Steam Daily Deal
92/100 on Metacritic
92% off regular price.
This is the gold edition which includes Barbarian Invasion DLC.
Steam Daily Deal
92/100 on Metacritic
92% off regular price.
This is the gold edition which includes Barbarian Invasion DLC.
How is the game? Anybody played it?
If you have played any of the total war series, it's the origins. Definitely worth the price, oh the many hours wasted with this on my P4 machine…
one of the best strategy games ever imo…. cant wait for rome 2!!!
I played the main campaign several years ago but never finished it (due to lack of time plus it was getting hard as I had to subdue the other 2 Roman factions who turn against you halfway through the game. I would recommend it it anyone who likes having a lot of decisions to make and has the persistance to play a game to the very end. I haven't seriously played any newer total War games so I cannot compare their graphics, complexity, duration, etc.
There are lots of great mods to apparently: Roma Surrectum, Europa barborum, Invasio barborum, Arthur, Lord of the Rings, Res Gestae, SPQR…
Awesome Game, they have the short and long campaign as well as multiplayer mode if you are really keen. My first "total war" game and I'm still loving it.
Great game but has a bug where you can't progress past a turn well into the game. Doesn't happen for everyone but happened for me. Thoroughly enjoyed the game up until this point.
Are you using the stream version?
I assume you mean "steam" :)
Yep I did lol. Darn predictive text.
Love this game! Great find
Can't wait for Total war: Rome 2!
Arguably the best in the Total War series.
EDIT: Turns out to be $1.10 AUD in PayPal. That exchange rate =.="
Absolute deal breaker :(
Was a little sad when I bought the Trine 2 Complete Story 3-pack for 7.99 USD which turned out to be 8.80 AUD if I recall correctly :(
You guys should buy Steam Gift Cards from EB! They come in US dollars so it adds up to be a decent saving, especially with the dwindling exchange rate.
Do you know if EB offer PayPass (ING 5% cash back)
Loved it. The infantry heavy battles really suited the Total War engine.
Very old game now (2004 release date) but still a great game.
I loved this game. I once played it until I had every single territory though it was very transient as you get overthrown from at least one every week.
A word to the wise - head straight through Sicily to Carthage and you're gold.
Old but great strategy game :)
always wanted this game so for a $1 buy im ok with that
Can it multiplayer?
I love Total war games, can't wait to play Rome 2
bought one as gift and bought another one for myself
Is it possible download the software or is it one time install?
How else are you gonna 'get' the game on steam? O.o
The game is linked to your steam account, you can reinstall games as long as your logged into Steam afaik.
I bought a copy for myself… to saray, it requires an initial install of Steam which handles all your local library of games, then it will download Total War through Steam.
Thanks pongky..Sorry for my ignorance..Can I use this downloaded copy to install in different laptop?
yep but you can only play one at a time (unless you log into one as offline)
One dolla game!