Wish to Relocate to USA. Any Suggestions?

My wife and I are Australian citizens, in early 30’s and seriously considering relocating to New York. We are in a position where if either of us gets a job in US, we can wrap up everything here and move within a month. I work in Asset Management in Investment industry, and my wife in Digital marketing.

Primary reasons to move:

  • 50x more career opportunities for me and probably 10x for my wife
  • Higher pay
  • my strong belief that US economy will become much more resilient and strong in coming years
  • NY lifestyle (lots to do, nightlife etc.)

It’s still early days, but I have been looking for work on East coast but the biggest challenge I am facing is the recruiters don’t understand what E3 visa is and don’t want to sponsor anyone from overseas.

On the other side my wife is still contemplating if it will be a good move for us? She is 80% convinced but due to remaining 20%, haven’t started applying for jobs. Her entire extended family lives on East coast and suggest we should move there too.

Could anyone please share their views if:

  1. It’s a good decision to move to New York from Sydney?
  2. Any suggestions on how can we break into the job market there?

Thanks for your time.


  • +172

    my strong belief that US economy will become much more resilient and strong in coming years


    1. No

    2. don't bother

    • +5

      Good thing AUD is getting stronger against USD

      • +23

        Lol what? It's been on a downtrend since 2011(tradingview.com).

        • +7

          Everywhere in USA has lower taxes than Australia and lower cost of living than Sydney. But there are much lower taxed states than NY.

          • @Scrooge McDuck: Nevada has better tax rates. Las Vegas seems to have a reasonable night life too…🤔

            • +2


              , aus and its failed society is the better option as there are more safty nets and work expectations are not hardcore like it is in the usa.


            • +4

              @niggardly: Do taxes pay for roads? schools? hospitals? police? army? firefighters? etc etc…

              So less taxes means….

              • +7

                @calcium: homeless people, desperate people, lots of guns
                just a normal wonderful two tier society

              • +4

                @calcium: Bridges, don't forget bridges. I know most of the US has, but somebody needs to remind them that a third of their bridges need repaired or replaced https://artbabridgereport.org/ Bloody useful that tax thing.

          • +3

            @Scrooge McDuck: they are doing worse

          • +1

            @Scrooge McDuck: Rather not get shot over lower taxes, thanks though.

      • +4

        Just give it another 200-300 years and it will catch up for sure…

      • +22

        Stayed in NYC for a week and caught the subway a lot. It’s fine.

        And don’t worry. The biggest criminal from New York is now president, and mostly in Florida.

    • -1

      LOL… No

      Please explain?

      • Brexit?

      • +5

        LoL more like freedumb. America marched their freedumb loving asses straight into a dictatorship.

        Unless you have spent some time in America you have no idea just how shit most people's lives are over there. The standard of living for a lot of people is really bloody low.

        Australia is 100% better

    • +3

      What's cooked is that he is in Asset Management …..insane statement lol

  • +96

    Setting aside this is a political phishing post, Suggestions? Take all the Trump and Musk supporters with you.

    • +74

      and flat earthers and sovereign citizens

      • +5

        I'd chip in if it caught them all in the net.As well as the thousands of US troops parked here.(seeing as Trump says we need to look after ourselves.) Send them all en masse,one way in US AC carriers.

      • -3

        and the pro Palestine / Israel / Russia / Ukraine / China protestors as well.

        • +5

          and Rupert Murdoch and every media footprint he has in Stray

      • +2

        And Temu Trump along with his master the Fat Gollum too.

  • +43

    Bon Voyage 👍

  • +64

    perhaps take a holiday trip to US, to suss it out first.

    have you travelled to US before???
    my GF has done about 4 trips to US over the years (most recent was Nov 2024 for a 6 week holiday).

    ooh and if you thought Sydney was expensive to live - well, NY == even more again (so your higher pay will easily be gobbled up in rent/housing alone).

    • +50

      And don't forget to factor in Health Insurance.

      • +42

        And the chance getting shot. In the school!

        • +51

          I heard the other day that they are introducing the metric system into USA elementary schools.

          Lesson 1 : what is a 9mm?

          • +3

            @MS Paint: Lesson 2 : 9mm is smaller than .38 & .45 but still effective.

