What Else Can I Do to Stop People Knocking on My Door?

I've moved into the current place for a few years.
Since Day 1, I have put a sign up at the front door:
"Do not knock. Sales people and charity are not welcomed."
I also have a camera pointing at the front door.
I work at night and need some rest during the day.

Everything was fine until the 2nd half of this year,
perhaps people suddenly realize that making money is not as easy as they think,
or people have spent all the $ from gov payments during covid,
more and more people are knocking on my door,
from new car service mechanics wants me to prepaid $250,
to corrupted World Vision hunting for my donations.
They just don't read the sign.
What else can I do to stop them?
Thanks in advance for all helpful suggestions.


  • +29

    Change neighbourhood, no one hardly knocks on my door :(

    • -2

      Alternatively IGNORE the door knock

      You have cameras!

      Answer when you want to.

      • +13

        Alternatively, dig snake pits either side of the pathway to your front door, and fill them with hissing cobras and rattlesnakes. Then make the pathway really narrow.

    • +5

      "Caution!!! Wet Paint"

    • -1

      Cry reacc 😭

  • +2

    Wear earplugs when you sleep?

  • +33

    stop answering the door?

  • +134

    Remove your door.

    • +27

      Stop them with this one easy trick.

      • +15

        Salesmen hate this one simple trick

    • +3

      Can't knock on the door if there's no door. (insert that meme here)

      • +3

        (insert that meme here)

        taps head

    • LMFAO

  • +8
    • already done both.
      and the sign is stick next to my doorbell…

      • +2

        Disable the doorbell when sleeping?

        • +3

          they just knocked on the door and wall instead, when they found the bell is not working…

          • +30

            @AsukaST: Get a doorbell where you can record a message instead of having it chime. "F off, I'm a night shift worker and am sleeping. Read the sign you inconsiderate See you in the NT" might work.

          • +1

            @AsukaST: I have them knock at the door and yell out. They don't even try the door bell, why? Do they not realise that my video door bell is already recording them?

            • +3

              @Sammy2000: they are probably working holiday visa holders and just don't care.

              • +6

                @AsukaST: I know they only get paid if they make a sale so that is why they are so desperate.
                Charity workers are the worst. Harder to avoid in the shopping centres and so manipulative. "Do you care about the children staving?!"

                • +13

                  @Sammy2000: "If I did I probably wouldn't have taken their food in the first place". You just need to one up them.

                • +1

                  @Sammy2000: “Yes, which is why I donate directly to a charity since I know that 100% of my money for the first year goes to you otherwise, and you clearly don’t care about starving children! BABY MURDERER!”

                • +4


                  "Do you care about the children staving?!"

                  "Yeah, that's why i'm at Coles. Now get out of my way so i can get dinner home to them"

          • +7

            @AsukaST: get a really quiet doorbell but place the speaker just inside the front door.
            so they ring it, hear it faintly and assume its loud, but way inside the home.

            they dont knock. you cant hear the doorbell while sleeping.

            • +4

              @Antikythera: Many of them just knock on the door / wall / windows despite there is a doorbell, and my sign is right next to the doorbell.
              Some postie also like to bang my windows before reaching my front door just to save him 2 seconds.
              Really hate that because the sudden bang on glass is scary.

              On the other hand, Amazon, Doordash, Uber, Startruck and DHL do have some common sense to ring the bell.

              • +7

                @AsukaST: Open the door and try to sell them something.

                • +4

                  @ColtNoir: Welcome to my humble abode and I would like to talk about a wonderful opportunity! This will only take 30 minutes but after that I'll be talking about Jesus, seed money and uprooting your karma.

              • @AsukaST: Cover the entire door in razor-sharp spikes coated in a fast-acting sedative with thick bubble wrap, leaving only the muted doorbell button accessible.

