I Just Had a Car Accident

I just got my car crashed, the driver said he didn't see me. We exchanged driver's licenses.

What should I do?


  • +50

    Member since 2010 and no car insurance… Damn, hand in your ozb membership

    You should just take this as a learning experience and buy insurance :)

    • +16

      worse, member since 2010 and previously experienced issues from accident with no insurance. So I don't expect anything much said in this topic will change his approach.

    • -3

      No, he has saved more by not buying it for possible 14 years.

      • +8

        2 accidents (that we know of) and a great deal of trouble and time wasted. I doubt he has saved anything

        • +2

          Roast this foolish person

        • I see some cars on the road that have to be worth less than a few thousand.

          • @AustriaBargain: yep, but even then I would find the simple sheer hassle of having to deal with others in an accident. Imagine having to deal with someone that has used one of those scam hire car deals where you are hit with $40k costs for that bumper scratch as opposed to just passing it off to your insurance..

      • Depending on the car, full comprehensive is often $2000/ year. He's saved $28,000.

      • Agreed! Potentially saving $1500-$2000 per year over 10 years.

        That's $15,000 - $20,000 saving by being self insured.

        Depending on the company there would be a cost associated with the claim (Excess)

        I think he might be onto something

        • Until someone gets hurt and suddenly that $20m liability cover is needed

          • -2

            @NMC: Car insurance and Liability cover are 2 seperate things. Everyone who has a registered car has liability insurance. Car insurance i solely for repair costs

            • @Maddsyz27: Have a look at your insurance policy schedule. There is absolutely liability cover included in motor vehicle policies

    • If 14 years of insurance is less than the value of his car, then he's laughing now. Or crying if he didn't save for a new car in the meantime.

  • -5

    Get a quote from the mechanic and get them to pay the cost

    • +16

      Since when do mechanics do panel beating?

      • +3

        Ours did a Father Ted on the bonnet. Presuming they dropped the socket drive.
        Rough as guts seems to be the way these days.

        • that reference XD such a funny episode

  • +4

    File a police report and you should ask him to fix your car or you can negotiate and settle for cash as well.

  • +3

    the driver said he didnt see me because he was trying to setup his mobile phone.

    "Sorry, my fault, just lost attention and noticed you too late" would sound like a fair admission to me.

    "It was my fault more than you think, I was doing something illegal and generally stigmatized" sounds a harder buy to me. Might be something funny going on.

  • +28

    well, you've posted about it on ozbargain so that's all you need to do.

    • +5

      Next step: I'd like to buy some punctuation Burgo.

      • +1

        Easier to slap a quick fix on the punctuation than to sort out two uninsured drivers.

      • You misspelled Baysew…

  • +42

    Very unclear, we require a MS Paint diagram and Dashcam Footage to be able to provide an assessment

    Kind regards,
    OzBargain Community

    Edit: Why did you revise your post and remove crucial information about you and the other party (Eg. No insurance)

    • +11

      Thanks for asking. Cheers.

    • probably because OP realised having no insurance was just an epic fail and didn't want to get called out on it.

    • +1

      They should make it illegal not to have car insurance.

      Why rego, no insurance?

      You have car, but no insurance?

      You have tyre, but no car?

      • We have CTP. CTP ensures you're not getting (profantied) over with medically expenses.

        For everything else, there's Mastercard insurance and/or police reports and/or private claims/court.

        People already (rightfully, IMO) complain about the government essentially making PHI mandatory. So what do you think people would say if they did the same with car insurance?

  • +4

    Step 1: build a time machine
    Step 2: use time machine
    Step 3: ………..

    • +2

      Step 3: flux capacitor

    • -1

      Yea I don’t the OP has the intelligence to build a time machine, let alone drive a car or get insurance.

  • +60

    Hi Ralph

    After your accident in 2017 with no insurance, it's a bit strange that you're still rolling the dice almost 8 years later

    Did the driver who hit you this time have insurance?

    • +11

      Apparently a lesson not learnt.

    • +6

      Some people are slow learners…..

    • +3

      You will need to check the OPs revisions for that answer.

    • +4

      Think of the 8years of money saved in not paying insurance though! (if that's the case, have they saved money or lost? Would be interesting to see. At minimum everyone should have third party at least though…)

      • +2

        He's probably got about $16,000 to play around with repairs with the money he saved and if he invested that money probably $20,000 the o play around with repairs.

        • $16k on BTC in 2017 is $2.5million. OP just go get a new car and a house.

  • +9

    Did you post this thread as you stood by your car on the side of the road straight after the incident?

  • Don’t you have third party at least?

    • +5

      No this is only his second crash while unisured. Stay tuned. The party starts at crash number 3.
      BYO policy

    • We are the third party

  • +6

    You better hope the other driver does the right thing. They could block you or ignore your calls, and then you would need to go to court. This is the second time you have had an accident without insurance.

    • +3

      You know what? If it was a minor collision OP might still be better off without comprehensive.

      • That may be true. But you never know how deep the damage can go with the new crumple zones etc. I guess we also dont know if it's a Suzuki Swift or a ram1500 lol

      • +4

        If you can afford to replace your car without it causing issues in your life, you are always better off without comprehensive. Insurance is a profitable business after all, in your lifetime, it is extremely likely you will be better off having never purchased it.

        That is of course if you do not put any value on the peace of mind it might provide.

        Third party property is of course a must-have as you can easily cause a life-ruining amount of damage to third party assets you do not control the value of.

        • +2

          It would blow people’s minds if they knew most of the top companies with large fleets “self insure”.

