Comparing Techfast build vs Umart ( including build )
CPU: Intel Core i7 9700KF Processor vs Intel Core i7 9700K
MOBO: Motherboard* — Intel Z390 Motherboard vs Asus Prime Z390-P ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 SUPER 8GB Graphics Card vs MSI GeForce RTX 2080 Super Ventus XS 8G OC Graphics Card
RAM: 16GB DDR4 [3200MHz] (2 x 8GB) vs Corsair 16GB (2 x8) DDR4 3200MHz Venge
Storage: 480GB 2.5" SSD vs ADATA SX6000 PRO 512GB M.2 NVMe Gen3x4 SSD
Power: 750W 80+ Gold Power Supply vs SilverStone ET750-G 750W 80Plus Essential Power Supply
Cooler: 120mm Liquid CPU Cooler vs Cooler Master Hyper 103 Universal CPU Cooler
$2499 vs $2878.00
Both look good to me, which would you get if you had the money and were looking to upgrade from your 5 year old Laptop ( GTX 880M )
Are there other sites where you can configure and get your PC built ?
Centre com?