I'm looking for some cheap bluetooth headphones for music (not for taking phone calls). Any ideas? Hoping to only spend around $50 but it depends what's out there. I like the ones that sit on the ear and loop behind the head, more than the traditional ear muff design that loops over the top of head.
Bluetooth headphones for music

do they stay on while jogging?
Yep, for a 6km jog i had to make slight adjustments to one side twice because it was annoying me but it wasn't coming off. It could also be due to my ear shape?
I have the Nokia BH-501
http://shop.bigpond.com/Product.asp?Action=Detail&ID=177780It's not the latest model (released in 2007) but if you want good quality sound and rich bass this is the one to get.
Review: http://www.cnet.com.au/nokia-bh-501-339273962.htmThe only issue is that it pinches my ears a bit (I have a rather large head, so YMMV).
Also these are NOT suitable for sport because the ear pieces are covered with foam that are easily destroyed if you sweat too much into them. Buy sport earbuds if you want to go running.I wouldn't say the BH-501 are good for music at all!
They do the job, but they're not what I'd describe as "good".I also find them uncomfortable after wearing them for 40 minutes or so. (but also have a big head)
Maybe more expensive than what you have in mind but I have the iTech MusicBand 807 which are some of the most lightweight and compact bluetooth music headphones I have tried. They came out in 2010 and were recently discontinued. You can still get them from ebay but only as a set of two - http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/iTecH-MusicBAND-807-Stereo-Blueto…
Good battery life and sound, and you hardly feel them. I previously had Creative SL3100 b/tooth headphones which sounded better (very clean with absolutely no static) but were quite bulky and would make your ears sore after a few hours.
I have a pair of Avantalk Jogger headphones
http://www.avantalk.com/products02.php?id=9I think I paid about $30 for them a couple of years ago…been quite happy with it.
They are lightweight, good battery life, has track control buttons and also can use for long phone calls.Great Suggestions, thanks!. Keep em coming tho ;)
I know this is a bit old but this is a left~ish of field option http://www.indiegogo.com/Cynaps
Bone conduction caps…who knew…
I got the Kogan ones http://www.kogan.com/au/buy/lightweight-bluetooth-headphones… for running and they pair quickly and easily and I haven't experienced any dropouts and they seem to have decent sound quality. But having said that, the higher end ones might have amazing quality and i just have no idea! For $29 and free shipping i think they're worth having a crack at. I think battery life is about 5hrs but i just use them for jogging and don't jog that long so haven't run them all the way down yet! Bonus (i know you don't need it) is that you can take phone calls with these.