What Else Can I Do to Stop People Knocking on My Door?

I've moved into the current place for a few years.
Since Day 1, I have put a sign up at the front door:
"Do not knock. Sales people and charity are not welcomed."
I also have a camera pointing at the front door.
I work at night and need some rest during the day.

Everything was fine until the 2nd half of this year,
perhaps people suddenly realize that making money is not as easy as they think,
or people have spent all the $ from gov payments during covid,
more and more people are knocking on my door,
from new car service mechanics wants me to prepaid $250,
to corrupted World Vision hunting for my donations.
They just don't read the sign.
What else can I do to stop them?
Thanks in advance for all helpful suggestions.


    • +3

      Might work better if you wrote it in different languages:
      لا تقم بالطرق، لا يمكنني التحدث بالإنجليزية.
      សូមកុំប្រើប្រាស់បន្ទាន់ទេ។ ខ្ញុំមិនអាចនិយាយភាសាអង់គ្លេសបានទេ។
      ਦਰਵਾਜ਼ਾ ਨਾ ਖੋਵੋ, ਮੈਂ ਅੰਗਰੇਜ਼ੀ ਨਹੀਂ ਬੋਲਦਾ।
      Usigonge, siwezi kusema Kiingereza.

  • +1

    Cover the door with foam

  • +3

    Your sign needs an upgrade

    "Crime Scene Investigation in progress"

  • +4

    Is there a yard before the door? Motion actuvated sprinklers?

  • +3

    This poem sucks

  • +1

    Have you considered getting a moat around your house? Maybe with a drawbridge that you can pull up when you sleep?

  • Bikies.

  • -3

    get a peep hole so you can see who it is. Also dont answer the door.

    • I read this as pee hole. Now that would work.

  • +1

    Leave an obstacle course of paint tins, tyres etc.
    Some satan loves you signage.
    Stop ordering stuff online (for postie that knocks on your windows).
    Wet paint sign on verandah floor.
    Permanent waterfall feature at entrance to veranda.
    Motion triggered cap gun.
    Hang a half cow carcass on veranda

    • Satan loves you, or a Masonic 33-degree symbol

  • +3

    Get yourself a talking tile Which is a giant button aimed at kids with learning difficulties which you can record your own voice or plug in an external jack and record whatever you want into it. They have holes in the back to mount to a wall with a screw and the face of the button has a clear cover that you can put paper underneath. You can write "Press me" on it and pre record a message telling them you are not interested and please do not knock. When you are home you can simply unhook it from the wall.

  • Sleep on the other side/out back of the house.

  • +1

    Bikie motorcycle poster

    Biohazard symbol poster

  • +3

    Put up a picture of Bryan Cranston with the words “I am the one who knocks”.

  • Put in a moat

    • +13

      Looks like you are one of them who don't read properly.
      There is a "DO NOT KNOCK" sign next to the doorbell.
      And I am having some rest after night works.
      I believe I am a nice person to treat them politely, when they are the one who don't respect others.

    • +5

      You are probably pissing them off by wasting their time, they lost all that commission when spending time with you.

    • +1

      People are just trying to make an honest living

      Commisioned selling of shitty "charity" subscriptions is pretty much the opposite of an honest living. Screw them.

    • Oof, didn't go the way you expected did it.

      • I didn't expect anything better than this from the OZB crowd.

    • +1

      I thank you for wasting their time.
      They much rather be told to f off than to be misled into thinking they can make a commission and waste their time.

  • +2

    What about one of those signs that says something along the lines of "do not knock. If you knock you agree to a contract and must pay money to the sum of $xxx minimum $x". Something like that. Saw some youtube videos of it, seems to work (for some at least). Curious though if it would be legally binding. Could be a good way to make money while you sleep :p.

    • +3

      It is not legally binding. That would be more akin to a “fine” than it is a contract. You could however say that you entertain these conversations at $X/15 mins, payment upfront.

      If not selling something, anyone is allowed to approach your door and knock on it. The exception to this is if you have “enclosed land”, ie, you have a closed gate and fence around your whole property and a sign that says “no trespassing”. They are not allowed to open your gate or climb a fence to get to your door.

      The other good news is though, that once you have ordered them off your property, you are then allowed to threaten to remove them by “reasonable force” or “detain them until police arrive” if they don’t leave immediately.

  • Post one of those "voluntary abandonment" notices people use when they can't pay their rent. Says 2 things:
    1. You're not home
    2. You're broke

  • +2
  • +2

    My Dad was a shift worker. He had a large sign on the front door that said LARGE, ANGRY, SHIFT WORKER SLEEPING. DO NOT DISTURB! It was printed in big font with a skull and cross bones underneath. No one ever knocked on the door while it was there.

