Black Friday / Cyber Monday 2024 Deals & Promotions

The one stop page for all deals, sales and discussion for Black Friday & Cyber Monday 2024 in Australia.

According to Wikipedia:

Black Friday is the day following Thanksgiving Day in the United States (the fourth Thursday of November). Since 1932, it has been regarded as the beginning of the Christmas shopping season in the U.S., and most major retailers open very early (and more recently during overnight hours) and offer promotional sales.

Over the years Black Friday and Cyber Monday (the Monday after) have always had many retailers offer great deals and huge discounts.

For 2024, Black Friday officially begins on Friday, 29 November, however offers are generally released days or weeks prior. OzBargain will be tracking sales and discounts related to Black Friday & Cyber Monday on this page.

Forum Discussions

Air Purifier Black Friday Sales?

Moved into a ground floor unit with no ventilation and am getting sick of sneezing/baggy eyes. I want an air purifier ASAP and it being "Black Friday" I thought finding a good price on a …

Is Black Friday Over Before It Began?

I've been holding out a long time for a PS5 and I thought this year's Black Friday was going to be the time I finally pick one up. However last week, loads of very limited deals I was too …

Best Black Friday Graphics Card Deals up to $1000

Anyone found anything decent at this price point this week?


Is Dell Australia doing Black Friday?

Is Dell Australia doing a Black Friday, it's not obvious on their site? (I know Cash Rewards has 15% cash back) US site does have a BF sale

Are We Going to See Better Price on Friday?

Wanting to buy a laptop this Black Friday, haven't seen any deals that are super good on them. All the sellers seems to have their black friday discounts up already, are we going to see better …

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