Bisky1 » user profile

Member Since 24/10/2021
Last Seen 27/03/2025
Badges 2 1

Recent Activities

I would say protein isolate is a different class to bars. Its as close as you're getting to straight protein, and is one of the cheaper…
16/03/2025 - 17:25
'Dr' Berg is a chiropractor and scientologist. Also a grifter and peddler of pseudo science. The pills linked to here are Bergs and of…
08/03/2025 - 00:49
Don't we kind of expect some diminishing returns in 2025, or ..? In the past people used to be happy to pay 2x for a 40% bump. 1k+ even…
07/03/2025 - 09:55
That subset is why I said 6 months payback period.
04/03/2025 - 16:17
Cleaners cost more in 6 months than the entire vac. Plus, this thing is there 24/7 and gets all the nooks and crannies. Worth investing in…
04/03/2025 - 11:59
Sachets are good on the go, but you could also just buy powder in jars. Better for your wallet/environment, more choice/concentration of…
28/02/2025 - 12:22
I bought it for a similar amount, it went to $470~ ATL a little later but really is necessary to have a soundbar for a TV, really glad I…
28/02/2025 - 00:33
Prices are falling for Sonos. HODL'ing for even bigger sales / stacking CB.
27/02/2025 - 22:53
Pricing has come down, but if you search ozb for some products, you'll find they are still well above the lows of Nov/Dec. Beam 2 was mid…
22/02/2025 - 01:46
I bought all my Samsung stuff from Samsung. Lots of stackable discounts/ epp. I have no association with this website, just plenty of…
20/02/2025 - 17:50
I had 5 pro, and even sold a few. If you have a thin wrist and not a heavy user, the 6 classic is the better buy. 5 pros selling point is…
20/02/2025 - 14:16
Deal is back on amazon - just ordered 2.
20/02/2025 - 11:14
I missed out last night, but its back (order went thru).
20/02/2025 - 11:14
Had both the 32-34 w bridge and ydays past cart. Got ozBd whilst finishing reading OzB comments. #responsible
20/02/2025 - 11:08
Accidentally lied. Checked invoice - $1070 price match jb perks, into discounted GCs at my local TGG. $1020 paid, unlessn I got CB…
19/02/2025 - 23:39
True, but plenty of us younguns rent! I got a 42" c4 for $930 and an IKEA unit for 1/2 price. You also never know when you may have to go,…
19/02/2025 - 21:27
Yup, OzB is full of great deals. A retailer needing to clear out is often a better deal than the company needing to clear out (hence all…
19/02/2025 - 15:11
Most OzBs buy cars. Yes, in some ways this isn't a deal, but car releases and car price reductions are some of the biggest benefits one can…
12/02/2025 - 16:14
Is fluoride in mouthwashes controversial within the subset of experts (oral health professionals / dentists?). Because fluoride in…
27/01/2025 - 16:07
Lots of people would wear a ring but not a watch, or take the watch off for sleep/exercise, or want to maximize tracking (so use both).…
25/01/2025 - 20:03
The 1 metre one is 2/3rd of the cost - also in a 3 pack. Depends on use case, but they seem the exact same specs beyond that - might be…
25/01/2025 - 02:48
This, but the higher end components and chassis also ends up being more reliable from a maintenance perspective - it wins in almost every…
15/01/2025 - 01:47
Foxconn, Apple. This is as someone who doesn't read up on this - am sure you can find more.
13/01/2025 - 23:15
Elon bought twitter [a microphone] and put it on the loudest setting for him and his cronies [he chooses what's prioritised, especially his…
13/01/2025 - 23:11
Haha, lifetime SLR gang - got one during same period.
09/01/2025 - 14:59
Agreed. The prawn alone is well worth it. As someone whose gamed all sorts of genres I think VR gaming has it all beat just due to the…
09/01/2025 - 14:22