Short of going to Bunnings,
Is there any websites to buy this sort of item? Or is it an item that's best bought in person?
Need to replace my toilet tank

thanks for that! I will continue my search,
The plumber advised me that buying a tank would be cheaper? .. lets see what google saysbunnings sell an entirely new system for $149 that looks half decent…. so I doubt it.
What is a toilet tank? A toy tank you play with whilst on the toilet? :p
First time in my life I've seen somebody link bing
Lol trying to get enough Microsoft Rewards for Xbox Live
Bing images doesn't filter like Google images does.
Be careful of what you type in at work.
I once looked up 'spaghetti tubing' (Google) and got lots of picture of women not wearing much clothing to much amusement. Ah, it's what you call thin shoulder straps on women's tops.
Interestingly both Google & Bing now bring up the wiring stuff. For a while Google was showing wiring while Bing was showing clothing.
lol dammit searched for it and got disappointed, then read your last sentence, great story!
@Savas: Ha!
Image search used to have a bit of Russian roulette about it, you'd get porn (even with SafeSearch on) on the most innocent of phrases.
You'd think 'spaghetti tubing' was safe, but nope, here's a screen full of half-naked women.
'Triangle' got hijacked by bikini makers for a while as well (no idea).
Google Images manages to filter out (or 10th page) most all porn these days regardless of your SafeSearch setting, with it switched on typing in an actresses name sometimes gives you absolutely nothing. Erm, so a friend of mine was told.
If Bing wants more traffic they just need to say "Yeah, we don't do that stuff".
Take photos and measurements of your toilet set up as it is. Then go to bunnings and ask for a cistern that will work for your set up. We had to change cistern at a rental property and it takes a bit of work.
Just go to Bunnings and get a plastic one, they're about $100 and a bit easier to manhandle.
The fittings all screw on, not hard to install.
Check if the water inlet is on the left or the right. If there's copper pipe there you might want to swap that for a braided line, again everything just screws on.
google is your friend….. If its the tank only, its not called a tank, its called a toilet cistern.
Most of the time, its cheaper to buy a entire new unit and due to the size, its normally just as easy to go locally and pick one up there and then!