Just noticed upbank has dropped to .50%.
Is anyone offering better rates at the moment ?
I do remember coming across a list of all the banks and their percentages but forgot to book mark it :/
Just noticed upbank has dropped to .50%.
Is anyone offering better rates at the moment ?
I do remember coming across a list of all the banks and their percentages but forgot to book mark it :/
Thanks !
Super! Thanks OP.
But what is AMP doing in there? Betr3? Must be worst bank account I ever had! Yes I recovered some of their "stolen" money and the app sometimes comes up with some of the loot but I can never access it. Also their promised interest lags a month behind. This means it might shrink to half their promises.
I do remember coming across a list of all the banks and their percentages but forgot to book mark it :/
You'll always be able to find this spreadsheet located at the following URL https://opencomparison.xyz/d/savings/
What does "affects government G'tee" stand for?
That needs to be fixed. I'll talk to my fellow editors. It also needs to be added to several other accounts listed in there as well.
But to answer the question it's referring to the Financial Claims Scheme.
The reason why your see this on some products is multiple financial institutions owned by a group for example Westpac or Bank of Queensland.
Operate under a single banking license which means the financial claim scheme only covers you in aggregate across all those institutions.
Is anyone offering butter rates at the moment ?
I cant believe its not butter.
Ubank seems to be the fstest in transfering dough with least restrictions.
Others have you melt their "butter" like amp, ceo is like the one of GM: Yes we have electrified America……
People that still keep savings in fiat money 🙏 that legacy banks will give yield should buy a tub of Vaseline for 🎄.
It'll come in handy for the next 100Y.
These are boomer rates. You can get 5-15% on stable yields with DeFi.
yoyoyoyo i'm a coiner and fiat money is for fools
ah nuts, they beat me here
Imagine applying this logic to OzBargain posts as a whole, though.
Thread: "What's a good PlayStation game to buy my son for Xmas?"
Thread: "What's a good PlayStation game to buy my son for Xmas?"
This happens in pretty much every iPhone/Samsung etc thread.
Some people would rather die before they want to stop being in denial it's actually insane
UBank, always.
86400 has $20 referral sign up bonus here, and virgin money does too
86400 is using the NAB license now, so it also falls under the "affects government G'tee" comment. 86400 is recommended, fairly good app and support osko for fast payments. Pity it's only $150k max at the bonus rate.
Here you go :)