              • -3


                sudden bang on glass is scary


              • @AsukaST: Oh, oh! My turn I got an answer for this!
                Put a sticker on window too

  • +21

    u need a new sign
    atheist, crossfit and vegan lives here

    no one will knock

  • +4

    print another sign, saying you won't get sale by knocking, instead you'll get a lack of sleep maniac chase you with a chainsaw.

  • +22

    Do not knocked

    I think I found the problem. You are using past tense. This will confuse people at your door who are either in present or future tense.

    • lol just a typo, edited.

    • +15

      Knocking on door makes OP tense, cheers.

  • +2

    Install a gate.
    Or caltrops.

    • +2

      Or both

      • +14


        • +13

          Might as well consider the drawbridge and moat bundle, unless you live in the flood prone areas in brisbane.

          • +7

            @Jimothy Wongingtons: Archers optional

            • +6

              @Subere: yeah bro cost of living pressures and all that

              gotta splash out for the hot oil on the battlements upgrade though

              im also not 100% sure the spiral staircase for defending from invading troops getting up to the throne room will blow out the 2025 budget though…

  • +1

    Maybe a sign that explains why they shouldn't know. e.g. "Please do not knock or ring, shift-work is sleeping".

    • +22

      I feel worry that may attract burglary…

      • +17

        "Please do not knock or ring, shift-worker is sleeping, but his Dobermans are not".

        • +1

          for some people, chihuahuas are more scary than a doberman.

      • -1

        People who will rob you, would already know you’re a shift worker.

      • Shift workers live with non shift workers. It doesn't necessarily mean that the house is vacant at any given time.

    • +2

      "Baby sleeping"

      • Salesman will probably still knock with baby sleeping. Baby doesn't need to come to the door. What is with people and not understanding white noise… we'd talk, tv on / watch movies, vacuum, washing machine on etc etc whilst our baby was sleeping…. no issues - you have white noise on when they are going to sleep. literally not a problem … (well, until you turn the white noise off to go to bed, the change to silence, that's when they'd wake up …lol)!

        I laugh at colleagues who are explaining how for months they'd get around whispering, creeping around on the timber floors etc - that's no way to live, your baby will get used to sleeping with noise, it just needs to be consistent.

  • +7

    Get a few rottweilers for the front yard …

  • +11

    Install a real fake door

    • +5

      Why not a fake real door?

  • +24

    Be verbally abusive to the people who knock on your door. Ask them if they can read English and if they can't tell them to F off.

    • +2

      Always is stunned when they say the owner is rude for telling them to go away.


  • +2

    Put up a sign that the door is voice activated.

  • +22

    Put up a sign that says there is a $150 callout fee payable by any sales people or charities that ring the doorbell, and that ringing the doorbell will be a deemed acceptance of these conditions. Then don't open the door unless they pay the fee.

    • +2

      CASH ONLY!!!!. Put money under the door in sealed envelope :)

  • -2

    I personally wouldnt answer the Door

    you got a camera use it otherwise get a camera with a microphone and say 'Hello? what do you want?' if they are sales or charity say thank but im not interested and get on with you day

  • +5

    You are assuming they can read English.

  • Seems like they need to learn the hard way. Add little spikes on your door. Or have knock-activated jet of water….lol

  • -1

    Get a doorbell that is made in Israel. Make sure when you install it you put the Front Towards Enemy pointing outwards.

    • +4

      Side effects may include:

      • Paranoia
      • Need to disassemble electronics
      • Sleeping in the closet
      • And loss of vision.

        • Just talking about installation.

          As always, read the warning label.

  • +17

    Just put your roller rubbish bin in the front. No one wants to touch garbage so no one will move it.

    • That's clever thinking

    • Yeah or chuck up some barricade tape.

  • +4

    Fence off front yard and get a locked gate. Door knockers turn up, get confused and leave at my place. Sucks though man, it is tough when you cannot get good sleep

  • -8

    or people have spent all the $ from gov payments during covid,

    What an odd take

    I bet you're just full of non *-ist ideas

  • +5

    put up a sign that says, "come back tomorrow, i'll be happy to answer the door"

  • +12

    Door bell connected to an airhorn that faces back towards them.

