This was posted 11 years 6 months 23 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

UPDATED: [PC] Humble Origin Bundle - Pay What You Want


Pay what you want ($1 min for keys):

  • Dead Space (Steam, Origin)
  • Crysis 2 Maximum Edition (Steam, Origin)
  • Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box (Steam, Origin)
  • Medal of Honor (Steam, Origin)
  • Mirror's Edge (Steam, Origin)
  • Dead Space 3 (Origin)

Beat the average to also get:

  • The Sims 3 (Origin)
  • two expansion packs in The Sims 3 Starter Pack (Origin)
  • Battlefield 3 (Origin)
  • C&C: Red Alert 3 - Uprising (Steam, Origin)
  • Populous (Origin)

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Humble Bundle
Humble Bundle

closed Comments

  • +17

    its gotta be one of the best bundles yet. lovin it

    • +1

      Agreed! Great bundle!

      Now I just wish they gave more DLC…

    • +2

      Great bundle and good to see Origin now getting involved with such an array of charity!

      • +13

        it will take a few more humble bundles for EA to wash their dirty gaming sins

        • +5

          Not possible. Too far in the red.

          Banning accounts for negative feedback on forum posts & 50% Aussie tax on pricing = never forgiven. Lets not talking about the monopoly that is Origin*

          *steam is bad too, but not as bad

        • +2

          "Banning accounts for negative feedback on forum posts"

          Is that for real?? That is insane! Is that even legal?

        • Well, not quite real. There have been some cases that looked that way, but weren't a result of negative feedback.

          But yes, they can ban your account and block you access to the games you buy. The same is true of Steam (and they have done it in the past).

    • certainly deal of the week maybe even month

    • +7

      noticed you also can download the following soundtracks!!!! (if they're your thing) so if the bundle wasnt awesome enough before - its oozing with awesomeness now.

      Battlefield 3 Soundtrack
      Electronic Arts
      Sims 3 Soundtrack
      Electronic Arts

    • +2

      This is the best Humble Bundle I have seen since THQ. My pc will be thrashed. Good Deal

    • +5

      More games next week as well

      Games are:
      Dead Space 2
      Medal of Honor: Aiborne
      Red Alert 3 - Uprising

      • With this bundle?

        • yes if u buy it this week

      • yeah how does it work? If I buy now will it add those game next week?

        • From memory, anyone who buys the bundle now for $1 or more will get the extra games…once the extra games are released, you have to pay above the average to get the extras.

        • Thanks, remember some bundle I have bought before they added some games afterward.

        • Not always, they are sometimes added to the BTA (beat the average) games

      • +1

        How did you find that information?

        • +1

          Being checking for past humble bundles, new games etc

      • cool!

        was there any games added to the THQ bundle a few months ago if you paid above the average?

  • +15

    You beat me to it. Sorry for double posting. I honestly did not see it.

    Amazing deal. What makes it even better for EA is that they're making NOTHING from this. Every cent goes to either a very worthwhile charity (I chose the American Red Cross) or to Humble - your choice.

    • +11

      This is a good start for them to repair their image. After being votes America's worst company for two years in a row, they certainly need it.

      They'll probably end up making some cash selling DLC for The Sims
      and Battlefield anyway.

        • +1

          How have they given up their principles? Every EA game available on Steam got a steam key, you can't expect EA to put their games on Steam for the sake of charity. Well, in an ideal world you could but EA will support Origin to the end.
          What's even more impressive is that EA games are usually unredeemable on Steam, and Humble had to negotiate with both Steam and EA for this to happen.

        • +6

          I think what Bruce means is that humble bundle started out with the purpose of promoting lesser known indie developers, those who needed publicity for well deserved good games. Eg Braid, super meat boy, frozenbyte, voxatron, etc.

          Now it's just gone mainstream. First THQ, now Origin.

        • +7

          Actually I think Bruce was referring to them originally having all games be DRM free (as well as Steam, where possible). Personally I don't think it's that big of a deal.

        • +3

          "The Humble THQ Bundle created more controversy around the Humble Bundle project. Some reporters such as Ben Kuchera for Penny Arcade Reports[104] and Kyle Orland of Ars Technica[105] were critical of the Humble Bundle platform for offering titles that were limited to Windows with DRM as part of the Humble THQ Bundle, which was counter to the spirit that the Humble Bundle project began as."

