This Might Sound Odd, but I'm Too Efficient at My Job


So, here’s the thing: as weird as this sounds, I think I'm too good at my job? I often finish the same amount of tasks as my colleagues (at the same quality) in about 1/5 of the time. This means that during a typical 5-day workweek, I’m really only working for 1-2 days, while the rest of the time, I’m just trying to look busy.

I even brought this up with my boss, asking if there was anything else he wanted me to focus on since I often feel quiet. While that sparked some activity for a bit, I’m back to having little to do.

Here are a few issues I’m facing:
- I get the sense that my boss feels threatened by my efficiency.
- He struggles with managing time, most likely will cancel meetings with me last minute or send last minute invites, I notice that he doesn't really manage people effectively.
- Even if I take on more work, there’s little recognition or clear targets.
- When I do get work, it generally gets stuck in red-tape.
- I'm also really conscious that nobody likes a know-it-all.

I’ve even reached out to managers at the same level as my boss for extra tasks. They’ve been accommodating for some time, but recognise that they cant give me anything huge and ongoing as that should really come from my boss directly.

I’ve asked colleagues for feedback on my work quality and my approachability, and they’ve given me positive reviews. My performance evaluations have also been good….. I’ve been told that some people just take longer to problem solve, finish tasks etc, and I need to accept that.

At first, I thought this was a great situation, but now I’m just bored out of my mind.

Using today as an example:
I worked for maybe 8am about 10.30am…..attended a meeting… been for 2 walks…. had a long lunch…. between YouTube, online forums, paying bills, checking personal emails…. ive still got 2 hours!

I enjoy my job—it pays well, offers great benefits, and is conveniently located. So, should I just sit here? Is the problem with me? Do I persue an online side hustles?. Any suggestions? I then get more mad when I see the organisation hiring even more…. meanwhile I'm just getting a pay check….



  • +77

    Just chill….

  • +6

    What's your job?

  • +12

    Wanna swap jobs?

  • +81

    So… as a high level manager I can tell you.

    You are only efficient and that's where it ends.

    This is not necessarily a good thing. The fact that you need to be instructed at every single move on what to do and you just sit there waiting for your next task is really odd and is probably something you can use your free time to look at improving.

    Exceptional employees create ownership of tasks and systems and take over aspects of the operation. You may still have the same title but through your efficiency and control over an aspect of the workflow you effectively muscle into owning the task. My best team members have taken over aspects of the workflow and eventually get to a point where they are permanently managing 80% of an operation and then may have 20% spare time to take on random unexpected tasks.

    It is very rare for my team to need to ask for tasks on a daily basis. They identified where their services are needed and took ownership in that space. The employees that need to be allocated something at every single point are the worst kind. Even if they can finish that allocated task in 5 minutes.

    Ultimately though you can just sit back and chill… nothing wrong with that either.

    • +12

      Ah, so I fully respect and understand where youre coming from here…. and this is another conundrum in itself I have tried this approach also and identified gaps in workflows and optimisation in internal processes, but often are stuck at red tape.

      Im going to provide you with an example, in a previous organisation, we had imported goods where daily we would send to the supplied adjustments as to the shipping locations for example a toy departs from hong kong, instead of going to our warehouse, id email the supplier and say 'please ship directly to store xyz' which they would adjust. This was my task, to do this daily.

      I was given this task, and understood, it; but what I was able to do was automate this, instead of manually sending adjustments have the system extract the source location and destination, reconcile, and automatically notify the supplier (since the supplier couldnt handle system integrations)

      In my current organisation if I was given the same task… I would be stuck at
      - Automating the extraction, as the other team that doesn't have time for me
      - If I want access myself, that's not allowed.
      - Then require approval for this automation….
      - Provide a cost benefit analysis on automating this task….
      I kinda lose motivation and give up

      To further add to this; just because this happened like last month, id actually get spoken to in attempting to make it more efficient and effective but the 'current process works' and its 'not the priorirty' .

      • There are political dimensions to this I think you may not be getting. What authority do you currently have to set up an automation? Is that your role? Have you discussed your professional development goals with your manager and been given the authority to become more entrepreneurial or independent in your approach to work?

        It's possible that your idea of ownership and your manager's idea of ownership aren't aligned. (Of course, it's also possible you just have a bad boss who isn't invested in your professional growth).

      • +2

        I can't comment specifically as I don't understand your work.

        But with the example above, why do you even have to optimise it. If your manager was processing orders every day manually and now you just process them manually. That is now one thing that you will just do to perfection from now until forever in a manual way, and one thing your manager does not have to do. Slowly, slowly you will fill up your day with tasks that other people did and now you do until you are no longer bored.

        I understand that you mean well and you want to make things better. But that is not what is required by the sounds of it.

        If you want constant improvement, you will be sadly disappointed. Organizations are systematic and they change when they need to change, not when you need them to change. Maybe consider starting your own business and run it your way?

        • +24

          This simply doesn't work for many people. Yes, there are "worker bees" that are happy to manually do a task repeatedly - but there are also people who see a process that wastes time and manual labour and want to automate it.

          If OP is one of those people and is stuck in a role where he simply cannot do that, OP needs to look for a new job/career change.

