Getting into a bit of gaming, and my ancient HD5700 isnt really cutting it.
What should I get that's not going to break the bank?
Probably looking for something between 100 and 150.
Willing to wait for a bargain. Just not sure what model numbers to be looking it.
The GTX750 sounds familiar, but didnt AMD change their model numbers, so whats the equivalent AMD model, is it the R7-260X or what? Can any one catch me up?
And how about brand names? I have zero idea what the difference is between different brands and TI or whatever other differences beyond the model number…
Suggestion's welcome, cheers guys.
Is the game you're trying watch dogs by any chance? If so, not even titans in sli are cutting it. The optimisation is just shit.
Else, have you considered second hand?
If you just want general info on graphics cards, check out the graphs here: