Hi Guys, my name is ralph, i just moved from perth to sydney and i want to ask you guys all of tips and trick of living the ozbargainer ways in sydney.
OzBarganers ways of living in Sydney

thanks a lot mon gol.
atm i always buy my groceries from woolworths or coles. i asked my friends whether there is a store like spud shed (back in perth) in sydney where the farmers sell their products direct to the customer, but all my friends said sydney doesnt have something like that. i'll try flemington market.
at the moment, im looking for an it job and my hobby is playing badminton.
Back in perth, I used to go to social badminton club and i just pay $8.50.
Im still looking for a social community badminton club in sydney. I heard there is one in UNSW every saturday 13:00 and I will try it next week.google "Paddy's market"
Flemington is one of them. they sell very nice bread there, but to get it you will need to go a bit earlier… as they run out of it pretty quickly.can't say anything about badminton.. my daughter plays basketball (basketball club).
all the best with finding a job!
Welcome to Sydney.
Free furniture can be found on gumtree. Often in very good condition. No need to buy new one. And not only furniture.
Try Flemington market for fruit and veggies. If you go there before they shut the gate (2pm) you can get stuff at very low price.
Cook youself. This will save you heaps. Ie, try cooking rice, sosages, add some sous. It can cost appx $7-10 but you will have a few servings within this cost. Or pasta. Or chicken and veggies.
What else?
If you give some ideas what you are intetested in it would be easier to advise))
Not giving you advice to search for the lowest price on product you want to buy. You are on Ozbargain. Hence you know that)))