Check out this banger of a deal. If the $439.99 wasn’t already good enough, Amazon are throwing in a Black Friday special $100 gift card.
Mod Update 26/11: Temporarily out of stock, available on back-order.
Check out this banger of a deal. If the $439.99 wasn’t already good enough, Amazon are throwing in a Black Friday special $100 gift card.
Mod Update 26/11: Temporarily out of stock, available on back-order.
me too. Waiting for friday to by the Q3
Should I too wait?
They will, once Q4 is available.
They did Black Friday deals on other headsets (including Quest 2) in their year of release, so I was hoping for some bonus credit or an accessory bundle discount at least, but with this deal announced already and nothing for Q3 yet I’m not feeling optimistic.
P.S. Boz just confirmed in a AMA that there’ll be no Quest 3 Black Friday deal.
then I will just wait even longer….
So glad I’m returning mine already
y, so u can get it for cheaper?
Well I found a good deal on marketplace for $300 with accessories so that’s why I’m returning it
Bought last weeks deal from meta. Haven’t open it yet because these are Xmas presents. Debating should I return and buy with Amazon for the gift card
Is meta quest 2 the same as Oculus quest 2?
meta owns oculus.
They're the same thing.
They renamed it mid product cycle. Changed some of the logos etc. but left others as Oculus.
Banger deal if you’re even half considering a no fuss vr solution
Just out of curiosity, what do you use the VR for?
Adult content
Such as blades and sorcery, and bonelab
(Seriously though the 30 min + cardio circuits in Les mills body combat get me sweaty af)
Can you really do a Les Mills class whilst wearing the headset ?!
I'm impressed it's both comfortable enough and fitted enough !!
@Nom: Look up body combat meta quest on YouTube to see the routines
Imo it’s fitted enough
My only complaint is needs more advanced classes. I end up doing the same 3 20-30 min upper body focused ones over and over.
beat saber 😋
seconded, that's all
No fuss VR solution? What real-world problem does this actually solve?
The same real world solution your xbox and netflix subscription solve.
It's an entertainment device.
thats an extra $440.
Thanks OP, glad I waited.
Anyone recommend a Strap support accessory? I heard Meta elite strap is not great.
BOBOVR M2 (pick your variant) is considered by many to be the best option. You can even get a retrofit kit to upgrade it to fit a Quest 3 if you go that route in the future.
Yeah I had some crappy Aliexpress one and was wondering why I hated using it. Picked up the BOBO Pro after I saw it mentioned on here and it's a much better experience now.
Fully agree. Dramatic improvement in comfort. I have the one with the double batteries and charging station and it's nice to never actually run out of batteries.
I personally have the KIWI, and It feels great. That said, I've never used the elite strap.
What’s the best Cashback deal or Amazon gift card deal right now? Or should I pay with my Amex and get 5x per $1 qantas points.
You can't use any gift card balance to buy this deal because you are also buying a gift card with this deal.
if you have westpac 2% cashback through Shopback
I'd like to wait for a Black Friday upsized cashback, but will it still be available by then?!
Meta are also apparently planning on releasing a Meta Quest 3 Lite in the 1st half of next year, to replace the Q2 at the same price point, so also wondering if its the best time to buy.
Does this need a facebook account?
That, or a meta account.
You can use a Meta account not linked to a Facebook social media account.
The new Meta accounts are pretty similar to Oculus accounts, just with worse data use/privacy terms. Unfair bans seem to have dropped to almost nothing.
Seems like getting banned on Facebook/Instagram can still get you locked out of your VR hardware if you have the accounts linked, but apparently even then you can contact support and get them to unlink the Meta account.
You use a meta account which is completely separate from FB. You don't have to worry about being banned from Facebook anymore as this was something people were concerned about
Should I be worried that FB collects your VR data (or room views from the cams) for sth?
[Assuming you’re not e.g. the CEO of a major competitor] I personally I don’t think they have enough reason to bother, and doing it commonly would pretty certainly get them caught by people data sniffing. Maybe the room mesh data would be more possible to take sneakily if they really wanted to, but even then would it necessarily be a major problem for them to know the basic shape of some of your rooms?
@Sven Viking: I guess it's just general distrust and not knowing what they can do. You know the rumour how if you're talking with friends about Sports shoes suddenly your Facebook, sends you ads about Sports shoes.
@furyou: That would definitely be more doable. It already happens in cases like this so doesn't seem like much of a stretch to me to think some apps might also do it while they're technically only supposed to be listening for a "Hey Facebook" command or whatever. Always sending the full audio stream would probably be noticed but devices could use local speech recognition to convert to text and pick out keywords.
Should I wait for the Apple Vision Pro?
Might as well wait for Apple Vision Pro X
Apple vision ultra pro + in red
U2 version
Probably end of 2024 for 6k the way the dollar is going lol. Will be one cool headset though. I can't wait for the reviews
Was at 63c a month ago, now at 65c?
its not even the same thing
As much as that device is rich with specifications, you're paying for all the R&D and you're helping build out the ecosystem, which will take 4-6 years to form to something good for any gaming applications, at which point you'll probably see better devices for less than half its price.
But it's a reminder that eyetracking and microOLED - or microLED/QNED - needs to come into the sub-$1000 VR space.
Okay Apple employee. What Apple is doing is nothing new as per usual, stop trying to claim they're re inventing the wheel.
