• expired

nbn 100/20 $69/Month, 100/40 $73/Month, 250/25 $79/Month, 1000/50 $89/Month for 12 Months (New Customers Only) @ Superloop

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Saw this ad while browsing instagram: https://instagram.com/p/DCYOEsMAgoE/

Seems much better than the usual promos for price and duration (12 months vs 6).

You must enter the promo code by clicking at check out I have a promo code then enter BLACK-FRIDAY

New customers only.

Speed Promo Price for 12 Months Ongoing Price after 12 Months nbn Technology
100/20 $69/Month for 12 Months $89/Month Ongoing nbn FTTP, HFC, FTTN, FTTB, FTTC
100/40 $73/Month for 12 Months $95/Month Ongoing nbn FTTP, HFC, FTTN, FTTB, FTTC
250/25 $79/Month for 12 Months $99/Month Ongoing nbn FTTP and HFC
1000/50 $89/Month for 12 Months $109/Month Ongoing nbn FTTP and HFC

Not all FTTN, FTTB and FTTC premises can get 100/20 and 100/40.

Can I upgrade to nbn FTTP?
If you have FTTN or FTTC you may be eligible for a $0 FTTP install. Check your address here.

CG-NAT works fine for most users. CG-NAT can break remote access to some home security cameras, some home automation products, Plex server, NAS, servers or if you want to host online P2P games. When you turn off CG-NAT you will be able to use remote access and host online P2P games again. Leave CG-NAT turned on if you don't do any of this.

If your home security cameras and automation products use a cloud server you will not be affected by CG-NAT.

You can get Carrier Grade NAT turned off for free if needed. Call up Superloop support or use the Superloop online chat on the Superloop website (red and black icon, bottom right).

$5/month is for a static IP address.

Carrier Grade Network Address Translation (CGNAT)
Where CGNAT is available, your IP address will default to using CGNAT, unless you specifically request to opt out of CGNAT, which may be approved by Superloop in its discretion. When opting out of CGNAT, a dynamic public IP address will be assigned to the service, however, you may request a static public IP address (at additional cost).

Static IP
A single Static IP address is available upon request for the additional monthly fee on all residential Superloop nbn plans.
Static IP $5 (inc. GST)

Cancelling Your Plan
You can cancel your Superloop nbn Home Broadband Service at any time by giving Superloop 30 days' notice.

Credit Card Surcharge
Services that are paid by Credit Card (Visa, MasterCard or American Express) incur a 1.0% transaction fee. You can pay by Direct Debit from your bank to avoid these fees.

Black Friday T&Cs.

Critical information summary.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1294)

Referrer gets 10% off for 6 months.

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2024

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • +54

    Currently paying $119 with ABB, I asked on livechat if they would apply their BF discount to $109 and they wouldn't budge

    This seems like an easy switch

    • +51

      ABB suck, b@stards charged me for a modem I didn't ask for, sent it to me and I had to go through the rigmarole to return it and they wouldn't compensate me at all for their fu©k up of having my money locked up and my time wasted. Their ego as a company hasn't stopped growing and they've lost what made them different to the big telcos.

      • Gotta make that moneeyyyyy. Gotta do what the big boys do.

      • ABB were one of the first and only to offer gigabit.

      • Most importantly you need to work out between Voda and Optus which works better for you coverage/speed wise. Get whatever cheapest offer is to test that.

      • -2

        Would you recommend Felix Mobile for sim only plan.


      • +3

        Not sure why you're getting downvoted, unless it's due to being off topic.
        Either way, I switched to Felix about a year ago, I pay $30 per month for something I had to pay ~$80 for with Telstra, and about ~$65 with other companies.
        Reception in my area (Home, work, etc.) has been fine, and I get 5G almost everywhere I need to be.

        Maybe other places suck reception wise, but I can't complain here in Canberra.

        • Yes and I mentioned it was out of topic as well. Thank you for your reply.

          • +11

            @NirajSS: I didn't downvote you but your question has nothing to do with this topic at all. You may as well have been asking about which airfryer you should buy.

            • +2

              @cv05: Ok. Thank you.

