Howdy, My vehicle is coming onto 2.5 years old…. (of which I'm the 2nd owner, and had it for 1.5 years), I know its super young. But, I may have a potential buyer that is keen, where, the …
A decade ago, the Holden Commodore was the undisputed hoon’s choice. With its powerful V8s, rear-wheel drive, and muscular presence. The VT, VX, VZ, VE, VF Commodores etc in my opinion we're …
Seems like we night have another Optus outage or is it just me? Can't seem to do anything with Optus voice. Data is fine. Can't call out or into any Optus provider or reseller.
Hi, I've been a LONGGGG time user of cash rewards, but in recent months I've just noticed their actual website garbage? I've noticed on a desktop site is just crap, does anyone have …
Hi, TLDR: - Situation: Aunty brought me a shirt from YD. Aust, I tried on the shirt and it was genuinely too small (the fit was slim). I personally dont often shop at Yd. as I find all there stuff …
Hello! So, here’s the thing: as weird as this sounds, I think I'm too good at my job? I often finish the same amount of tasks as my colleagues (at the same quality) in about 1/5 of the time. …
Hey everyone, I'm curious about people's thoughts on behaviour towards buses when driving. So, the situation today (Sorry no dash cam this time guys): Map for reference: It's an …
Hi everyone, I’m reaching out for some advice on finding the right pillow. I’m a side sleeper with broad shoulders, and I’ve been having a tough time finding a pillow that works for me. I need …
Howdy, I'm just curious if there are any restrictions on whether colleagues can sign stat decs for you or is this dictated by your employer policies or is there a law on this? I.e I'm …
Howdy, Im kinda following up on my last post: on 24/5/24, I have not received anything in the mail yet. Do you think if I copped a fine I would have …
Hi, I'm spewing, I just brought this Friday night at $280 with a JB HI FI Price match on these, because I had JB vouchers sitting there for 2+ years. But this is a bargain! Especially if you …
Hi, It seems my dad's Oxyjet Irrigator has broken after a good 4+ years of ownership. The old man has teeth issues and prefers this thing has it 'sprays' water rather then just … Same thing every time on this road, 80km/h zone people go about 65….. I know I got to turn left Traffic take off at a snail rate Guy sitting in my …
Hey everyone, I've been pondering a topic that's been on my mind lately and I thought I'd bring it up for discussion: How old is too old to be living at home with your …
Hello Im curious for the manual drivers out there; how often you make a shifting error. I've got myself back into manual after 2 years of not driving one. Rusty for the first week, but now …
Hello Ive always watched quite a number of self-help financial videos where a lot of people say things like "By the age of 30 you should have 1 years worth of salary in your …
Hi, Im looking for information on who I can write to request a review of the FBT Packaging limit for employees working in government or non for profit organisations. I'll be honest, I get this …
Hi, Im just wondering if its worth getting a used car pre-purchase inspection when purchasing a car from a dealership, if there is specifically factory warranty still existing on the vehicle, 3 …
Hi, Thought I'd share, even at half price I'm still too stingy to buy it, but I've been eying this off for a while, I dont think you can get the PC version anywhere other then …
Hi, Keen to hear peoples thoughts on what car to buy at the moment, between wait times, technologies (electric), the shift to SUV's I feel it's a really odd time to be in the need of a …
Hey Guys Ive seen Blackvue DR750X1CHPLUS at… It comes to 386.10 incl shipping; I havent been in the market for a dash cam in many many …
Hello. If I can have some help with my brothers birthday present. I want to get him a chair for his PC (Gaming web browsing etc) there is days where here's on it for hours on end, other days its …
Hi, I'm currently having some issues with my new car; its just on 6 months old and just hit 5000kms; and I've not had a trouble free month/week of with the vehicle. One of the criteria …
Hello Guys, I picked up one of these other week and JB HI FI with a TCN gift card deal, so if you've got some in the bank this would work out even cheaper with a price match. Either way, this …
G'day I've kinda decided on the phone I want an Oppo x5 find 5G (non pro) given its price, size and features (given I cant get a decent oneplus here anymore) anyway! I'm going to buy …
Hi Guys, Thought I'd share some great specials I've come across when shopping at DJ's since I needed some new undies. Hugo Boss 3pk Trunks Here and Here - Works out to $11.43 / …
Howdy, It looks like CD Keys is having a few deals - I don't buy games at full price, and saw this pop up. Its on my to-do list to play, although I will wait till its <$30. It does say …
OzBargains usually runs an Easter hunt (2016, 2017, 2018 & 2019); but can't see anything this year :( Just wondering….What happened to this years Easter Hunt?
Howdy, Does anyone know where I can buy a set of the HyperX Cloud Flight S's ( in Australia. I've been eyeing off these …