          For everyone who doesn't get it.

        • +7

          While I like your 'stick it to the (DRM) man' attitude, I don't neccessarily agree that the Wolfire guys have "given up on all of their principles". Rather they have just expanded their scope. Sure they have some big ticket (or MASSIVE ticket, in the case of today) bundles, but they still have the smaller, indie focused non-DRM bundles as well. And let's face it, if you're going to have DRM - Steam is as good as it gets. In fact, I find Steam a complete pleasure to use. Easily keep track of all my games, how much time I spend playing them and it makes it extraordinarily easy to jump into a game with friends. I didn't used to think this way, but Steam has been refined and reworked to a point where I now actually prefer to use it, than not.

        • +16

          Indie Bundle 1 - $1.27M
          Bundle 2 - $1.8M
          Humble Indie Bundle 3 - $2.1M
          Humble Indie Bundle 4 - $2.37M
          Humble Indie Bundle V - $5.10M
          Humble Indie Bundle 6 - $2.05M
          THQ Bundle - $5.09M
          Humble Indie Bundle 7 - 2.65M

          Well it's only been a few hours and they've made $2000000 and counting fast. Seems to be working just fine. The THQ sales did fine and dandy. The indie bundle 7 evidently didn't have it's sales affecting by said backlash.

          Would you prefer, that since you don't like it, they should go back exclusively to the way things were, and make less money for charity?

        • +4

          I am fine with DRM so long as the price reflects the crap i have to put up with

          since publishers expect that DRM will reduce piracy, thereby reducing loss of revenue, then the price should no longer have to subsidise for piracy and go down

          so at $1, i am happy to pay for a drm game

          but not at $rrp 79 for example

        • On the condition they don't datamine my whole computer under any circumstance.

          Wasn't there a story that Origin once (still does?) scan every file on your computer?

        • @justtoreply i hope you don't use any google services then either

        • dammit, replied to wrong person. - how does one delete a comment?

        • No you didn't reply to the wrong person. Comments are capped to four levels deep.

    • +1

      They should have had more international charities though.

  • +1

    Do we get 1 copy on Origin and 1 on Steam, and technically we can give away the second copy?

    • For the games that say Steam (Burnout Paradise: TUB, Dead Space, Crysis 2, Medal of Honor, Mirror's Edge) you get a key for both Steam and Origin.

      While it is expected (and I believe is part of the purchase agreement) that you will redeem them both you can do what you like with them.

      • Indeed it does! Can't actually test activating since I'm at work, but I clicked redeem and was able to view both keys for Medal of Honor. Well that's certainly pretty nifty :)

    • Yes, you can, but I think a better idea is to just get whoever you were going to give it to to spend $5 and get the whole bundle themselves.

    • +3

      Where 'technically' is not the same as 'legally'.

      • I'm not sure that it is illegal. Humble don't make it very clear what the terms are regarding multiple keys, or what the licencing agreement is. Are you buying the licence to use the games yourself, or are you buying access to the keys which have their own licence agreements with Valve & EA? It's not very clear.

        • +1

          It is very clear that you are buying a single copy of the game. To give one key away and keep the other is no different to giving a DRM free copies of games out without buying them.

        • +2

          I'm going to disagree with you there, Bruce. Given the way the online key trade works, it is generally understood that one key = one game license, two keys = two game licenses. It is most certainly not "illegal" to give away one key (illegal implying that you could be charged with an actual crime). And, if on a level playing field, there is no way that EA could argue in court, that two serial keys, both able to be used to active two separate copies, really only constituted one game. It would be a rather bizarre argument.

        • -8

          sorry but 'generally understood' is the same as 'wrong' in this case.

        • +2

          And why is that? Because you said so? Is there a EULA I signed/ticked somewhere that explicitly states that the extra keys can't be given away? Or is that just an opinion that you have, that you're trying to pass off as fact? Obviously my statement was also of legal opinion, but I at least gave reasoning for what I was saying. In the words of our favourite xenophobic politician: please explain.

        • +4

          What's clear is that it's not clear.

