What Else Can I Do to Stop People Knocking on My Door?

I've moved into the current place for a few years.
Since Day 1, I have put a sign up at the front door:
"Do not knock. Sales people and charity are not welcomed."
I also have a camera pointing at the front door.
I work at night and need some rest during the day.

Everything was fine until the 2nd half of this year,
perhaps people suddenly realize that making money is not as easy as they think,
or people have spent all the $ from gov payments during covid,
more and more people are knocking on my door,
from new car service mechanics wants me to prepaid $250,
to corrupted World Vision hunting for my donations.
They just don't read the sign.
What else can I do to stop them?
Thanks in advance for all helpful suggestions.


  • Put a picture of Donald Trump and a MAGA sign on the door !

    • +1

      Is that a virtual version of the flaming sh*t bag prank, in reverse ?

      Besides a picture of the giant orange baby would just attract golf equipment sales ppl.

  • Put on "Angels with Filthy Souls" and set your speaker volume to max, that should scare people off.

  • Crime scene tape and a white gazebo out the front

  • Thinking outside the box, you could remove the door?

  • How about camouflaging the door to look like something else or your outside wall. Brick wall, use brick wallpaper on door etc. Making it a little harder to see, might get them to move on to the next easily seen door.

    Also could make the door stand out more. Put signs up about religious faith:
    "Please Knock. What is that of which I speak, you ask? I would like to talk to you about The Book of Mormon. Donations welcome"

  • A sign Trespassers will be eaten

  • +1

    Do many of the things suggested above to prank them but start a youtube channel showing it and naming (and shaming) the companies.

  • a gate that prevents them from even getting past the driveway?

    • OP must be catching up on sleep. (at work) They still haven't described their dwelling type.It's probs a swag in the park for all we know. Another "I came here for help thread ,but don't expect any feedback, to fill the info gaps".

  • +1

    Upside-down pineapple in the door should do the trick.

  • We have free stickers for that in NZ and legally binding could be worth pushing to get somthing similar


  • Here's a step by step guide of what to do:

    Install a smart Home server like Home Assistant. Buy a security camera that has facial recognition.
    Buy a projectile type device (like this one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HoRPWUl_sF8)
    Preferably that can connect to Bluetooth or WiFi. If it can't connect, buy an Arduino module to help you connect it (learn to solder & a bit electronics/ programming along the way)

    Create an automation using your smart Home server to shoot paint, salt, or your choice of ammunition at people who's faces that aren't registered in your ai security cameras database.

    Put a sign up near the mail box, pathway or position furthest away from your home but still within the confines of it with a warning that you have automated pest control in operation such as; "Warning! Pest control in operation. Do not enter the premises for your own safety".

    If they still enter, you get to see the footage of the perpetrators being dealt with & if they manage to get to the door & still knock, make sure you have two more of the projectiles facing the doorway that will not stop shooting till they're of the premises.

    If I was smart & knew how to do all that, I would. I'm not though…. Who wants to make that for us? 😅

  • Notice:

    Please do not knock or ring. I'm running out of places to store the bodies.

  • +3


    Worked 100% of the time for me. No, I do not have a baby, but they don't know that.

  • get a fence gate, and close it, they cant even come to the door anymore, only keep it open if you have a delivery coming

  • +2

    Trump flag will do it. It will scare away the crazies and you'll make some great new friends.

  • Check out home automation. People ring the door-bell while you're sleeping, auto-activate a valve to turn on a penis shaped hose nozzle pointed towards the doorway.. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/125458808020

  • +1

    i have a female dog, and i have a sign "BEWARE OF ANGRY BITCH"

    works pretty good


      NO salespeople, canvassers, missionaries, marketers.
      (profanity) around and find out

  • Sign on door:



  • Motion activated sprinkler

  • Some big fake spiders will stop them knocking. The OS backpackers will be packing extra down under, and the Aussies with give it a pass, just in case. Though there are some places where anything, including your spiders will get nicked.

  • Put a sign up… "Electrified door, do not touch"

  • You should probably just take the door off of its hinges

  • Put a wet paint sign

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