Always Say It's Your Birthday / Anniversary at Restaurant or Hotel Bookings to Get Better Service and Freebies

I hope I don't kill this for people abusing this.

Every once in a while, myself or my mates will 'pretend' it is their birthday when we make a restaurant booking.

That way, we get top tier customers service, or freebies like cake or dessert or snacks. We have gotten multiple free shots taken with the owner.

Sometimes the waiters come sing happy birthday, or you can request for them to sing in their foreign language like Japanese for that free Japanese experience without going Japan.

All around happy vibes.

It's also quick way to also test the level of service from a restaurant and whether they go above and beyond to deserve your fat tip.

I know it's not Australian customs to tip, but these waiters/bartenders are the ones worth tipping. Always tip them.

Edit: Included hotels, anniversaries, graduation, celebrations and any other 'special occasions'


  • +2

    Happy Birthday!. :+)

  • +24

    Wants free cake yet happy to spend $5k on a suit. Pleeeease.

  • +32

    So you dishonestly add to the staff’s workload everytime you go out for dinner?
    Not cool

      • +6

        Every once a while is not 'Always'.

      • +4

        I understand but restaurants in general tend to be understaffed than be overstaffed. By making them do extra work, you put more pressure on them + delay service for other patrons.

        their fat tip at the end

        Do you tip every waiter that gets pulled in to your little sing song?

        It's also quick way to also test the level of service from a restaurant and whether they go above and beyond to deserve your fat tip.

        You seem hella entitled there imo. You should just be judging them on their standard dinner service instead,

        Anyways, each to their own.

        • -8

          I agree, successful restaurants always needs to be understaffed as staffing is one of the major costs rather than the food itself.

          I'm of the view if they pass the vibe check, they should get compensated. If not, then no tip. The more embarassing, the more memorable, the better, but this is up to them to decide and how much you want to get back at your mates for doing it to you.

      • +6

        Sorry, I need some clarification.

        Is it
        A. always lie to fraudulently obtain benefits and make others perform for your titillation
        B. sometimes 'prank' a business to fraudulently obtain benefits but then say "it's just a prank, bro" and everyone realises you're a comic genius, high-fives all around and maybe they get a tip.

        If I'm to lie for personal gain it would help my creative process to get in character by knowing exactly which type of selfish, deplorable scumbag I'm playing.


        • -5

          You can technically celebrate anything as they consider special requests under 'special occasion or events'.

          A) Would be for the Birthday Deals wiki as you will be explicitly going to a restaurant to gain the 'freebie' or if you're staying at any 4-5 star hotel who will try their best to meet your 'special requests'.
          But it would come under B) Pranking is funny to surprise and embarrass your friends, any freebies is a bonus that should be rewarded to the restaurant

  • +5

    Every once in a while, it will be one of your birthday's….

  • +2

    sing in their foreign language like Japanese for that free Japanese experience without going Japan.

    They sing the English version in Japan so either they lied to you and sang a random song or you lied to us.

    • No they don't.

      • +2

        What do they sing then? Everytime I have been to a birthday party in Japan they have sang the English version.

    • -3

      They usually sing the English version here actually, you need to specially request it if they have enough Japanese staff

  • +3

    Why not just get 364.25* friends and be legit about it?

    *Obviously you don't need 365.25 friends because one day, it really will be your birthday.

    • -1

      Because that would make it boring very quickly

  • +1

    How many mates are we talking? It could feasibly actually be a birthday celebration every time… I mean everyone has a birthday once per year.

    • +3

      Except those annoying leap-year people, and nobody goes to their Birthday much and if they do only every four years…

  • +15

    Another life hack is to hang around parking lots telling people sob stories and asking for $20 to get a bus ticket to see your dying relative. Some people will just give you money!

    • +5

      Lol, yeah turns out there a lots of ways to grift “free” stuff by lying and taking advantage of people’s good will and generosity

      “Life hacks” aplenty

    • +3

      Even better if you say YOU were dying - Make-A-Wish Foundation hack let's gooooo.

  • +15

    Another “life hack” is to set up a GoFundMe page and say you’ve got cancer… people will just give you money 🙄

  • +2

    "deserve your fat tip"
    save that for the wife……

    • +1

      "deserve your fat tip"
      save that for the wife……

      People who think they are a Fat Horny Ghost never are. The Fat part excepted.

