How would this go running Win7Pro - C30 Processor…

How would this go running Windows 7 Pro. its got 4GB RAM so the main problem would be the CPU at only 1.2GHz.

Can anyone recommend anything else with or without an OS, $250-350 13"-15" screen that will run win 7 pro 64bit well enough?


  • not good

    just google "w246 horize" for the details

  • +1

    It will run windows reasonably, depending on your expectations.

    1: CPU clock rate doesn't mean much any more.

    2: I think tonyjzx is (not very clearly) getting at issues with hardware h264 support. This only applies to playing HD video and it should work just fine, but apparently some software configurations have issues.

  • just realised its only single core though. Nah I think I can do better. I Need one of those windows 7 notebook deals for $300-350. Windows 7 Pro is no longer an issue. Win7 Home is fine. Something with one of those E-340, E-450 or A4 fusion processors. Any ideas? I haven't seen many of them around lately. Probably because they usually put em in the cheap HP Compaqs which are pieces of crap and no one wants to buy them anymore haha

    • The E-450 is really slow. I have a 4 year old Pentium Dual core T7700(?) which beats the pants off it.

  • Asus X55A might be the go

  • granted its only $199 but something that is cheap but doesnt do what you want or requires a lot of jacking around to get a half arsed result isnt a bargain

    a hd4000 laptop should do really but with haswell around the corner i reckon there's gonna be some cheap shit come EOFYS

    • +1

      Haswell has very little to do with this end of the market. Also, why HD4000? Any intel on-die GPU is more than capable of office/web/video tasks.

  • Yeah thats a good point. I should see what the next couple of weeks shakes out

  • Try the Acer factory store for refurbished notebooks. I got a Pentium Dual Core model for $329 minus $100 from cash back (which I'm still waiting for). Looked brand new.

  • I would recomend xubuntu on something like this, its FREE and is a cross between XP and OSX… Loads of free programs that are now every bit as good as the paid ones for windows & its FAST on almost any hardware. Its as easy to use and configure these days, just google any question and you will have an answer… Secure compared to windows for banking too

    also free, free, free. free to download, free to install and free to keep up to date

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