Bargain of the morning is here
**Saw it on today's herald sun Vic paper and should be nationwide**
Wii U Premium Bundle $214 (50%off) + 1/2 Price All Nintendo Gaming @ DSE
Shipping looks like it is $7.80 to most metro regions. There are probably better deals on the horizon (JB HIFI still haven't lowered their price) but if you are desperate this is pretty darn cheap.
To those with PSN Plus membership, you can download Jak and Daxter Trilogy for PS Vita. It's not on the PSN Plus page so I thought I'd post it here so you don't miss out.
Pretty good price for a pretty good amp (if reviews are to be believed), especially being the Airplay version of the amp...trying to convince myself not to buy one...
Pay what you want ($1 min for keys):
- Dead Space (Steam, Origin)
- Crysis 2 Maximum Edition (Steam, Origin)
- Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box (Steam, Origin)
2 years (24 issues) of MOTOR magazine for $79.95
Includes free delivery to your door.
Got this in the mail today. Had previously purchased the *Wheels* 2 year offer, 2 years ago.
Topfield 500Gb PVR TwinTuner - model TRF-7160
(discontinued model 12ths warranty.)
At last 20% off sale JB sold at $300 was $197 at DSE
now reduced to $167.45 til 29-Jul-2013
Posted on their [Facebook page](https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10151509460627882&id=299915857881) this morning.
Use code to get 15% off.
PlayStation store has All-Stars Battle for 17.95. Its cross-buy.
Averages ~74% on Metacritic and Gamerankings if that means anything to you.
Its in "This Week's Top Deals"
Been looking for one of these for a while now, And noticed Good Guys have a great price on them
Even cheaper than buying a grey import ($403.20 from Camera Paradise)
Came across this store when I was looking around for a set of speakers for a home theater system and this is the cheapest I've seen this particular set, especially with the subwoofer included.
Hi Guys,
For one week only we are offering $200 cash back on BenQ W1080ST 1080P 3D Projector and throwing in two pairs of BenQ 3rd Gen 3D Glasses for free.
Part of Click Frenzy - I thought this was worth posting as a separate deal.
Julius Marlow make reasonable quality leather work shoes, dress shoes and casual shoes for men.
Who would say no to free lollies
Allen's is offering free Cheekies Sample for a facebook like. Its a Generous sample too
The Offer is for two products to sample:
Hard to ignore this for value vs anything out there at this price. ~~There's no website obviously but here's a review.~~
$14000 Driveaway Price for Fiat 500 POP
Here's this week's list. It's an impressive line-up if I do say so myself :) Click on 'Go To Deal' if you'd like to see original prices, pretty pictures and a short explanation of all apps.
Blu-ray players usually cost [far](http://www.slysoft.com/en/purchase.html), [far](http://www.arcsoft.com/totalmedia-theatre/) more than they should, so it's good to see one being offered for free, es
Hoodie Brave soul, ITS BACK but without postage cost!!, superlight and fashion-like, Bought a purple one from the last deal and cannot vouch enough for the material at this price.