So I just had my motorbike stolen.. :'( Probably already been sold for parts by now.. <sobs> But I wonder, are there cheap GPS tracking devices you can fit to your vehicles that are set …
Following on from my previous thread, it seems there are plenty of ways to send money instantly. But what about credit? Say you get paid tomorrow, and seen something on gumtree that you want to buy …
I believe the person that makes this possible, without having to be signed up to something first (ie so you can send to ANY person's bank account) will be very popular. But I think there are …
I may be driving a car from Adelaide to Perth in the next few weeks. Longest drive I've done is Perth to Esperance so I'm a bit green and wary of the trip. Any tips? How should I plan the …
I figure now's the time to do it, hopefully theres some good deals in the ebay sales. Bout to have a good look now but have no idea what i should be lookign for in terms of brand names or …
If I ran an online store selling laptops, a registered business with an ABN and everything, but not registered for GST, and I sell an Acer laptop to someone, and its one of the models that has a …
I've got no experience in this field, always just gone with a stock cooler on my PC Builds. I just gave my mates computer the SSD Upgrade treatment, he's loving it so far, but the CPU fan …
Is Paypal Here the way to go at 1.95% or is there a better cheaper option? Needs to be something I can take with me so things that link to my smartphone are probably better than an eftpos reader?
I tried to Google it, from what I can tell if you earn over a certain amount, and have private health insurance, you get less of a rebate, or if you dont you have to pay more medicare levy, or if you …
I'm starting to do a lot of call outs for PC Repairs and upgrades and it struck me that I really need a mobile toolkit that I can put everything in so I can just take it whenever I go out and …
Getting into a bit of gaming, and my ancient HD5700 isnt really cutting it. What should I get that's not going to break the bank? Probably looking for something between 100 and 150. Willing to …
Parents are building a new house soon and I said I'd lookout for a deal on downlights. I saw this deal which peaked my interest.. What should I be …
I'm looking for something like the Brother MFC-9340CDW or MFC-9970CDW, but the reviews on their graphics print quality has turned me off a bit. Needs to be full featured: Colour Print Scan Copy …
So my mum's freaking out. She must have signed up to something dodgy on the computer. She's getting these messages for something called Champions Quiz. I'm guessing its this …
Just in case anyone was chasing one. They seem to be pretty popular at the sub $500 price point. Officeworks did drop their price to match TGG, but CPL is still doing it cheaper.
I'm looking for an 11.6"-13" Ultrabook or Convertible Tablet between $500-1000, running Windows 8.1. Preferably with an Haswell Processor and must have SSD. Something like the HP X360 …
I have a fresh install of windows 7 on a desktop computer, I plug in a usb flash drive or hard drive, it appears in My Computer fine, I can transfer files to and from it, but it doesn't show up …
I've got all the right credit cards for my circumstances, but my parents are missing out. I wan't to set them up with the right mix of cards. What is currently the best deal? Dad's a …
I've got a few people chasing me up to make them a simple website. But I'm not a fan of making websites, I've made my own on bigcommerce and its just a pita in general. These people …
I'm looking for a budget headset for light gaming. Any ideas? Has anyone got any personal experience on any cheap ones that aren't too uncomfortable to wear over long periods? And have ok …
Edit: People reporting limited stock/out of stock online. Try your luck in store. Got an email from MSY (typos and all). Can't go wrong with a wireless mouse for $5. Got some other stuff as …
Looking for a gaming headset, but am a total noob when it comes to this category of the market. Can you help me out with what brands are good, things to look out for, etc, and let me know if there …
Hey I've just been given a ps2 and wanted to know if it has any value beyond a games console. (I've never owned a playstation before). Can it be used as a media centre or is it easy to hack …
My mate's grandmother, lovely lady, asked me to fix her computer last week. I was all getting ready to tell her about the end of XP support, but nearly fell over when I saw she was still running …
They're like $100 in Australia, but in singapore and malaysia you can get them for under $50. Are they genuine? Or are they likely to be fakes with lower battery reliability? The accounts seem …
Looks like they've lost their search bar though, somehow rendering their site even more difficult to navigate than it was before… -.- edit: ah hold on, it looks like once you choose your …
I just got back from holiday so i got the holiday blues, need something else to look forward to, and I've been wanting to tick skydiving off my bucket list for a while now, so can anyone give me …
Seems to be the cheapest its been, was $948 at the last deal, good price on a haswell i7 but some limitations: no touch, low res, slow hard drive, only 4GB RAM. Positives: Best Processor, large hard …
How hard would it be to add something like the following to the Events Subscriptions options? "Notify me by email when a deal reaches xxx number of plus votes" Very often I miss deals …
I vaguely remember someone mentioning that there was some kind of day tour around the city of singapore where you get to see the sights and I think he said you didn't have to go through …
We are losing way too much water and chlorine in these summer months and need to look into a cheap pool cover. Don't really want to spend hundreds of dollars on a top of the line custom fit …
Unfortunately I'm going to need to keep in contact with work while I'm away. I don't want to have to worry about costs and data usage while away so I'm thinking I need to get a …
As per title, best price I've seen. Wanted to let people know but couldn't post a deal until the deal was active, and I gotta go out so if someone else can do it, …
As per title just wondering if anyone knows how much apple charge to repair their iphone screens, compared to what they charge in the local shopping mall… Any advice. Do the apple store even do …
Just heard something about it on the news. Sounds a bit like catchoftheday's dodgy sales. Does anyone know anything about it? Is it worth looking at. Any info on it? Kinda …
Years ago I went paintballing in Bali and thoroughly enjoyed it. I'd love to go again here in W.A. but not sure how to find the best value. I've been caught out before buying those …
I'm a big boy now and getting sick of mooching off my parents and putting up with their embarrassing antics and am keen to move out of home. But I'm really not sure where to start… I …
What happened to all the cheap laptops?? I just had a look on MSY's notebook pricelist and theres nothing there under $450!! Same deal on ebay, nothing under $420.. Does anyone know where I can … I just had laser eye surgery so now I can actually buy non-prescription sunglasses. I went looking and saw these in store and fell in love coz they look bad ass …
Riczter on 06/11/2013 - 20:04 on Dick Smith / Kogan
Fantastic Bargain on this laptop, but in usual Dick Smith style theres hardly any stock -.- so not worth posting as a deal. But if you live in Burnie, TAS, or Batemans Bay, NSW its your lucky day coz …
Friend just killed her S3. What's the best value android mid-high end smartphone available at the moment?? Is it worth waiting for the Nexus 5? budget is probably going to be $300-400 so may be …