          • +4

            @MS Paint: Lesson 2: 7.62mm > 9mm

            • @BuyoTheCat: Lesson 3, Duck!,active shooter. (Just another day,sigh )

            • -1

              @BuyoTheCat: If the penetration of a bullet can be summarized as the relationship of

              y = (height of human x bullet diameter) / age squared

              How many average 10 year old children will a 50bmg travel, if the average 10 year old is 4ft 3/8"

        • -3

          I used to be a warrior like you, then I took a bullet to the school.

      • +5

        Health insurance is going to come with any decent financial services position in NYC, of all the downsides to the country this isn't relevant to the OP.

        • +8

          The out of pocket, before insurance kicks in, will still be relevant.

          • +5

            @DashCam AKA Rolts: And not everything is insured either. Anything not insured may screw you.

            • +9

              @Aleigh123: People don't realize how scary US employment is with health insurance.

              A friend of mine over there had to cancel an important knee surgery that was scheduled for the next month, because they were laid off after the company lost a contract and their health insurance was terminated the same week.

              I naively assumed you'd be able to keep your health insurance plan and pay for it yourself until you get a new job, but no it was just cancelled, and because his ex-employer was a small business they were exempted from COBRA.

              He was able to get a new job pretty quickly, but their health insurance only kicked in on the 1st of the next month after employment, a week after his surgery date.

              Was 4 months until he could have it done, and it was a much more involved surgery because he'd been walking on it the entire time and damaged it further.

              You do everything right in America and you're still just left crap out of luck. I don't know why they put up it, wouldn't wish that uncertainty on anyone.

              • +3

                @Jolakot: The real kicker is what it does to the work culture.

                In Australia, employees put up with all sorts of crap because getting fired means a temporary loss of income.

                When getting fired also means you and your kids possibly not getting important medical care at a crucial time?

                Your nasty power-tripping boss owns you over there.

      • +1

        and GST (not included in any prices shown)
        AND tipping

    • +1

      Yes, we have been there. My wife’s got extended family there too. Wages are about 40-50% higher atleast for a similar role for me in US. Plus lower taxes. I have a good paying job here after 7 years of experience in the field. But in NY, even a graduate analyst makes more than me.

      • +49

        But in NY, even a graduate analyst makes more than me

        Cost of living in NY makes most of Sydney look affordable though.

        • +13

          OP is clearly not ready for the US …no research just looking at salary

      • +4

        Make sure not get shot. And make Trump's America great again.

        • +3

          In NYC, getting shot is a possibility. Luckily, they are not looking at Chicago or Detroit lol. Depends on the pay bump, NYC may well be affordable for OP. But it’s one city which has shocked me how rough and dangerous is feels now (aug/sept 24) compared to 10 and 20 years ago.

          • -4

            @HelpMeiCantSee: Aug/sep 24 was the worst, since 20 Jan 25, its become great again like it was around 4 to 8 years ago.

            • +3

              @niggardly: Except that since Trump was sworn in,gn deaths tas are rolling on, business as usual plus plane crashes have gone gang-busters to make up the $$ for the coffin makers. There have been multiple mass shootings inc schools since he faked his way back in.

      • +8

        Local living costs are reflected in the wage… When I do work in the Sydney market, I charge an extra 22% on top of my normal Gold Coast rate.

        In saying that, forget about moving to earn more money, move because you like the location. No point earning heaps and being miserable (it's why I'm on the Gold Coast instead of Sydney)

        The below should be the main factor, everything else can be figured/worked out. I'm actually looking at moving to Iceland which would be a pay cut. :P

        NY lifestyle (lots to do, nightlife etc.)

      • +11

        Did you factor in not having 4 weeks annual leave every year?

        • +8

          And 10 days paid sick leave, and 11% super, and paid maternity/paternity leave, and paid public holidays, and paid long-service leave

      • +3

        I didn't see mention of living costs - rent in Manhattan may be sky high - and commuting from Queens can be a PITA - are you hoping to live for free with the relatives ? Good luck with that …

  • +21

    Have you been to NYC? It’s one of my favourite places on earth but would I live there? No.

    It’s expensive and to have the NYC lifestyle you want, you have to earn very well. I’ve lived it up in NYC but that was on the back of a good Australian income and favourable exchange rate. I’ve got friends in NYC but in their words yes it’s great but you really have to work for it, esp. when you’re starting out because you’re easily replaceable so you really have to slog to get a name for yourself

    • +1

      That’s right. I am aware that one really needs to slog there to make it. But in our industry we are rewarded for that through discretionary bonus. Not so much prevalent here in Australia and also capped.