            • +10

              @cv05: sorry guys off topic

              but would you reccommend the breville or ninja airfryer?

              when i have guest over at my mcmansion, the power usage of my Anko airfryer blows a fuse when im charging my BYD car

              anything you can reccommend would be great

              thank you

              • +2

                @furythree: @furythree don't ask here, you should be asking this in the washing machine section

            • @cv05: Philips

          • +1

            @NirajSS: Use the mobile forum next time.


      • Felix is fine, if you're in the city mostly. Been using the $10 a month for the first 3 months offer and it's not bad. Also note that you still get unlimited data; it's just slowed to 1.5mbps which is fine for me as I have home internet too.

    • +17

      100% normal practice for ABB, people who stick with them purely because they were the best are becoming like people in there 70s who have been on a Telstra home phone since the Telecom era.

      • -6

        They are still the best. If you want quality, need to stick with them. Often get drop outs with super loop .

    • +1

      My mate called aussie and they applied the discount down to $109 for 6 months straight away, like no questions asked. strange maybe depends who you get

    • +2

      Service Closures will match it easily. Just need to ask the right people - live chat ain't it.

      • +2

        I had the same experience. Called them and asked if they could match. They said no. I said OK I’ll cancel then. The guy laughed down the phone at me.
        They’ve gone down the toilet.

        • +1

          did you ask him what the fh u laughing at????

    • -1

      use code BFUP120 and switch to a 250/100, 500/200, or 1000/400 PRO via ABB online to get a discount

    • amazing solid deal just in time as my leaptel offer finished on the 16th this month, just signed up. did anyone add the erro 6+ or went with their own router, i got an asus ax55 pro i was wondering if it be worth it to get the amazon eero 6+ and pay 20 delivery, i didnt end up adding it coz its not totally free like if i change after the 12 month discount period i got to pay $7x12 which is 84 dollars plus the 20 delivery thats 104 dollars, so if its a router that adds nothing in terms of speed gain or wall penetration compared to my asus ax55 pro there is no point. i was thinking the speeds might be the same or inferior to my current router..

    • Just called, was upfront said moving to Superloop for $89 they offered $109 for 12 months which I took.

  • +4

    ffs just joined a few days ago.

    • +8

      You may have a grace period?

      • +4

        Yeah absolutely give it a go. I’ve found their talking to their retention team (on the phone) to be effective in these situations

    • +2

      Same here, I only just joined 3 days ago.
      Will try it!

    • +2

      You can ask them and they can apply the code. I've done that twice now with the previous deals and offerings for new customers without swapping

      • +2

        They won't allow it for anyone who joined before today

    • I've been waiting to leave (first mistake) for a deal elsewhere. Now this pops up?!

      It says new customers only… So my Mrs details on the second line, then cancel mine?

  • +2

    currently with them…. any chance I can cancel and re-join?

    • +3

      Churn to Flip and churn back. Flip won't bill you until end of the month, and they have a 1-month money-back period.
      (iirc. best to double check with flip with their policy)

      • +2

        you cant its a 30 day notice to cancel for Exetel and Superloop

        • +59

          I was with Exetel and churned anyway. I do get billed for 'broadband' after cancellation, but they waived it straight away after I asked via email.

          They are not allowed to continue to bill you, because it falls within Accepting payment without intending to supply under this guide.

          This is easily seen as no intention to supply since:

          • they revoked my access to the member portal after I churned, and
          • I was billed for 'broadband' of duration beyond my cancellation (instead of i.e. 'termination fee').

          ACL takes precedence over their T&Cs.

          • @gzy2001: was not aware of that, what sort of email did you send?

            From what I read online in Ozb and Whirlpool was that most people just accepted the 30 day period

            • +19

              @Freestyle: I told them in my email that their "invoice of charging for an already cancelled services is in clear violation of my rights protected by Australian Consumer Law thus I should not be responsible for this payment". Exetel repied with the following part as a dotpoint:

              I'm pleased to inform you that we have waived the final bill [INVXXXXXXX] totaling $67.50. This adjustment has been made to resolve the issue regarding the cancelled services.

              Ironically enough, this part didn't match the font style of the rest of their reply, I presume it was copied from an internal template somewhere.

