anything else like this on the market?

Parrot AR.Drone 2.0 Alternative

Hey those parrot drones are really cool but they cost $350 for the new model.

Blu-Ray Player

Lookin for a BluRay player with no frills (none of this smart tv stuff), a USB port would be good, but just something simple for the parents.

Looking for good laptop running Win 7 Pro x64

Looking for any reasonable deals under a grand for a laptop for a business customer who wants it to have Win 7 Pro x64. Any suggestions?

Cheap inkjet wireless printer/scanner for Mac and PC

Hey can anyone suggest me an inkjet wireless printer/scanner that works for both mac and PC that is cheap but still reasonably reliable? From a local store like JB/DSE/HN/TGG if possible. Thanks

Tough Laptop for a Clumsy Friend

My clumsy friend is looking for a new laptop. I want something that's tough and resilient, but doesn't look as ugly as those "ruggedised" laptops that fold into a mini military grade briefcase.

$700 Gaming PC in Perth

Can anybody help me find a prebuilt gaming pc (i5,8gb,1TB,HD7850,usb3,nice-ish case, etc) in W.A. for $700-$800?? I'd go MSY and build it myself but I just dont have the time :(

Flingshot: Samsung Series 9 Ultrabook NP900X3C-A03AU $1088 Delivered. Direct Import

expired Flingshot: Samsung Series 9 Ultrabook NP900X3C-A03AU $1088 Delivered. Direct Import

I'm surprised no one else has posted this yet. Got this email from flingshot this morning: " Samsung Ultrabook Scoop Purchase

Best site to get Genuine Toner for Laser Printer?

Hey, What's the best online store to buy Genuine Brother Toner for my Colour Laser printer, delivered to North Queensland?

Best Ultrabook under $1500?

What's currently the best Ultrabook out there under $1500. I've been checking out reviews but there's a lot of them. Any personal experiences and suggestions would be appreciated.

Ultrabook with backlit keyboard and touch screen?

I'm looking for an ultrabook with the following specs. Let me know if it exists :) Windows 8 Ivy Bridge Core i5 4GB or 8GB RAM 500GB + 24GB SSD or straight 128GB SSD

Looking for a decent Colour Laser MFP under $500

I've had a look at the Samsung SCX-4833FD which is only mono and not wireless, and I've had a look at the Brother MFC-9325CW which has colour and wireless but no auto duplex..

Good Deal on a laptop under $800

Need a new laptop that is reliable and isn't gonna turn to shit in a year.

Multifunction Laser Printer

Need a new cheap MFP, with Double sided laser printing, scanner, fax, and auto feeder for bulk scanning to PDF. Doesn't need to be too big or fancy, but needs to be reliable and easy to use.

Pallets in Maryborough QLD

Can anyone recommend me a place to get some pallets on the cheap?

HELP! Need Pallets. QLD

So we just moved several sea containers of stock over to Queensland. And I just got here and there's stuff-all pallets to put it on. I don't know the area.

Skip Bin Hire in Perth

Can anyone recommend a good value skip bin hire for me in Bibra Lake (South of the River)? Need about 6 cubic metres.

Large framed surf pictures in Perth?

Hey, I'm looking for some good value, big pictures of surf or waves or stuff like this: https://www.facebook.com/WillemUngermannPhotography/photos_stream to stick on my wall.

FREE PALLETS - Perth, Bibra Lake.

The warehouse i work in is closing down and we have like several hundred pallets to get rid of. Does anyone have any tips for what the quickest, cheapest way is to get rid of them?


MLN computers introduces a new, Australian designed laptop

MLN computers introduces a new, Australian designed laptop. The Blackbook Venom.

i7/8GB/500GB Laptop under $750 available for local pickup?

Hey, I have a friend/customer who wants me to get him a good value laptop.

Motorcycle gear in W.A.

Hey can anyone help me find some good value mc gear here in Perth?

Hawaii Deals

I'm off to hawaii soon, and want to know if anybody who has been there recently can offer any advice on where to find good deals or even just general travel advice about things to do and must see plac

Best option for making phone calls while overseas?

Going to Hawaii soon with a couple mates and wondering what the best option is to be able to stay in communication with each other, and to be able to send and receive calls back to family in australia

LUGGAGE - the awesome ones with the swivel wheels that you can just wheel along next to you

I'm sick of lugging around my heavy suitcase while I'm away.


NEW Kogan Agora Tablets from $119 - any good???

As the title suggests, are kogan's new range of tablets worth spending the money on or better to steer clear? For $119 plus shipping it seems like a pretty decent price.. Comments?

Bluetooth headphones for music

I'm looking for some cheap bluetooth headphones for music (not for taking phone calls). Any ideas?

How to avoid conversion fees while paying for stuff overseas?

So I'm travelling to Hawaii next month (woo). I was just gonna take my Westpac debit mastercard, and withdraw cash from ATMs as needed, and pay for stuff on the card as needed.

$500 Tablet either OS Please discuss

Mate of mine needs some help on a tablet, but cant post on new accounts for 24hours.. see below


Foxtel Alternatives

We've got foxtel and it costs a fortune. Half of us in the household want to get rid of it, the other half are saying "over my dead body". Are there any alternatives???

Cheap Gym Bag

Here's a random one, I need a cheap bag to go to the gym. Just to hold a towel, water bottle, change of clothes, pair of sneakers, etc. One of those carry bags not a backpack.

Asus S56CM-XX013H Ultrabook Harvey Norman Clearance $837 + $6.95 Shipping

expired Asus S56CM-XX013H Ultrabook Harvey Norman Clearance $837 + $6.95 Shipping

My first post - I found this on HN, looks like a good deal for a high end ultrabook. Could do with 8GB RAM but that's a cheap and easy upgrade.

Any cheap computer stores in Perth?

So I know there's MSY, but they are usually pretty busy. Are there any other computer stores that offer really good deals on custom builds.

Best deal on a new TV

Mate's TV just crapped itself. He kinda wants to get a new TV ASAP, but is there likely to be some AMAZING deals on boxing day sales or is it all just hype?

Apple MacBook

I need a budget macbook for a mate of mine who's a bit of a musician, plays with garageband, mixes songs, etc.

Best Value SSD

I need a 128GB SSD. I been trying to follow the SSD market, but its hard to keep up with what's what. I know that prices have been coming down heaps lately which is sweet.

USB3 SATA Hard Drive Dock

Hey I need to get a good SATA dock with USB3. Something sorta like this is the best i could find: http://www.vantecusa.com/en/product/view_detail/414

Cheap Video Camera

Hey OzBargainHunters