  • -3

    put some chinese new year decoration in front.

  • Squirting doorbell.


    But fill it with fart solution.

  • -5

    Old man screams at the clouds.

  • Get these signs:
    “Beware of the dog”
    “In quarantine “

    Getting a flag of some sort, and hang that up. Rainbow to avoid religious. Israel and Palestine flags might help confuse people.

    Put your rubbish bin infront of the door

  • Put your naked hairy pic on the door. Mention the risk of more gruesome experience for unwanted visitors on the pic.

  • +1

    Instead of "Do Not Knock",
    Print "Already donating and I am broke"

    It must be so annoying, I even get annoyed when my mailbox clearly says "No Junk Mail. No Unaddressed Mail" and bloody people simply don't read/care, still get flyers from PO / Dominos / Real Estate Agents

  • I think they can sense your bad vibes and want to annoy you

  • +1
  • you can be a little bit creative and set up an automated/remote control sprinkler hose next to your front door entrance and have some fun

  • Put a sign like

    "Curse be thy that marketers and uninvited door knockers will suffer a terrible misfortunate either themselves or their family members. It will by natural accident or a gruesome encounter, be warned or suffer the consequences."


    "We support hamas, hezbollah, all LGBT and transgender people, the Green's party and anarchy"

  • Overgrown lawn

  • Your sign has as much weight and authority as a handle with care sticker on a postal package.
    Good luck.

  • Rottweiler..

  • +2

    Does your video doorbell have a do not disturb message/ring but no alert mode?

    Turning off the doorbell would just make the persistent knock, but if it rang but did not set off the internal ringer it would make them think it was working & had alerted you.

    Mine has a mode where the bell will read out a message "I think you have knocked on the wrong door" "We are not taking visitors" or a recorded message, but the internal ringer makes no noise.

    • They mostly don't ring the doorbell, they knock on the door. Not sure why they avoid it.

  • -1

    or people have spent all the $ from gov payments during covid

    Bad attitude detected.

    Besides, cannot fathom the OP's place were people knock "on the wall" when doorbell fails … a wall? paper-thin wall?

    • Lol yeah I am surprised to see so few pick up on this. It's nuts, covid stimulus ended long ago, just how much money do these people think was handed out? Do they think everyone got a lot because they themselves got a lot? It's just so hard to understand that mindset…

  • Get a movement sensor that activates a smart tap. Use a fitting that fires a heavy jet of water right where they need to walk, but positioned so it will activate before they reach that spot. Place a No doorknockers sign next to the nozzle. Almost silent too other than the curses you may hear if they are too persistent.

    Your friends may visit less often.

  • Get a video door bell.

    When they ring speak to them through the speak and say "Roll a D20 to check for traps…"

  • +1

    Im NOT saying Punji sticks, but they sure did help the Vietnamese.

    • Do I have to dig the tunnels and have border skirmishes with my neighbours? Sounds like a load of effort…..

  • Set up some garden sprinklers right at the entrace and have a clear sign at the door "garden sprinklers are activated by knocking and ringing the door bell".

  • +1

    If you can’t stop the knocking, consider another approach?
    Mask the knocking by playing while noise in your bedroom, or better still, ambient sound like jungle noises or rainfall/distant thunder. Or even run a fan.
    I know, it’s actually making it louder in your bedroom, but you might find it quite restful. And the disturbing sound of somebody hammering on the door will be less noticeable.

  • "Naturist lives here. I WILL be naked when the door is opened"

  • Barb wire and electric tape

  • +1

    If your camera has a speaker, set up a routine to play a voice recording when it detects motion at your door. Something along the lines of "Please go away, I'm sleeping" on repeat until the motion (person) is gone, expletives at your discretion.

    • +1

      Feck that. Too risky. The message should be ,"I'm out the back ,I'll be there in a minute.Please wait" Then roll over and go back to sleep. PPL only wait so long.Even better if you can channel the sound of running water to the front door.

      • True, true. Didn't think of the security risks.

  • +1

    I share your pain OP - I've got a sign as well that says 'no salespeople/doorknockers', worked well for a bit but now they just straight up ignore it and ring the bell anyway. I used to answer the door to say I'm not interested, but now as soon as I can see that it's a salesperson I just ignore them.

  • +1

    There are unanswered salesman door knocks in your area!

  • Answer the door nude.

