Any cheap computer stores in Perth?

So I know there's MSY, but they are usually pretty busy. Are there any other computer stores that offer really good deals on custom builds. Over east there's like centrecom and Vision Tech and Mr PC Geek, but I hate paying the rediculous shipping to get it sent here to perth.

Over here in the west we got Storm, Arrow, and Austin Computers, but all of these don't seem to have as good deals as whats over east. I'm looking at a 'Core i5/8GB/1TB/HD7770/tt500w/usb3/no OS' gaming machine from Mr PC Geek. Upgrading the GPU and PSU and including shipping ($40) still gets it to my door step for $662 which seems to be the best deal I can find on quality reliable parts prebuilt with 2 years rtb warranty. Any other suggestions?

I know I should build my own, and I'm going to learn soon, i promise haha, and I know theres prebuilt systems on PCCG which are reliable but again shipping kills it. Are there any alternative stores I've missed that have good deals? Or any other suggestions for getting the best bang for buck.

Also can someone link me to the best source for learning how to build your own PC, installing CPUs, motherboards and PSU's. I really do need to learn :P Thx!


    • Nice, that should keep me going :)

  • +4

    PLE … not as cheap as msy but 99.97% more responsive to customer support.

    And: [this is 100% true]

    Twice i have been to austin to buy stuff and i asked a simple question and the bloke said "I am a salesman and i do not/cannot answer questions"

    I staggered out the door in disbelief.

    This happened 2 times!

    I asked a simple question like "do you reckon ddr400 ram is backward compatible with ddr333 ram?"


    • as a salesman he's not very good if he just lost a sale. at least he could have shown you to someone that did or could have. It truly boggles my mind where customer service is heading and it's one of the best things they could do to differentiate themselves versus online stores.

  • Ahh, i forgot all about PLE.. and they have a store just up the road from me! … I should take my Mr PC Geek quote into them and ask if they can beat it.. Cheers mate! :D

  • +4
    • I've always been served pretty well at this place and the prices have always been pretty decent too and I'd travel far just to get there. Whether it's the cheapest, I don't know but sometimes getting the right information and service is worth that extra amount unless you know everything before you go :P I've also seen a few deals pop up here from Netplus too so they can at the very least be competitive.

    • Netplus is my favourite computer store in Perth. PLE and MSY are usually slightly cheaper, but Netplus has much, much better service.

      I would also recommend Trinix for their fantastic service. Their prices aren't as competitive, however.

  • If you bomb out let me know. My company does custom builds. We are not usually the cheapest but if a quote comes in we do try to price match if needed.

    • Cool, are you north or south of the river? If south, give me a website or contact details.

      • +1

        We are indeed South of river in Oakford. At the risk of coming across as an advertiser for my company, which is not hat this web-site is intended for (I peruse it on a personal basis), you don't know how to PM on this site do you? Can't seem to find it anywhere.

        Tell you what, our Facebook link is this:

        Inbox what you are looking for (like what you were after from Mr PC Geek, and Ill see whether we can help you.

        • +1

          Thanks, I'll keep it in mind

  • PCCG were terrific for me….

    I bought ALL the components for a home built i7 system, except the case from them, and it was still way cheaper even with the postage but the "send backs" were a killer :( Plus I couldn't get the MB in Perth.

    I had a power supply fail and replaced free but it cost $40 out of MY pocket to send it back. Then there was the 64Gb SSD then the MX5500 keyboard combo and now it is another dud MX5500.

    Good savings initially but big losses since :(

    • Just checked out prices of a replacement wireless desktop….

      Austin prices same as PCCG but without the $15 delivery :)

      Yes, I know! No service!

      I'm just going to walk in, ask for a wireless desktop, pay my money and walk out. No need for service, just a good price :)

  • MSY is by far the cheapest. Just pick out the parts you want and get them to build it for you, it only costs $50-70 IIRC

    • I generally agree, I have bought about 5 components from them in the last few months but, at the time, they didn't have the motherboard I wanted nor the SSD. And I have bought SIX 3Tb external HDDs recently (2 at a time, 3 occassions) and they were NOT the cheapest :( Dick Smith and Officeworks were :(

      • Yeah they generally do have the best prices, which is one of the reasons they run out of stock of everything. You must have caught those hard drives right when the prices all dropped, I'm sure MSY's prices will drop lower again if they haven't already. But It still always pays to use StaticIce to check for cheaper prices elsewhere with specials and clearance items. MSY cant ALWAYS have the best price on EVERYTHING.

    • 70 bucks to build and test yeah, which is pretty good. However they are too busy, they gave me a lead time of 2-4 weeks. So I decided last night to just get the parts there and work out how to build it myself. I have to learn at some stage :)

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