          Which is a fancy term for no insurance. For better or worse, insurance is a rich man’s tool for poor people.

  • +21

    Troll post, this early on a Sunday morning?

    Nice ninja edit to remove the fact that you didn’t/don’t have insurance.

    You should do the same thing as what you did last time you didn’t have insurance and were involved in an accident.

  • +6

    Buy bitcoin. It fixes everything apparently

  • +4

    Call your insurance company

    • +5

      and he and me dont have car insurance.

      Come on now… This is OzBargain…

    • 404

  • Buy car insurance for future incidents, thank GOD it was only a minor accident & then go on with your life.

  • +20

    he and me dont have car insurance.

    Perfect match ❤️

    • +7

      I knew a couple that met via a Car Accident.

      I did ask my Boss how many Cars she hit prior to her meeting Mr Right…

      I guess it is more interesting than the "met through friends" or eHarmony or whatever.

      • +2

        sounds like they live in time

  • +2

    My adviSe is to see legal adviSe.
    The extensive information you provided here, should accelerate the process, and save you some money

  • +1

    OMG, OMG


    How is the car? :+)

  • Go back and hit his car in revenge. If its still driveable, you need to make it undrivable before any repairs can be made.

  • +2

    I just got insurance so I don't worry about got car crash.

  • +2

    what should i do?

    You followed the OzB tradition. So you doing it right.

  • +3
  • +1

    Its a worry that people like OP are on the roads with us all…..

    Also LOL you both don't have insurance, couldn't have found two better people !

  • +8

    This post's revision history is GOLD.

    • +6

      Reads like a car crash and then move along nothing to see….

  • +2

    Pics or it didn't happen

  • +8

    We exchanged driver's licenses.
    What should I do?

    Firstly, make sure you get your license back

    • LOL. Why did they do that?

  • +1

    Reread the Driver Training Manual / Road Rules on the section… What if I am involved in a Car Crash …. again.

  • -1

    Go see lawyer.

    Or if you don’t have money for lawyer send the other driver letter of demand with 3 quotes from reputable smash repairers.

    Setting deadline as to when you expect to receive payment.

  • +1

    If you're here posting about it with no dashcam, You must be at fault.

  • just go to any bodyshop/panel beater. they have in house solicitors who will draft a letter of demand and send it to their insurer, let them sort it out if you are not at fault.

    if it's not or contentious, then you will learn an expensive lesson

  • +2

    LOL, so you have revised your post to remove the fact that you don't have insurance.

    • +2

      Had more revisions than the King James Bible.

      • +10

        KJV: Mine car has been crashed, the opposing warrior declared he didnst sight me. Together we gathered and passed around our letters of licence.

        The Word: Out of nowhere, my vehicle is destroyed. Like a bolt of lightning from the heavens, the opposing force came and claim he had not seen me. After long deliberations we decided we must exchange the glad news of our licences.

    • How else is he not meant to seem ignorant

  • -1

    Surely you had a discussion at the time of the crash who was going to pay for what?

    If not, I hope you at least helped him fix up his phone so he stops rear ending ppl.

    Also, it’s quite unusual to exchange licenses after having an accident.

    • Its common to exchange licenses after an accident. Its expected

  • -8

    Never had insurance. The money I’ve saved I could write most cars off and still be ahead.

    • I assume you mean comprehensive car insurance?

      • -2

        No, even CTP. Just tell the people at VicRoads you don’t want to join the TAC scheme and they’ll remove it.

    • Only if you banked all that saved money. Which you didn't.
      (No you did not)

      • Not relevant as I have a large amount of cash on hand.

        • Of course you do.

  • The money you saved from not having insurance, use that to fix your car.

    Keep the invoice and send a letter of demand to the other party and ask them to pay it

  • +5

    Original text before edits:

    i just got my car crash from behind. the driver said he didnt see me because he was trying to setup his mobile phone.
    we exchange driver license and he and me dont have car insurance.
    what should i do?
    my car is still driveable, it just a small dent at the bottom of the trunk and a small tear at the door of the trunk.

    • +5

      Thanks for this.

      Yeah sounds like both OP and other driver go repair their own stuff. End.

  • my car is still driveable, it just a small dent at the bottom of the trunk and a small tear at the door of the trunk.

    Get a quote to have this fixed and ask him to pay. Cross fingers.

  • +1

    No useful information to offer sorry OP.

    Rather than start a new thread/poll, I'm hoping that all the people saying should have had insurance can pipe in.

    I have a previously hail damaged car that I had repaired. Long story short, the repair is crap and there is no recourse. I'm currently paying Comprehensive with the full knowledge that if I end up in an accident, and it's my fault, the chances of my car being covered despite paying premiums is next to 0. I was okay with this for the last few years because premiums were sub 1k. Latest renewal is for $1500. TPP (or TPP+F&T) are both about $350. If my car was in perfect condition, it would be worth close to 15k.

    I want to switch to TPP, but the thing that scares me is if another at fault party hits me from behind I'm up s*it creek even though it's no fault of mine.

    Any suggestions?

    • If my car was in perfect condition, it would be worth close to 15k.

      If there's no financially viable way to return the vehicle to the state where it would be worth 15k, then there's no point thinking like that. You should instead be evaluating how to insure the car at its current value. According to carsales, my current car is worth about $9K: the advice from most here on OzB would be to insure TP only. However, the car is worth quite a bit more to me personally (for various reasons) so it's a no-brainer to insure comprehensively.

      So the question you need to answer is, how much is your car worth right now?

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