          • +2

            @gzy2001: Man, when I left superloop without the 30 days notice they made it incredibly difficult (I had no idea about it. Charging fees for no service provided is ridiculous). I called them multiple times and they agreed to waive the additional month they were trying to charge after I had already churned to ABB, lucky I needed to replace my bank card just prior to this happening. But I kept getting harassing emails about failed payment for months, even after they said it was waived multiple times over the phone. I eventually got TIO involved and it was sorted eventually but it was a big pain.

            • +4

              @Shaun Prawn: I had this issue myself. I left SL and even waited out my 30d period. After 12mths, I get billed for like 1k for non payment. I had to complain and go through through their complaints email and threaten TIO for charging me without having any service with them. SL has a lot of billing issues after churning away from them.

            • @Shaun Prawn: I also didn't know about notice. Not a competitive practice in the current market. I am not going back to them even if they are cheaper. Staying with abb.

          • +3

            @gzy2001: I think you just revealed the ozb nbn churning email template!

          • +1

            @gzy2001: For exetel, do you just start the Superloop subscription without telling them or anything? This wouldn't just revoke access to the exetel portal right? Since someone mentioned in this thread that a single address can have multiple connections?

            • @theguwithnoname: I think it's on an individual basis (some ISPs will automatically end connection, others won't). Yes you can have multiple connections to the same property (at least with FTTP, unsure of others), so you should call/email to cancel.

              I'm also with exetel and thinking about swapping for the 1000/50 plan and would sign up to superoop then cancel exetel.

              • @DeToxin: Yeah I'm with exetel also and that 30 day nonsense pisses me off. Think I might take a stab and use gzy2001s wording to get out of it

                • +2

                  @montorola: It's strange why broadband providers can't do pro-rata invoice.
                  I switch to Fuber from More once my 12 months CBA discount period ended. My switch date was 10-Nov.
                  I was expecting a pro-rata invoice, but they charged me for full November.
                  Contacted customer care for the refund, but they don't budge and says it's in T&C and no refund will be provided.
                  After some back/forth and mentioning ACC law, manage to get pro-rata refund.
                  It's really annoying that they want to charge you for a service they haven't provided.

                  • @hothot: Interestingly, I've definitely been charged pro-rata when swapping providers, I can't remember which ISP it was though

            • @theguwithnoname: I didn't churn to Superloop back then.

          • @gzy2001: What a great post. Thanks for sharing.

          • @gzy2001: legend. thanks for the post and info!

          • @gzy2001: Brilliant!

        • +1

          Also Superloop does not consider you as a new customer if you have been with them with 12 months. You can't get this deal unless you are a new customer

      • +12

        Bit unfair to exploit flip who would get no money but get some workload.

      • +2

        Spoke to billing team and they said that churners won't get the new deal as the accounts are flagged in the system. Put in someone else's name and possibly use a different router to get around this. If you are using there eero's they may have your mac address flagged.

        • churners won't get the new deal

          Surely that must be "illegal" and I'd love to see what the ACCC make of this and what they judge constitutes a "new customer".
          According to SuperLoop you need to be a new new customer.

          • +3


            Surely that must be "illegal" and I'd love to see what the ACCC make of this and what they judge constitutes a "new customer".

            I used to work in investigations at the ACCC - this is pretty cut and dry that they wouldn't be violating ACL.

            They can pretty much target the offer to whoever they wish.

      • How quick is this process? Can they remotely activate it? Currently with TPG and have never switched, and not sure of the process with modems etc.

    • +1

      ask if they can honour giving you the discount instead. they've done it a few times for me now but they were specific deals for new customers as opposed to a code

      • so what I have to do is to call them to cancel my current service, and sign up again to get the black-friday discount.

        I pushed them with a bit of pressure (politely), they waived my 30 days of notice. This is more of a pre-cautious..

        At the end of the day, the T&C did not mention activation date at all, only stated that you'll want to sign up within the promo period, you might able to defer the activation to a later date (disclaimer: I didn't try that)

        if my theory is working, this should work for everyone who's already with SL.

  • +3

    how can i get this deal?? it says code not valid for me

    • Yeah unsure whether this works as if yet as I haven't tried myself. Potentially haven't activated in their system yet since its still very early on the 18th

    • +1

      Do you have Opticomm or NBN? Looks like the code works only for NBN.

