A huge 173 specials this week from Woolies, with Mayfair Twiggy Sticks from the Deli taking out top spot, $13.99/kg (Save $14.49, 51% off). Embrace your inner bogan with Woolworths Essentials Flannelette Shirt Sizes M-XXL, only $4.99 each (Save $5, 50% off), keep the mullet clean with TRESemme Naturals 750ml $4.99 (Save $5, 50% off), and cool off with some Tru-Blu Soft Drinks 12 x 300ml $4 (Save $2.99, 43% off) and a hot pie, Sargents Traditional Meat Pies 4 x 700g $4 (Save $2.58, 39% off). SPC Baked Beans or Spaghetti are a good deal, 420g-425g $1 (Save 69¢, 41% off) (are these the new prawns?), and Red Bull Energy Drink 4 x 250ml aren't too bad for $6 (Save $3.68, 38% off). Our pick this week goes to The Natural Confectionery Co. 180g-200g $1.42 half price! Have a great week everyone