    Unless you are really attractive, as that may not have the desired effect.

    • What if they ask "can I come in ;)"

    • Pro version
      "Answer the door nude"…while holding a meat cleaver dripping with tommy sauce and with some sheep tripe clenched in your teeth.Bonus points for Joker face make-up.

  • +1

    Put up a sign, facial recognition used in this private area.

    Your social accounts will be signed up to to unsolicited groups.

    • Bunnings sign?

      • Nah, more like a list of groups that will be followed.

        Such as but not limited to:

        Lemon party
        Don does dilldos


  • Do like Ukraine does. Ask the US for anti personnel land mines.

    • Or take a leaf out of Mental Yahoos play book> use the entire USA military toolbox, including 'borrowed' personnel?

  • +1

    For starters, the VUE marketers can't knock or call under the new ban

  • Just charge an entry fee! Guaranteed to work.

  • buy some of that yellow tape with black writing that looks like police tape and place across your door in an x-shape, when u want to sleep.

  • +1

    Maybe try changing the sign to 'Please knock, I really want to talk to you about my rock collection" with a picture of some rocks decorated with badly drawn faces and an arrow pointing at each with a name.

  • A notice:

    Fee for responding to unsolicited callers:
    $100 per incident.
    Payment to be made within 30 days
    Any expenses incurred in pursuing payment after 30 days will be to your account
    If you are representing a company or organisation they will be deemed jointly and severally liable along with you.

    And follow up with an invoice each time.

    • I'm not wasting my time cold-invoicing random companies for $100. That's quite literally robot work…

  • Put up a "I've got 3 pitbulls. Enter/Knock at your own risk" sign

    • FTFY
      "I've got 3 pitbulls Amstaffs"

  • Install doorbell
    Put sign up asking to use doorbell
    Unplug doorbell

    • Or use wireless version with the buzzer up a distant tree?

  • Bikies
    or a Harley parked out front, that looks like it's owned by one
    or a great big dead fish 3 paces before your front door.or change jobs
    Martial arts>get good> wake up to the knocking and beat the door knocker-onner-rer to a pulp

    OP what sort of house? House,unit,flat which floor?

  • Put a picture of Donald Trump and a MAGA sign on the door !

    • +1

      Is that a virtual version of the flaming sh*t bag prank, in reverse ?

      Besides a picture of the giant orange baby would just attract golf equipment sales ppl.

  • Put on "Angels with Filthy Souls" and set your speaker volume to max, that should scare people off.

  • Crime scene tape and a white gazebo out the front

  • Thinking outside the box, you could remove the door?

  • How about camouflaging the door to look like something else or your outside wall. Brick wall, use brick wallpaper on door etc. Making it a little harder to see, might get them to move on to the next easily seen door.

    Also could make the door stand out more. Put signs up about religious faith:
    "Please Knock. What is that of which I speak, you ask? I would like to talk to you about The Book of Mormon. Donations welcome"

  • A sign Trespassers will be eaten

  • Do many of the things suggested above to prank them but start a youtube channel showing it and naming (and shaming) the companies.

  • a gate that prevents them from even getting past the driveway?

    • OP must be catching up on sleep. (at work) They still haven't described their dwelling type.It's probs a swag in the park for all we know. Another "I came here for help thread ,but don't expect any feedback, to fill the info gaps".

  • Upside-down pineapple in the door should do the trick.

  • We have free stickers for that in NZ and legally binding could be worth pushing to get somthing similar


  • Here's a step by step guide of what to do:

    Install a smart Home server like Home Assistant. Buy a security camera that has facial recognition.
    Buy a projectile type device (like this one: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=HoRPWUl_sF8)
    Preferably that can connect to Bluetooth or WiFi. If it can't connect, buy an Arduino module to help you connect it (learn to solder & a bit electronics/ programming along the way)

    Create an automation using your smart Home server to shoot paint, salt, or your choice of ammunition at people who's faces that aren't registered in your ai security cameras database.

    Put a sign up near the mail box, pathway or position furthest away from your home but still within the confines of it with a warning that you have automated pest control in operation such as; "Warning! Pest control in operation. Do not enter the premises for your own safety".

    If they still enter, you get to see the footage of the perpetrators being dealt with & if they manage to get to the door & still knock, make sure you have two more of the projectiles facing the doorway that will not stop shooting till they're of the premises.

    If I was smart & knew how to do all that, I would. I'm not though…. Who wants to make that for us? 😅

  • Notice:

    Please do not knock or ring. I'm running out of places to store the bodies.

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