This was posted 12 years 8 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Counter-Strike Source USD$6.80 (Save 66%)


Good morning Oz-Bargain,

For those people out there who own a computer and use it for gaming, chances are you have a license of Counter-Strike.
Steam have Counter-Strike Source available for 66% off its standard $20, granted this price usually fluctuates month by month.
However, I purchased mine a number of years ago for $9.99, and I still considered it a decent deal.

It doesn't require much to run in the hardware line of life, so check it out!

Minimum System Requirements:

1.7 GHz Processor,
512MB RAM (1GB for Mac)
DirectX® 8.1 level Graphics Card (Requires support for SSE)
Windows® 7 (32/64-bit)/Vista/XP/OS X version Leopard 10.5.8, Snow Leopard 10.6.3
Internet Connection

Kind Regards,


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closed Comments

  • -1

    Good deal.

    Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is due out in a few months so might be worth waiting.

    • +3

      It will be good to see the new one out, but at the same time, I do think it's one to have for old times sake. And for < $7.00, you can't go wrong. :)

    • +1

      CS:GO feels weird. The graphics are a bit too good for a CS game, feels disconcerting.

      • You get used to it, I quite like most of the game.

        Although I do find there are a lot more BS headshots for some reason, also the AWP is overpowered.

        • +2

          So it's exactly the same as CSS then.
          The AWP/AWM has always been overpowered, thats why a lot of servers ban it. And CSS used to be pretty bad for random headshots (still is somewhat).

        • Its not the same.

          Seems like it does a lot more damage then CSS. A shot I knew wouldn't one hit kill in CSS, seems to one hit kill in CS:GO.

          And I guess what I was trying to say was a lot of players seemed a lot better then me which isn't the case in CSS. They were either hacking or really good at headshots.

        • The only shots the AWP doesn't instant-kill in both games are leg shots. Which do slightly more damage in CSS anyway.

  • Great game but is getting abit old lol

    • +5

      still an excellent game!

  • Awesome, was keen for a bit of CS but couldn't justify $20 for such an ancient game.

    • CSS is ancient? I must old.

  • I played this for a couple of years before I left.
    Too many hackers during school holidays and too less people playing nowadays comapared to back in ~2005.
    Still great games.

    • -2

      if you play in the day/night you'll rarely find a hacker.

      Anyone who finds it difficult to play because of hackers is likely naming regular players hackers.

      • Doesn't Steam have strict prohibitions against hacking? How can they possibly get away with it?

        I must admit that CS just seems to frustrate me playing on the public servers. The teams aren't cohesive and coordinated, especially for objective matches. Furthermore, my reflexes are just too slow and it gives me a headache when I'm running around like a scared chicken waiting to get blind sniped from out of nowhere by some 12yr old kid.

        • Steams VAC system for anti-hacks does not work well. You will definitely see hackers as you play. The most evident is speed The only way is to record a video of the hacker in action. Then submit to the server admins.

        • Valve's Anti-Cheat(VAC) isn't an anti-cheat system at all. All it really is is a cheat detector because they usually issue bans 2-3 weeks AFTER someone has cheated so hackers could be going around for weeks before they're banned. Even still, some hackers pay for hacks which are undetected so they never get banned until another player records them hacking and reports it.

  • +9

    Ah, screw studying for exams.

    • +3

      That's the spirit!

  • +1

    This game will probably always have a strong online user base also, well at least for another decade or so id imagine.

  • +1

    Is it too late to jump on the CSS bandwagon? I used to play this back in the day, does it still have a decent number of online players?

    • I still tear it up every now and then. Servers are still going. Although it has got a tad quieter, but that's to be expected.

  • CS 1.6 ftw! :D

    • No. 1.5 before any of this Steam crap. Plus no stupid shields.

      • No. Beta 3 before any of this automatic buy all bullets crap. Plus no awesome graphics.

        • Automatic buy didn't come in until 1.6.

        • I think he means in CSS when you buy a gun it comes with full ammo already.
          In the old days, you'd have to buy your gun THEN buy each clip (comma/fullstop for primary/secondary).

          Which means the usual sound at spawn would be (BIG CLICK (gun bought) followed by lots of click click click click click click as everyone bought ammo).

  • CSS is the only game I play :D have played it for a good 13 years LOL
    can't wait to play CSGO!

  • Game should be worth $2 by now going by what "newer" games are going for on other online sites…

  • I'd never played CS but always heard about it. On Saturday my mate showed it to me and we took it in turns. I had so much fun but never wanted to pay for such an old game. Then this sale happens. It's almost like fate haha

  • Will probably be cheaper during the Steam Summer sale starting at the end of this month. During the xmas sale I picked up the CSS+Garrys Mod bundle for $6

  • I think its finished, showing 19.99

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