  • Applies for other things like hotel bookings. It's always our anniversary whenever we go and we get a nice bottle of wine

    • -1

      Good point I added it in

    • +4

      In my case it probably is our anniversary every time we stay at a hotel. So…

      • -2

        Soon to be mine too

        The level of service is incredible whenever we celebrated our 'officially together' anniversary especially at Accor restaurants

  • +8

    Low arsed act

    • +1

      Unless the once-in-a-while is actually just on his mates bdays. Which it could be. If you have 6 mates and go out 6 times a year then maybe it’s just legit.

      • It's basically a forum brag and now it will spread around and add more pressure on small businesses already struggling.It's not a way of testing service or standards or anything else.It's just scamming based on a lie.
        There are ppl who can't afford to eat in,let alone out.Here they are congratulating themselves .Meh.
        It's now their Karma to navigate between faux birthday feasts.

  • +1

    But what if its important to you to be a 'true' person? To have integrity…..

    • To OP & his mates,it aint.It's a growing trend.

      • I guess so, but integrity never goes out of fashion either. And i dont think im alone in facing my harshest critic when i brush my teeth…..

  • -1

    I like the idea but if you are in a foreign country and you check into a hotel, they can check your DOB in your passport.
    In completely unrelated news, Mrs B and I celebrate our anniversary multiple times a year…

    • -1

      Regardless, they still do their best to meet your requests and make it special especially if it's a 5 star hotel.

  • Has anyone tried this at the California Club ?

    • Have you?

      • +2

        No, that's why I asked.

    • I tried it with my birthday suit on and they called the cops

      • my birthday suit

        The one with the little tie?

    • -1

      No but I would love to try celebrating the anniversary of 'JV is in the penalty box again' at a restaurant

  • +5

    The whole premise is stupid. If you give them a "fat tip" for acting like it's your birthday, then aren't you just paying for this service?
    Why don't you just tell them you will tip them for good service and then nobody has to pretend it's your birthday.

    • -5

      Because it's up to restaurant/hotel to decide the level of service they want to provide, which people should be happy to pay for or compensate

      It's always better to reward those that go out their way than to tell them to do it

      • +7

        They're not going out of their way. They are doing it because you are lying to them. How very weird and immature.

  • +1

    Or tell them you are engaged and scouting for a venue and they will give you a taste of everything for free.

  • +8

    This at its core, is taking advantage of an establishments good will. It's not cool man.

    • +7

      Exactly. What's next, OP will present at the hospital ER and tell them he has cancer so he gets treated first. It's exploiting people's good will for personal gain. OP feels like tipping them after the fact compensates for shitty exploitative behaviour. It doesn't.

    • -2

      Have a look into the business case of why 'birthday clubs' exist in the first place. The exact specific date doesn't really matter.

      You have a good time, they get what they want.

      • +5

        I don't understand your point. They exist to foster a relationship between with their customers and to encourage them to return.

        But you're doing it unethically. I find it really interesting you think deceiving others is socially acceptable.

        I guess you don't put much weight on your own personal integrity.

        • -1

          Lying is questionable - yes.

          Funny to surprise and embarass your friend or partner - yes.

          Taking advantage of waiters or other benefits - yes but it's their job especially if you're spending $150 on a steak per person as you're also paying for the 'experience' and differentiates a fast food joint to more sit down dining where people usually celebrate birthdays.


          There are other benefits other than just loyalty.

  • I've done the same for date nights, we're almost always celebrating an anniversary, usually means a nicer table and complimentary wine or dessert.

    I don't consider it dishonest as we have plenty of anniversaries (first date, second date, first time going to Ikea etc), so it's a fun way to celebrate our smaller milestones and reflect on how far we've come.

    Making the staff sing happy birthday is too far though, like getting freebies is one thing, but that's just mean.

  • +1

    "Good evening sir, I understand you're the birthday booking?.We'd like to welcome you and your party to our restaurant and hope you have a great time tonight. We really look fwd to making it a night to remember .Also, and as you may already be aware,(when you made the booking) we need to advise you that due to a trend made popular on social media, many businesses, including ours, have agreed to validate all celebratory occasions, to avoid unnecessary impacts on our extra staff we have on for your booking, and to protect the amenity of the other guests. As long as the name and date on formal ID match the booking and occasion you'll receive our renowned special attention. If for some reason there's a discrepancy, you'll still receive the best food and service we offer, all our clients. That's why they return". We apologise for the inconvenience, but we and like minded businesses are obliged to deliver the best service and food possible on all occasions to all our guests.We hope you understand."