That's a pretty shocking shot from the hip, you've clearly not seen any of my comments about most Apple products.
The only eyetracking headset below $1000 today is the PSVR 2, and it needs significant driver work to make that happen on PC, which Sony will never help with and likely block with firmware updates.
What Apple is doing is nothing new as per usual
But like their touchscreens and face ID before it, they're pushing the envelope with the technology. Just confirming that you understand when I write 'eyetracking', I mean the ability of the headset to follow your eye movements to offer foveated rendering and a form of HID fidelity that's rarely matched for quadriplegics who need such devices to easily access modern technology, yes?
I don't mean the screen on the front of the visor that has those creepy eyes.
If you've got $3000.
Definitely not, unless you only plan to use the Quest to watch movies and browse the web. The Vision is more of a desktop replacement and is not really for VR games.
asking for a friend, they said prnhub looks and feels better in these, is that true?
True it feels like you're at the casting couch yourself. Speaking for a friend…
I confirmed with your friend also, and it is indeed very immersive.
I cant upvote you both enough!
Also the controller have haptic feedback, if that helps you friend.
That's my favourite genre of pron
So real you put your hands up / flinch when you see the liquids coming at ya
If you want to get shafted, buy the Apple Vision Pro
only for the first few times, novelty wears off quick
at least that's what i read online…
Should I get 128gb or 256gb?
128gb is enough. Especially if youre planning on linking it up with your PC and playing games from there
should I get Quest 2 if I can support with PC VR (RTX 2070 Super) or is that a pretty crap GFX today
I do get dizzy from playing FPS on PC so should I maybe wait for a Quest 3 deal since they say it has better optics - blurry sides/corners
only $60 more for twice the capacity , id go with the 256gb
For Quest 3 it’s more arguable if you plan to play a lot of standalone games, because it should have a longer lifespan and games are getting bigger, so you might regret it in a year or two.
Leaks indicate Quest 2 will probably be replaced by a similarly-priced but more powerful Quest 3 Lite next year, though, and it’s quite likely they’ll start allowing Quest 3 (and Lite) exclusive games around then (same as Quest 1 stopped getting many new games after Quest 2 had been out for a year), so 128GB will probably be enough since you may not have access to the biggest games anyway.
should I get Quest 2 if I can support with PC VR (RTX 2070 Super) or is that a pretty crap GFX today
I do get dizzy from playing FPS on PC so should I maybe wait for a Quest 3 deal since they say it has better optics - blurry sides/corners
A 2070 Super should work well in most cases as long as you don't use unreasonable settings.
It's surprisingly unpredictable how sim sickness etc. will or won't affect different people but that does sound like potentially a bad sign. In the best case VR games where you look around with your real body and move with e.g. teleport locomotion might even have fewer problems than spinning in a normal FPS while sitting still though :). Some people do seem to report that the clearer Quest 3 lenses solved problems for them like headaches etc. (they may also have less warping?) so that may not be a bad idea, unless you want to try getting this and then returning it if you have problems.
@Sven Viking: Thanks for replying!
Yeah, I am leaning towards Quest 3 since I know I am susceptible to other forms of motion sickness.
Then again Amazon's returns policy is pretty amazing. I better read up how long I have before returning & I wonder what happens to the gift card
@ChatCPT: Please note if its change of mind return (or for similar reason) Amazon might charge you shipping fee
128GB was enough, as most games were 1-2GB each. Howver I read with Metaquest 3, any games that get updated to work with the higher quality allowable on MQ3 have to be packaged with all the upgraded textures and the like (as in there is no separate download between systems), so suddenly our old libraries may get a lot larger if you keep them up to date, even with the same game..
I haven't confirmed this however as I mostly run the high seas on my Q2, and then virtual desktop stream to it otherwise.
Benefits of Quest 3 over this if it's for sim racing, if any?
Superior fidelity.
The lenses in the Quest 3 are far better. They are clear almost from edge to edge. Whereas the Quest 2 lenses get blurry towards the edges. The Quest 3 screens are also higher resolution and it has proper continuous interpupillary distance adjustment compared to the Quest 2 which only has 3 fixed settings.
Thanks I'll hold out for the Quest 3 I think
You should change your username.
Honestly "I'll wait" would be more fitting you aren't wrong
Being slimmer with the same weight also makes it potentially more comfortable (less torque on face), but either way you’ll probably need to replace the stock strap which is pretty bad for most people.
Battery life is worse but you can probably have it plugged in while sim racing.
I'm looking for a Quest 2 or Quest 3 for use with sim racing but hesitant.
From what I read, these can't charge faster via link cable than it depletes charge. Very short play time before battery is depleted. A consideration if you like to do some long enduro races 3+ hours.
Plus I don't have USB-C PD port on my motherboard.
For what it's worth, I've never looked at the Battery when hooked to a PC but regularly run it flat standalone
What's the return policy regarding the gift card? Do I have to save the gift card to potentially return with the headset, or would they just do a refund for $340 if returned?
Yes if you look at the bundle option, it lists the headset at $339 instead of $439 so you would only get the $339 refund
Thanks for that, missed that on the page.
Do it
Reality check. I'm never going to use it.
How u know though.
It’s actually pretty awesome.
@Jimothy Wongingtons: I recall the software being quite expensive at the time and didn't want to build a Facebook library.
This was before wireless desktop streaming.
I hope they do the gift-card promo for the Q3 as well!