So I finally deducted the Monitor purchase from taxes It is the 34" curved monitor 3440x1440 Question 1) How much can I sell it on ebay Question 2) What other monitor can I buy as replacement …
For various reasons, that are impossible to change, I find myself with too many flies in the house. I need an automated system ( or passive system ) that gets rid of them, so no salt gun, fly …
Good Day all I tend to walk to the station, and the intersections I have to cross, are busy, because it is a "shortcut". I know that if I cross the road, parallel to the main road, I have …
90% of the time I go to a restaurant for dinner, and I try the water that is offered for free, I find it chlorinated. So much that it could have been taken from the local swimming pool. Yet when I …
Travel pillow for those long flights Not too heavy, does not compact much, but really nice to have on a long flight. Much better than the "pillows" given by the airline.
My Daughter is 12, and she keeps buying books for readers aged 6-8. She is perfectly capable of reading books for her age and over. Is there a way to limit Amazon purchases to books for 12 years and …
Was fighting a clogged toilet for 2 days, and not winning, so I called the plumber. The plumber unclogged the block. All good so far Then he gets the giant pipe camera / endoscope and starts to run …
Recently I got my eBay Plus membership cancelled, because I do not have a registered bank account. Cancelled and not refunded. Contacted eBay, and they said, set up Bank account and we will …
Hi All We had a storm water pipe that was blocked, and got a quote to get the pipe replaced. Quote says " … carry out excavation of the storm-water line and install new storm-water line …
I did order a Sphero Kit thru Telstra Plus points and $17. The toy came DOA and after several long chats I got told that Telstra Plus cannot replace, and refuded the points. Still waiting for the …
So I did the big step of moving away from Nespresso capsule machine and invested in the Breville 870. Question now is: where do you buy your coffee beans from? Edit: I would like to thank everyone …
I built a big sandpit for the kids. They have now grown up and the sandpit has to make space to a decking, I need to remove about 30 cm of sand before I can build the support for the decking. Any …
Hi, a friend of mine ( really ) has been scammed several 100's of $$$. He has "paid" with Steam Wallet Gift Cards. Any Idea if possible to recoup ? How ?
This is the news 3 teens stole a car, and the owner chases them in another car ( probably second car ) Now it seems he gets charged …
I cancelled my flight scheduled to be in late April, to Tasmania, on the 20 March, during the period where Qantas/Jetstar offered free cancellation. I received a flight ticket of the value of the …
We had a "pet" water dragon, that was sunbathing in and around our pool. Would come to the door for food, and occasionally swim with us. Our neighbour had a snake catcher remove some …
I've spend Saturday looking at second hand cars, and I've found a Ford Focus ( AUTO ) Ambiente with 39K. model 2014, manufacturing May 2015 I have now read that Ford clutches during that …
Good morning OZbargainers I had to send a micro SD card from Sydney ( The Rocks ) to Mascot, it is currently in Perth I think it would be fun, if we share the walkabouts of our parcels and letters …
A Month ago I ordered a fishing rod from TomTop, there were two models: one is a casting rod ( reel sits on top of the rod, and you cast with the thumb ) and the other model was a spinning rod ( …
I found $150 on exiting the toilets, and handed it to the receptionist. She sent out an email to the whole office, and the owner was found. From where I come from, if you lose something, and someone …
As good OZBargainer, I got some decent priced tickets to Europe, via Abu Dhabi. My Family 2 adults 2 kids have about 4 hour of time between flight. I/we are not members in any Lounge program, or …
I just checked on the NBN site, when they think NBN will be available to my house. I am glad it's not soon. Statements like "NBN's obligation to pay back its costs to the government …
I own a Kia Sportage, and received a letter from KIA that notified me that I need to bring the car to a dealer to get something checked/replaced. I called the closest dealer, and made an appointment …
Hi I am thinking about getting a Dash Cam. This question is to those who have one: How do you have it installed? Suction Cup I assume and ..cable dangling down to Cigarette Plug? ..cable going in to …
My wife used an online travel agency to book flights for our family to Europe. Out son is an adult now ( over 12 ). She booked 3 adults and 1 child. Filling out the Form, she put out daughter ( who …
50% OFF Pick and Mix Gift Boxes Choose your favourites from Australia's largest range of Lindor Pick and Mix at Lindt Chocolate Café and Lindt Chocolate Shop for just half the price until …
last year, when I bought the phone, the wireless charging did not work, so I sent it in for repairs. This week, my LG G4, which I like very much goes in to the dreaded Boot-Loop. Nothing to do …
Hi We (I) bought a go-find 20 metal detector. With my son and his friend we went to Balmoral beach, and we found $2 coin, $1 coin, 20cts coin, 10cts coin, hair pin, 3cts coin, kinder surprise …
Hi, I'm tapping once more the broad knowledge of OZBargain community It's my Son's 12th birthday. As many kids he wishes for the latest and greatest iPhone. We are no millionaires, so …
I've seen this 2in1 has been on OZbargain several times, and from the comments I did see that some also bought it. I did buy one too, and installed dual boot Android 6 from "Android …
Hi Oz'Bargainers Once more I would like to tap the knowledge of this community We have the opportunity to buy an Holden Astra City, year 2004, with about 30K done. Only 1 owner Travels were …
Since it seems that there are plenty of people with broad health knowledge, here is one for you to solve: From time to time, at more or less random moments, I get a sharp pain in my chest, more or …
Hi Oz'Baragain community It's time soon to replace my current Android Tablet ( Chinese Pipo P9-3G: RK3288, 2GB Ram, 32GB Rom, 3G, 10", MicroSd, Full HD ) I see many chinese tablets. …
These are just examples Terminal Tackle: $0.19 for Saltura Barrell Swivel Snap 4kg #10 - Pack of 18 $0.99 for ECO WEIGHT Egg Sinker …
Hi Last week I bought 2 x 128GB memory cards from the same seller, on 2 different Auctions. They arrived in the same envelope. I did test them, and they resulted to be a fake. I opened a ebay case, …
30% OFF SALE - THURSDAY 10th DECEMBER Impress your friends and family this Christmas with the gift of Lindt chocolate! Enjoy 30% OFF all retail items for ONE DAY ONLY at all Lindt Chocolate Cafés …
On Sunday I saw the basket in the picture. $9 for a charging kit for the wireless xbox 360 controller. Original price (not that it matters) was $34 and $43. The cashier had to manually override the …
Globalgig is offerin a $30 voucher for new avtivations. I am on a $9 plan for 1GB, and will upgrade so that any extra MB will be charged at 2 cts instead of 5 cts. That's when I saw the …
Who has done the research in the past, and is happy withthe provider?
Amasym is $20 for 2.5 GB
Dodo $25 for 2 GB
Virgin $29 for 2 GB
Optus $30 for 4GB or $20 for 1 GB
Did I miss one ?
Just a quick one.
Wento to Rivers in Nelson Bay, 2 pairs of shoes for me and a t-shirt for my son, with a price tag of 9.95 (The shirt).
When the Girl scanned the t-Shirt. It came up 12.95.
It seems there is a 7200 rpm in there, which compares to a Black Scorpio 750GB
Which according to is just a bit under the Scorpio.
I have found a model Sunbeam GL8200, but this is a bit on the expensive side.
i dont want the ones that you have to put the bowl in the freezer for 12H. Had bad experience.
I think this is a good one (Despite having no Zoom) to use as a secondary Full HD Camcorder (in Water, snow, rain) I looked around the web for something similar. Only found a Sanyo that doest seem to …