    • +1

      you must be on opticomm friend!

      the wholesale cost of 1000/50 for opticomm service is about $70/mo so I am not suprised we are inelligble!

  • +9

    Superloop are just terrible at my POI. Not worth it at all. YMMV

    • +11

      Theyre fantastic at my POI
      I had issues with ABB hitting capacity at mine, no issues with superloop

    • Same for me. No issues with ABB and Leaptel but Superloop performs much worse at my POI.

    • +3

      Perfect for me, left ABB 3 years ago and not had a issue since

    • I moved from ABB earlier in the year, for me Evening Peaks are faster now with Superloop. Was not expecting this.

    • +1

      Seconded. Bayside Melbourne.

      Edit: Superloop that is. I was with More and had much better and consistent speeds.

    • mines really good and much more stable than ABB for some reason

    • +1

      Any idea if there’s a way to check how good a provider is at a particular POI without actually switching?

      Edit: nvm SuperErico has asked the same thing further down

    • +1

      They have been great until continuous price increases, and lately my youtube videos sometime buffer in the evening. They also have a new customer portal but I could never login to it. My plan status is somehow cancelled on the old portal I can login to despite I am still with them

      In the process of moving

    • I've been so happy with mine, I never bothered leaving. But the free speed boosts (to 250) download speeds seem extremely hit & miss. Often just the normal 100, maybe 120

    • depends indeed, ABB was not very good at mine, but Superloop were guide good

      had to disconnect for some time and then joined Flip which are definitely struggling at peak times with traffic, good timing for this deal !

  • have my plan starting in a couple days. given plan hasnt started yet, should be fine to apply the code im guessing?

    • Same here, I have applied for a later date start in 10 days, so let me know if they can apply the promo if you don't mind. Thanks

      • +1

        gave them a call, unfortunately had to cancel first and reregister again meaning about 30 mins on the phone. the plan did activate in a couple hours though.

      • +1

        Same. The process is to call them and they will cancel your order so you can either resubmit your order with the black friday code.

    • +1

      When you type in your address it will tell you

  • Is there any way to check if POI is good in my area without switching first? Im in the Bundoora VIC region

      • +1

        Wow. Looks like they fixed my poi about a year ago. Or maybe because that's when I left. Hmmm. Coincidence or…

        • +1

          It's because NBN removed the CVC charges for plans 100mbps+, so the 100% on the graph is probably the capacity of the NNI, not CVC (likely 10gbps)

          • @renza: What’s NNI?

            When I was with Superloop many years ago, my POI would get hammered the graphs were hitting over 80% every night after 6pm.

            Looking at the link above it now shows my POI hitting around 40% each night. Would I be good or could the CVC be above 40% ?

      • Stupid question perhaps, but at what usage level is considered concerning for a particular POI? 40/60/80%?

      • Question, nothing is over 40% at my POI so that's good right?

        • +2

          correct, it means they have enough capacity for your connection

  • Currently with leaptel, if I want to switch to superloop, what should I do first? Pick a date sign with SL, then tell leaptel I am out on the day?

    • +3

      Don't tell Leaptel anything. Superloop just takes over.

      • +12

        I’ve always told my previous provider because they’ve never just taken over, FTTP can have up to 4 providers active at once.

        Example, I purchased a plan from ABB which went on the second line UNI-D 2 because 1 was occupied from More my previous provider which I did not cancel until the end of that month.

      • +1

        I have HFC at my home (renting).

        Did i need to tell ABB or..?

        • +1

          No, Aussie BB will auto cancel.

          • +1

            @Twix: I have HFC. So, if I change I don't have to let my current ISP know? Is it because HFC can support only one provider same time or something?

            • +2

              @DealHunterBD: It's all automatic unless the property has more than one port, which is the case with one of mine (also HFC tech).

              The new provider handles it. The old provider will be notified and will cancel the plan (and probably refund the remaining pro rata amount for the month).

              You don't need to talk to the old ISP unless there is something to confirm like the port number or informing about phone number porting.

            • @DealHunterBD: Yeah HFC is only one provider at a time.

      • +1

        thats electricity not ISPs…

    • I'm with Leaptel and they won't match this for sure.

      • +1


      • they're not budging down from $109/mo but i was able to change my plan from the member login to $99/mo for the 1000/40 for 11 months

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