It's that time again when the gutless wonders known as psychiatrists are blackmailing the public increase their pay packets. Their actions reek of the criteria of DSM V for Antisocial …
Hello OzBarginers, my house was broken in during my holiday and I have filed a police report. Now, the offenders used my credit card to order like a laptop from Officeworks but promptly cancelled so …
Would be interested to hear people's thoughts on this. Was at an impromptu gathering of friends - a woman announced that she was moving to Texas. I was quite surprised because both of them had …
This is my story about how I reversed a mild form of skeletal fluorosis. How many people do you know that have a hunched back and/or rounded shoulders? To what extent can this be attributed to …
Cars depreciate so much after leaving the lot, I just can't fully wrap my head around why people walk into dealerships and buy new cars? With transferrable warranty and swerving huge initial …
Please watch this video by Hugh Jeffries featuring an interview with James Parker. Is this an actual looming catastrophe? James Parker's Medium: Update 1: Tech Man Pat says in this video that …
I'll preface this by admitting that I have been out of the loop with regards to cars and news etc. But I do clearly remember that during the early days of the Japanese cars coming into the …
Hi, I have some saving in my account. And i am paying more tax in the last 2 years due to my salary plus interest earnt My friend suggested i buy an investment property and borrow as much as i can …
I was in a store yesterday and found steel frame screws 12mm for $9.50 a box, well that's what the shelf sticker had it at. I've picked up their last 10 boxes and checked out, the guy said …
Here is something I'd genuinely like some OzBer opinions on. You guys know I'm always asking 'the big questions', and here's another … On the above-mentioned TV show …
How do we fix the two-tier higher education system? Recently there have been many articles in the newspaper about illiterate students graduating from the Big G08 universities with poor skills. It is …
What is junk insurance? Junk insurance is an Aussie term to describe add-on insurance policies which are added to loans and credit cards. Common examples are consumer credit insurance guaranteed …
Got a letter, a very heavy fine and demerit points for not wearing a seatbelt. I had no idea this camera existed, and now I am terrified there are more letters coming. It was at night too, when it …
I will soon board that flight with Qantas and am wondering how the hell am I going to make it ? What if I'm in the middle seat for those 18hours ? Will there be enough fuel in the aircraft ? I …
I'm going to cop flak for this— but I don't care. I don't even care if I ruin this pub favourite. The truth is more important. This has gnawed away at me ever since I sat eating a …
Why are the providers being allowed to shut down 3G like this and why is there not more push-back? The sheer amount of e-waste this event will generate is inconceivable, what argument could be made …
Dr Nick Coatsworth makes a STUNNING admission about the Covid jab Dr Nick Coatsworth (left) who helped lead Australia's response to Covid-19, has made a shock revelation about vaccinations for …