It’s been a few years since I’ve had to update my phone charger, it seems the popular brands arent around as much. (10 years of using blitzwolf cables) What’s the best/popular chargers and …
Long story short, A family member has hit rock bottom financially, and as part of trying to find solutions to cut costs at every corner first up is the mobile phone.. Pensioner Unlimited talk and …
Started WFH, have a typical dell laptop that I plug into the following display Which has been great IPS monitor that's still going well Wanting …
Seeing as the second hand car market seems to be the price of a brand new purchase I’m considering testing the waters with purchasing a new Corolla It seems every Toyota dealership has different …
Looking the upgrade my Hisense 24” for a bigger TV. Don’t use it much only to watch Nextflix about twice a week. Don’t have an Aerial port either so only the very rare occasion I have to watch …
I’m after some info from the smart people of ozb! Having a discussion with a friend (same friend that got done over by a RE) and we were discussing tax She works for a possible not-for-profit …
Moving property, Looking for a new NBN provider, was thinking TPG 50 But it looking like ABB is the better option Property is FTTN so I’ll need a modem/router ? Netcomm NF20Mesh - any experience …
Got myself a 2018 MacBook Pro 4 years ago Custom built and what an average quality device this turned out to be. A few days ago it developed pink lines on the screen. Google says this is a common af …
Just about to move into an apartment and decided I should give it a fresh coat of paint and a slight colour change. Any OzB tips of places to get paint from? Bunnings seems to be the cheaper option …
Purchased an apartment, tenant is still leasing it for another 3 months as they would like to see out their lease. Tossing up if I should self manage it or continue with the current property manager. …
Looking for some advice on a good smart home ecosystem, As I’m moving into a new apartment so I thought while it’s empty I might update it to take advantage of these systems I currently don’t …
letmethefuqin on 20/05/2022 - 11:20 on
I’m a bit out of the loop on what’s happening in the electricity market, But today I got an email from LPE that states “The cost of wholesale electricity has gone up 611%” “ we strongly …
Asking for A friend.. (No Actually, Asking for a friend) Today I got in a conversation about her rental, Which she informed me of the situation below, I thought the smart people of OzB might has …
Never really looked in to this feature But a fixed rate home loan I was looking at doesn’t have an offset account Could you fix 99% of the loan and have 1% variable to take advantage of an …
Just noticed upbank has dropped to .50%. Is anyone offering better rates at the moment ? I do remember coming across a list of all the banks and their percentages but forgot to book mark it :/
Been thinking I need to go study something for awhile Nursing has always been at the top of my list however I’ve never liked the idea of paying 30ish k when friends from other countries (Finland / …
10 years as a Mac boy, need get a PC for work strictly to run some software with dongles etc Not up to date with specs and brands but I'm looking to spend up to $1500 I’m guessing (can’t …
Does anyone know of any suppliers in Australia, I got my Note 7 4/5 weeks ago.. I ordered a screen protector from aliexpress in advanced, paid 10 day shipping.. and as i should have guessed. it …
Looking to get out of the Iphone world, as much as I enjoy the ecosystem it just doesn't do it for me (nor the pricing anymore) Was considering an Oppo about a year ago but now I've gotten …
Went to instgall my copy of Office Mac 2011 on my new macbook pro and its having a hard time trying to activate. Seeing as I only use word and Excel maybe twice a year, I've never needed any …
Been about 10 years since i've been to tafe, and holy haven't they jumped up in price! Considering a complete career change and considering getting into the health sector. The course …
Haven't played around with websites for a few years, Basically looking to Find a host with Cpanel access so I can build a wordpress website. It's mainly just so I can build and lay things …
Been waiting 5 months since the death if my macbook air for this release.. and unfortunatly im stuck in the apple eco system Currently looking at a 13” i7 (due to hyper treading) 256gb (most my …
Just moved into a new complex, and I made the switch to optus, service was bad so i called optus and they said "yup thats a bad area for our service" so they cancelled my plan. Does this …
Looking to restock some SD cards for my DSLR And I have not kept up with the times, There seems to be multiple different types of Samsung SD cards (pro, pro plus, evo etc) I can’t find any …
I have a $100 JB gift card I would like to use on this lens, but chasing it down for this price Wanting to get JB to price match I can use this card, yet …
Been chasing one of these for ages Came across this with a cash back But can’t fins anywhere where a cash back promo is still valid Yet they are advertising with a cash back …
Pretty much 4 months ago I picked up this tooth brush Noticed the battery was flat (charge lasts 1 month) so I put it in charge, used it the next morning …
I've had to move house a few times and I'm not too sure if I will be settling any time soon, My current Phone plan has 20GB Data with telstra which I smash through in 2 weeks Instead of …
Does JBhifi do that 10% off student pricing on the Iphone 8? Went for a hike and my 6S ended up in the creek yesterday, need to replace it ASAP obviously and just trying to fund the cheapest way
Think it's time to upgrade, was thinking of grabbing a D610 for the longest time ever.. but to be honest I don't see the point of going Full Frame The flip out screen on the new D7500 …
Had a discussion the other day with a banker who got a little bit fired up when they found out I don't have a credit history (or much of one) Turns out never owning a credit card, never having a …
letmethefuqin on 29/07/2017 - 19:41 on TomTop, Hong Kong
I know there are some people that do like this store here, not looking to argue with that's point, just want some advice from my personal experience with them. I signed up with them the other …
Thinking of doing a book keeping course, any recommendations where to study it other then tafe? (as tafe costs an arm and a leg) I know there is Udemy courses, but are they really credible?
Looking around the house today, and the power bill.. it seems I need some new bulbs. I'm wanting to replace the bulbs through out the house so I took a look at the fixtures.. Most fixtures are …
I've been trying to get my head around the eneloop game for ever. with so many different types and brands i've become more and more confused., I walked around the house today and had a …
Better start the ball rolling on this.. A mate has a wedding in Koh Samui in Feb, So I need to start trying to find flights over to there in the next few days. Leaving CNS or BNE Or OOL anywhere …
Had a look through the wiki and got confused, so I thought I would ask here. Was looking over the finances of the mother in law who is a pensioner Noticed she had a 10k credit card and every month …
My current 32GB SD has died Need to replace it with one or 2 cards, Only use it in 2 locations. Camera: Nikon D3100/D7200 and a dash cam A119 So not to sure what specs/classes etc these 2 products …
Have a dead 32GB Sandisk card that a year old. Looked on the website regarding warrantee but it says that Australia is not a supported country Anyone had experience in getting one replaced?
Been wanting to get a Nikon D610 for a year and half now .. but after using a friends D7000 I realised that I don't really need to go full frame. So i've decided to upgrade my D3100 which i …
Currently with optus on their 10 gig unlimited pre paid (post paid) And i have to road trip up the east coast soon. I tend to use a lot of data between facebook and spotify Looking for a second …
Planning on a road trip soon and realised I need a power inverter as I have a macbook / Toaster / Kettle I would like to run when Im parked up for the day. How many Watts should i be looking at? …
Currently have my OW, looking to go up to a DM Not sure which of these 2 islands to do it on, planning to live there for 6 months Anyone able to provide feedback on these ? Thanks
A family member needs a new Iphone as their last one (4s) has died.. They are considering a Iphone 6 but all the pre paid and plans seem to be over kill. On Average they use 100 mins talk and 70meg …
This is always an interesting subject to have.. Was having the discussion of Full Frame vs Crop with a friend that is about to jump for a 70d to a full frame (I shoot Nikon so I don't know) And …