        • +12

          Let me spell it out:

          You are buying a licence for the game, not a key. The key is a method to access the game (you get two options), not a licence.

          Supporting evidence:

          The items in this bundle would normally cost around $215, but we're letting you set the price!

          This is RRP for one(1) licence of each game.

          8 triumphant games. Pay what you want and get the terrifying sci-fi horror third person shooter Dead Space 3; the original bone-chilling horror shooter Dead Space; the intense action-packed supersoldier shooter Crysis 2 Maximum Edition; the high speed open-world crash happy racer Burnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box; the authentic modern warfare sim Medal of Honor; and the first person parkour thrill ride Mirror's Edge. Pay over the average and receive the beloved life sim The Sims 3 (along with two expansion packs in The Sims 3 Starter Pack) and the unrivaled military shooter Battlefield 3.

          You get 8 games. Not 15 games (including steam copies).

          Electronic Arts has also provided Steam keys for some of the games (full list here)!

          Keys, not games licences or copies.

          Offer may not be substituted, exchanged, sold or redeemed for cash or other goods or services.

          So you can't exchange the spare keys anyway.

          And finally from the redemption page:

          All keys are for your personal use only.

        • +12

          Gotta agree with Bruce here… this is supposed to be raising money for charity guys!

          If you have a friend who also wants a copy, they should donate too.

        • +3

          The only relevant part is:

          All keys are for your personal use only.

          I looked for something like that in their terms and their sale page and couldn't find it. Excluding any discussion about contract terms provided after the contract is formed, this makes it clear that you shouldn't be giving keys away.

        • -5

          All keys are for your personal use only.

          This is the answer. Personal use only - therefore not to be given away, even for free.

          No need to be a dick about it, Bruce. I'm well versed enough in Copyright and IP law to know that most of what you're stating is merely conjecture.

          You are buying a licence for the game, not a key. The key is a method to access the game (you get two options), not a licence.

          You've just made this up. There is absolutely no legal precedence that says "when you buy a bundle of digital games that includes more than one activation code for a game, those two keys only constitute one license - not two". This is not even obvious. Granted, it's a valid legal opinion, that - in the absence of aforementioned "personal use only" clause - would likely the argument for the claimant.

        • +1

          There is absolutely no legal precedence that says "when you buy a bundle of digital games that includes more than one activation code for a game, those two keys only constitute one license - not two".

          That is because (as you suggest) the key has no legal significance at all. It is nothing to do with this. The question is simply 'how many copies did you buy?' That is all.

        • -1

          The question is simply 'how many copies did you buy?' That is all.

          That is the question. The answer to which is uncertain. It is patently not clear whether two keys only gives license for one game, or two!

        • +1

          Again, how are you presuming that the key has no legal significance? As I pointed out before, it's not clear that you're buying a single licence to the game (covering multiple vendors) vs buying multiple licences to the games. And in fact, I think you actually are buying multiple licences as Steam & Origin have different licencing agreements. If you were buying the game then you should be able to demand access to it outside of the DRM, and also Steam & Origin wouldn't have the right to deny you the game (which they do have with a licence). The only thing that excludes you from giving the separate keys (with separate licences) away is that line that you see when redeeming (again, a separate issue comes from whether that's binding in a contract that's already formed, but let's not discuss that).

        • -1

          Again, how are you presuming that the key has no legal significance?

          Because there is nothing like it in copyright law?

          And in fact, I think you actually are buying multiple licences as Steam & Origin have different licencing agreements.

          This is your best point and is actually reasonable, and does make the issue a little murky. I still don't see it as licensing two 'copies' however.

          If you were buying the game then you should be able to demand access to it outside of the DRM, and also Steam & Origin wouldn't have the right to deny you the game (which they do have with a licence).

          This doesn't make any sense to me. And you talking about buying the distribution rights to the game? That is clearly not what is on sale here. In what other world would you have a right to demand it without DRM? Are you argueing that buying a game off a shelf is different to licencing copyrighted content? Does this mean I can get DRM free versions of all my PS3 games?

          The only thing that excludes you from giving the separate keys (with separate licences) away is that line that you see when redeeming (again, a separate issue comes from whether that's binding in a contract that's already formed, but let's not discuss that).