    • +2

      Of all the crazy ideas here, I love the idea of someone pressing the doorbell and having the bejesus scared out of them by an air horn.

      Only problem is that you may not get a lot of sleep…

      • +3

        At risk of overthinking this, and vibing off some of the earlier comments, nothing scares people more than legal terms and conditions.

        You could have a sign next to the doorbell that says, 'pressing the doorbell' is deemed acceptance of the attached terms and conditions. Press at your own risk.

      • +2

        Kids will spread the word of your amazing air horn doorbell and that's when you realise you f'ed up

    • Bit like the doorbell at the Addams Family mansion 😂

  • +1

    Install a front fence.

  • +1

    Soft foam like studio insulation on your door and frames. They can knock but you won't hear it.

  • +5

    Smear dogsh*t on your door.

  • The only way is to have a door made of pillows.

  • +5

    You say you've got a video doorbell.

    Provide a compilation clip of these "people". I just simply do not believe there are that many people knocking on your door

  • +6

    Trap door that drops into a croc infested water tank that activates when they press the doorbell… Adams Family style.

    • This is why they don't press the bell!

    • +1

      Sharks with friggin laser beams attached to their heads is also a good option

  • +9

    I dont know about your state, but if you have a sign up that says "Do no knock", it is actually illegal (with severe fines for corps and individuals) for some organizations to knock. It doesn't stop all of them, as it only stops "commercial sales" individuals. It will not stop God botherers or the charity scumbags who are "not selling anything, just giving out information" and then ask you for a donation anyway. It wont stop police or political canvassers either.

    I have a sign on my door that says "DO NOT KNOCK" in big, red letters and cites the legislation and that anyone who is not authorised to knock will be "removed by reasonable force" as they are now breaking trespass laws. I single out ALL unsolicited door knockers by including in the do not knock to cover charity, religious and political canvassers and tell them they must leave immediately.

    Or you could put up a sign I used to have "Shift worker sleeping. If you think you are good enough to pedal your wares to a cranky, hibernating bear without being eaten, I DARE you to knock on my door." and it had a cartoon of a grizzly bear eating a salesman.

    • +3

      if you have a sign up that says "Do no knock", it is actually illegal for some organizations to knock.

      True. I am not sure if its nationwide but I am sure VIC, NSW and NT do have this law in place.
      But, people just don't read, and the sign doesn't stop charity.

      put up a sign I used to have "Shift worker sleeping

      I won't do so as I feel worry that may attract burglary.

      • +2

        But knocking to see if you are at home or not is not attracting burglary?

        If they knock and you dont answer, this is also "attracting burglary".

        People dont go around and go to the trouble of work for a charity/church/vacuum/bottled water sales company just to check houses for possibly break and enter targets later that night. Thieves also dont go around looking at front doors of houses looking for "shift worker alseep" signs. If your house is going to get knocked over, it is going to get knocked regardless if you have a "shift worker asleep" sign.

        My street has been hit 4 times in the last 5 months and the little (fropanity) that do this DGAF. They roll up in groups of 5~10 with their hoodies, masks and gloves and DGAF if you are home. If they get in, they get in, if you are at home, they will just bail you up with a knife or some other weapon while the others rummage your home. (InB4: "i wOuLd KiLL ThEm aLL!1!!" No you wouldnt, champ. They are wide awake, pumped on meth and 5~10 deep and you are half asleep…)

        You know what doesn't keep them out… signs or no signs on front doors.

  • +24

    A friend of mine years ago had a religious group constantly door-knocking so one day he and 2 friends all answered the door naked. They never returned.

    • +6

      "There is no god in that house."

      • +1

        And a little note in their book to come back when they weren't on duty.

  • +25

    This definitely works.

    • Oh! nice, I like it… And some finger print dust rubbed around the door handle…

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