  • +4

    My wife and I*

    • +16

      Me an ma homie gonna move cribs man


  • +1

    You’re citizens but ex-pats? You’ll always be wondering if there’s somewhere better so you should definitely go; my favourite nation to visit.

  • +17

    2. Any suggestions on how can we break into the job market there?

    Think about working in Australia for a Multinational Company and then get transferred or apply for internal vacancies.

    • +2

      Apply for a job at Amazon? lol

    • +2

      I bet the competition is next level insane in America and unless OP is somehow super unique / a unicorn or is a nepo baby, he's going to have a bad time and just be doing pleb generic grunt work in a back office with no windows like everyone else

      Did you even go to an ivy league University

  • +22

    Go for a holiday first, NY sucks big time (3x the cost of living, 4x the rent, 2x the violent crime, the city smells of urine, faeces and spoilt milk) …

    • +8

      2x 69x the violent crime

      There, fixed.

      • +2


    • +5

      And stinking hot and humid in summer and freezing cold in winter

      • +4

        in Summer the unventilated Manhattan subway has been likened to Hades

    • +5

      No, I was there in January and it smells of pot. Marijuana smoke smell everywhere, like a music festival in Australia, but a city.

    • +1

      Lol because the rubbish is never picked up. I was there last during a trash strike-ugh

  • +6

    The best way would be for either of you to get an internal transfer by your company to their branch there. They’ll sponsor visa, pay for relocation costs and easier transition into work.

    Both your roles seem to require intimate knowledge of the local market and that may be a challenge to finding a job there. Plenty local American candidates you’d have to leapfrog…

  • +8

    Wish to Relocate to USA. Any Suggestions?
    Get gun licence asap and get used tonweqr body armor

    • +2

      Any bargains on used tonweqr body armor? A few pre-existing bullet holes couldn’t hurt right?

    • +1

      You get the body armor as complementary when buying an AR. Just think of number of fatality by gunshot in the state vs number of fatality of people killed by croc, deadly spider, deadly snake in OZ.

  • +22

    So, you looked on the bright side.
    What about:
    - no social security network
    - no decent medical coverage unless you pay big time
    - lots of shootings

    But, no, seriously… go.

    • +5

      That's alright, if they fall on hard times they'll definitely come running back home…

      • +1

        Won't even come home, just demand that the australian tax payer helps them out!

      • +1

        What isn't true?

  • +3

    IF you are serious about this and in no real hurry, you could always try applying for the next 'Diversity Immigrant Visa Program aka 'Green Card Lottery'.

    Both you and your wife should meet the education/employment skills criteria, and it will allow you not to be tied to a single job and workplace to meet visa requirements. Applications for 2026 should open in Oct/Nov. (Unless a certain DOGE decide to do away with the program altogether.)

    • +6

      If you're committed to the move then not really, it's a lottery.

      I applied for many years, only stopped maybe 10ish years ago. Always thought if it happens then WTH, let's maybe just wing it. (Love lots about America, but dislike a lot too. Stopped applying when the like/dislike balance tipped.)

      • It's a stacked lottery, though, right? Like you get more chances if you're in the right work category or something?

    • Diversity? US program? thanks for the mental picture of Wyl E Coyote encountering an (un) expected disaster.

  • +3

    hey there's loads of cheap houses in Washington…

    • Detroit too…..

  • Watch youtube.

  • +38

    I lived and worked in the USA for several years, and I'm so glad to now be living back home in Oz. For me, their social injustices, great inequality, and where their politics is heading is very unattractive. Australia truly is a lucky country, and I hope empire USA doesn't find out or they'll bring more of their nonsense here.

      • +2

        Quality of life matters more than money, you can earn a comfortable living here in any sector, with a fraction of the stress.

    • -1

      and where their politics is heading is very unattractive.

      Where was it heading earlier you reckon? At least some course correction in the latest election.

  • +2

    don’t want to sponsor anyone from overseas.

    You need to bring something which they can't get in America already.

  • +21
    1. Move to Canada.
    2. Wait.
    3. You're now a US American.
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