          I agree with you that the line is dubious. It does however, cover intent. Do you honestly believe that the intent is to sell you two 'copies'[1] of a game, but that only you are allowed to play both?

          Read all the text I quoted above, it is quite clear they are not selling a second 'copy'.

          1: Badly defined word intentionally used to discuss concepts rather than legal terms.

        • Because there is nothing like it in copyright law?

          I think it's contract law that's more appropriate here - just what is the contract for (a single licence or multiple licences).

          And you talking about buying the distribution rights to the game?

          No, obviously not.

          Are you argueing that buying a game off a shelf is different to licencing copyrighted content?

          I'm arguing that buying the software is different to buying a licence to the software. And yes, buying a game off the shelf is different - you're buying the physical media with the game on it. Installing/registering the software is what binds you to the licence.

          Do you honestly believe that the intent is to sell you two 'copies'[1] of a game, but that only you are allowed to play both?

          No, I don't believe their intent is to sell you two copies of the game, but I do think their terms aren't clear.

      • Not denying that this is supposed to be used for yourself, but Bruce here said it is illegal to hand it out to someone else.

        I feel like this is a situation like if someone was to gave you 2 apples by accident when you only asked for one. Its not illegal to give the spare to a mate, just frowned upon.

        • +2

          I feel like this is a situation like if someone was to gave you 2 apples by accident when you only asked for one. Its not illegal to give the spare to a mate, just frowned upon.

          It is nothing like that. Unfortunately most people fail to grasp the concepts behind copyright and Intellectual Property in general.

  • -1

    Holy effing eff effman :0 This is definitely the best I have seen.

    I'm confused with the ones with steam and origin icons, how does it work - do you get a code for each? - oops, question asked above.. left the comments tabs open too long withot posting :p

  • SOOOO AWESOME. Maybe get dead space 2 next week.

    • At first when I saw Dead Space 3 I had only quickly looked at it and thought it was dead space 2 :p was pretty please when I saw it was number 3

      • +4

        Im surprised that they put dead space 3 in the minimum price of 1 dollar and not in the BTA.

        • It's the only reason they got my money. I store-bought all the others in the minimum, and won't be buying battlefield 3 or sims 3 if they want me to spend on DLC.

          Even if add have Dead space 2 and Crysis 1, I've also store bought those.

          I now feel utterly sick since I've realised how much EA stuff I own, even though I've barely bought anything recently and hate EA.

  • -6

    just to let you know, i never got dead space 3 in the bundle even though its advertised and isnt a beat the average

    • +8

      Are you looking under origin or steam keys section?

    • +2

      its origin only, its not a steam game.

  • +1

    Too bad it wasn't the original crysis though, damn good game.
    Furthermore, I already have the Sims 3 on origin with no expansions. Am I pretty much boned in the sense that Origin will refuse to activate the starter pack since the main game is already there?

    • i was wondering that my self since i also have only the original Sims 3 Games, and i cant check since origin is under way to heavy load

    • +1

      ok so it finally worked and now i have 2 versions of the Sims 3 activated on my origin account both with diff serials

    • +1

      Someone predict the bonus game could be Dead Space 2, and Crysis 1.

  • +2

    Fantaboulous Bundle !

    • +1

      I'm plussing you for the fabulous zebra!

  • Why are you guys awake so early?

    • +20

      We have to maintain the Skynet servers.

      • +3

        Hmm I was under the impression Skynet maintained itself.

        • +2

          They'll get that impression on Judgment Day.

        • It is yet to become self aware. Patience, it will all be over soon.

  • +1

    I will never play these games but think its an awesome deal plus it goes to charity

  • +5

    For those who were wondering: The games aren't bundled up - you get singular keys for activation.

    • +1

      Excellent, just like a box of chocolates then, everyone gets a piece.

  • Yess!!! Sims 3 games,

  • +5

    Seems like Origin isn't handling the load. Can't redeem the product codes (the window pops up with just a spinning busy icon).

    • +2

      Yup having this issue as well, guess we'll have to wait.