    • -1

      What about anniversary bookings? Do they also need proof?

      In the end you're out with mates or your partner looking for a good night out, they are a business competing against other businesses, it's 'up to them' to decide how they want to treat you and bring back your business, unless you're explicitly abusing birthday deals which have their own T&C.

      • +1

        unless you're explicitly abusing birthday deals


        • +1

          Inside the kitchen, ( in another paradigm, of course) >
          Chef Hey BRIAN, did you just lick that steak and then drop it on the floor?
          Brian Yes Chef!
          Chef WTF Brian, are you mad?
          Brian No chef. but that noisy mob out there are that fake birthday crew.
          Chef Aaaagh, I see. Pass me their other steaks and the 'special sauce'

          to be continued…

          • -3

            @Protractor: The 'birthday boy' revealed it was fake before as his birthday was one month away and the owner/manager thought it was funny and joined in by giving us all free shots of his favourite concoction.

            Definitely passed the vibe test, we ordered more food and alcohol to 'celebrate' and he also got a fat tip.

          • @Protractor: McDonald's have a special sauce in their Big Mac.

        • -2

          It's all covered under the T&C i.e. purchase with a main meals or dining with 4 or more guests as you can see on the Birthday deals wiki page.

          There's no loss to the business unless you're abusing a deal like going in by yourself to Hakataya to eat a free ramen (that's why they check ID's for that and stopped that promo).

          My context is for a group booking with a group of mates to surprise and embarass one of them or 'anniversary' which can have multiple dates.

          The better service (depending special events policy), better seats with views and any freebies is a bonus.

  • +2

    Do not feed this troll.

    • Not even a $150 steak?

      • -2

        Just checked the bill it was $170 for one steak

        Ended up spending about $190pp. Totally worth it once a while. They offered exceptional service 😁

  • +1

    Is January the trolling month, or is it the Year of the Troll?
    Ozb has really showed lately how behaviour has plummeted.

    • -1

      Nope you're just missing out as it's quite common. I've worked in hospitality before. We never check ID and provide a small cupcake or dessert with sparklers.

      The people that come in, especially by themselves and expect a freebie without any spending and probably only come once a year for that specific birthday deal is the ones that you want to avoid on a business level.

      If they are paying for food and drinks as part of a large group, I'm happy to make sure everyone is going to have a great time, including staff to enjoy a bit of the party even though it hasn't been verified if it's their birthday.

      I'd love to see how a restaurant or hotel would perform in the long run by questioning, verifying and checking ID, dates or proof for every booking that writes 'birthday' or 'anniversary' under the 'is it for a special event' comment box.

      • +1

        Mate you unleashed this concept into the wild.Social media with bushfire it across the web. Eventually businesses will stop the rot. Where there's a will.As simple as no special treatment for walk up party boys.

        Curious,do you carry a plastic cockroach in your man bag,too?

        • +1

          Lol, I was wondering the same thing

          “Life hack”: carry some small pieces of glass and “pretend” you found it in your food to get a free meal 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️

          Deceiving people for your personal gain is such a lark…OP is so edgy

        • -3

          It's not a new concept - see what the salty waitress has to say


          Birthdays are more funny to surprise the other person

  • Let me guess… the day you organise this year's OZB BD meetup… is your birthday?

    Do you want attendees to give you a happy vibe this year?

    • -2

      I have no expectations from OzBargainers except that they join in to socialise.

      At the previous Ozbargain events I hosted, we did sing Happy birthday.

      Whilst some had the 'head down, eat by myself and try get as much value at the buffet mentality'.

  • +1

    Kinda on-topic… anyone remember the eatery chain Texas Steakhouse, where every ten minutes or so some corny country music would start playing, and the waiters would gather at the front of the restaurant and linedance for about 30 seconds? Went to one on the Gold Coast with some very good friends once, and my ex told the waiters that our mate was the Lismore Nude Boot-Scootin' Champion. Waiters spent the rest of our visit trying to get our friend to join in their little dances. In hindsight, it was mean… but at the time it was hilarious.

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