      Great deal but I still hate EA, could be downloading Dead Space 3 now if it was on Steam…

  • +2

    All sepereate keys too. YES

    • +6

      You're thinking of the Humble INDIE Bundle. This is just a Humble X Bundle where that doesn't necessarily apply.

      • All Humble bundles before THQ where cross platform and DRM Free. I am thinking of all Humble bundles.

        • +1

          While I commiserate, I'd rather have the option to purchase a great deal when given then always taking the moral stand.
          P.S I'm not a EA die-hard fan that's for sure. :P

    • +3

      I can get what you mean, but more so understand and agree with why they have taking this direction. The most common DRM free indie games aren't for everyone - more specifically, the general populous. There are the occasional normal games but they are no-where near the status of these titles and don't get as much attention. More people love steam than those that hate it so for most people it's a non-issue. I hardly see it as selling out when it's for charity; whatever gets those charities more money (morally) is nothing but a good thing. It's a catch 22. They can't have big name DRM titles like these that draw numbers without said DRM.

      It just makes me wonder what type of strings they had to pull to get EA to go along with this one :O

      • +1

        The most common DRM free indie games aren't for everyone

        DRM Free and indie are NOT the same thing.

        More people love steam than those that hate it so for most people it's a non-issue.

        Steam keys and DRM free copies are not exclusive, most bundles have both, which is fine.

        They can't have big name DRM titles like these that draw numbers without said DRM.

        This is just wrong. There is no reason 'big' titles need to have DRM, many of them don't. Humble Bundle once required that games they sold were DRM free.

        • +2

          DRM Free and indie are NOT the same thing.

          Never said they were.

          Steam keys and DRM free copies are not exclusive, most bundles have both, which is fine.

          Never said they didn't. I'm referring to this bundle. Specifically BF3, Dead Space 3 and Sims 3 which are 100% origin exclusive regardles of how or where you purchase.

          This is just wrong. There is no reason 'big' titles need to have DRM, many of them don't. Humble Bundle once required that games they sold were DRM free.

          So I'm wrong in saying big titles like BF3 are exclusive to Origin? Whether you like it or not DRM is here to stay. No doubt it will only get tighter.
          Biggest online fps gaming titles:
          Pretty much every cod: Steam
          Counter-strike: Steam
          BF3: Origin

          Not to mention Halflife 2

        • +5

          Bruce, if EA were profiting from this then maybe I could understand your position, but 100% of the money from this is going to charity/Humble. EA would never relinquish the DRM, so it would come down to the choice of having the bundle with DRM, or not having it at all. Given almost $2,000,000 has been raised mostly for charity in just the first few hours, I think having the bundle is better than not.

        • +1

          dreadpiratedan and CarbonTwelve: The exact attitude of "EA would never relinquish the DRM" is why they don't need to. They use DRM because consumers (and resellers) let them.

          The deep silver bundle did not contain a DRM free version of Sacred 2, despite this already existing. That is a clear example of not standing up for principles and securing the DRM free versions.

        • There are many reason why DRM exists and continues to exist. My common sense and ability to identify those reasons (or "attitude") is not one of them.

          If tools didn't start exploiting the charity and torrent the DRM free copies, I imagine things could be different. People try and say DRM anti-piracy excuses are just weak. Well if not even charity is sacred, can you really blame them?

          If my house got robbed, first thing I'd do is buy more locks.

        • +1

          If it was an issue with the Deep Silver bundle, then make it an issue in the thread for that bundle. Again, this bundle is 100% charity/Humble and it's by EA who would never release their DRM (whether it's consumer accepted or not it's not going to change atm), and everyone is better off with the bundle than without it.

  • I tried not to bite, but when I read they were all individual keys, I couldn't help myself.

    • I've got pretty much all the games allready but bought 2 packs anyway :p.

    • Forgive my ignorance, but what is the advantage of individual keys here? Thanks.

      • +3

        Probably so you can give away keys to games you already own…

  • +1

    Awesome deal and its great some money goes to charities :)

  • Wonder what the unlocks will be next week. Was hopinng for mass effect 3, but the bioware connection might exclude it?

    Lol @ origin server not having a good time - sure EA are donating everything but there is self serving here - publicity, more origin users etc, origin not handling the load is an unfortunate start for people new to them

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