      • +3

        If I put myself in the manager's shoes and an employee tells me a manual process can be automated my thoughts are:

        • yes it probably could
        • is this employee capable of creating an automated process on their own?
        • who else will they need to work with?
        • what are the risks if the automation isn't perfect and creates bad data or falls over and misses something? I will need to take responsibility. What is the cost to the business, to my reputation?
        • I would feel more comfortable if the output is manually checked. How much time are we saving in the end?
        • what happens if the employee that built this leaves?

        Risks, risks, risks, all to save a junior employee a few minutes, which isn't even a bottleneck for my team as we have enough employees to do our teams work.

        … it isn't a priority.

        There could be other ways you can contribute, document processes that currently live in your head or things you have had to figure out on your own for your team.

        Create an educational seminar for your team based on an interesting article in the Harvard business review.

        Setup a social club, buy bulk drinks and snacks and sell them at cost in the office, or for a small profit for charity.

        • What happens if IT systems change/update (e.g. new version of windows), the "automation" stops working and the employee is no longer there or doesnt feel like troubleshooting, and what happens if everyone has become dependent on it, and no longer recalls the original way of doing things.Often once you create something you need to maintain it on an ongoing basis (you are thinking short-term efficiencies).

          Ultimately it sounds like you want the organisation to change to match your preferences, but as others have said, you do not own the business. Compromise is a part of fitting in at workplaces, and the smartest people know how to build relationships, you've said it yourself no one likes a know-it-all. If you are not challenged then leave on good terms and find something more challenging/interesting. No point adopting the "old man shouts at cloud" mentality.

          Also sounds like where you are working is more down to earth and less techy. People appreciate the clarity and decisiveness of direct communication and people skills sometimes, rather than hiding behind automated messages.

        • +1

          That's along the lines of what I was thinking. Is this guy looking at the bigger picture? From their perspective they may be able to see a number of things they think can be improved. I think most people in any job will be able to see at least a few. Is the suggested improvement an actual improvement or is it a greater risk for inadequate reward?

          Whenever I start in a role, with my "new pair of eyes" there are often improvements I think could be made, but unless specifically tasked with addressing them (after raising the issue) it often becomes clear after some time why those inefficiencies are in place, e.g. regulations, client requirements etc.

          I've seen younger, perhaps more idealistic employees get frustrated with how actions have adapted to account for external influences without that understanding. When they keep pushing and expressing that frustration to a wider audience (even in what they think is a positive way) they end up with a reputation for being an irritation and getting sidelined or ignored. OP needs to watch out for that.

      • +2

        yes that last line is so true, even pulling up figures to say it is more cost effective, people dont want to change

      • +1

        Honestly it sounds like you’re too motivated and smart for what your role demands. I suggest you move on and find a better fitting role if possible before all this bs beats you down to an apathetic shell of yourself.

      • Sounds like that organization is incredibly poorly run. Unfortunately that's not uncommon.

        I'd love to have more free time for my many side projects, but unfortuntely if I build a web app or whatever on company time they can sue me and claim ownership.

        Personally, I think I would honestly just find a better job at an organization that actually lets it's employees accomplish things.

        One other idea: There might be an upper manager or executive somewhere who "gets" efficiency but has no idea how much their lower managers and red tape policies/processes suck. Could you quietly go over your bosses head, email them, and explain the problem and your proposed solution? I'd promote you in a second.

      • You need to look at it from the lens of cost savings, not just efficiency.

        Your cost benefit will fail because it costs time from the automation side and the savings in terms of dollars are zero, unless your boss is willing to shrink their team. But if they have a budget approved there’s zero to gain from reducing team size. They’ll never get those people back again, so they hoard headcount. It makes someone wanting to reduce the team size an annoyance.

        So what else can you deliver beyond efficiency?

        Also, there are companies who look for efficiency, I’m at a large logistics company that’s cost cutting, I imagine you’d be valued here!

    • +3

      The employees that need to be allocated something at every single point are the worst kind. Even if they can finish that allocated task in 5 minutes.

      I will vouch for this unreservedly. I have a mountain of things to get through without needing to direct on the minutia of tasks. It's hence the reason I like to keep my teams lean … if I have to "find things for you to do" then I probably don't need you.

      • You mention you keep your team lean, could it be that my team is not lean enough?

        I see both sides of the Argument to those that replied to my example.

        I think where it gets hard is part of my PD is to improve and streamline processes to a degree.

        Sounds like this role just may not be for me

    • +3

      What an absolute BS response. OP get a 2nd remote job and just keep doing the minimum. They aren't gonna promote you no matter how good you are. Your boss sounds hopeless.

    • Do you pay them more for more jobs? That's the question. If I'm doing the same job as everyone else and doing it 70% faster and equal or better quality, you bet I'm gonna chill and do nothing.

      If you want me to do more work, pay me more.

      • I agree

        • I find it ridiculous and wild that managers will exploit their own team and colleagues with more work when they're efficient and say it's for experience or some BS excuse…..

  • +7

    Living the dream.

    • That's very person dependant, I've worked both sides of job intensity within the same company. Worked a junior role, doing 2x the workload of one person, it was hectic but fun.
      Later, moved into a senior position in a different team, identical experience to OP except my intuition was not to chase work as it wouldn't be well received. Very unfulfilling, felt like I was wasting my time and I couldn't come up to terms with it, and resigned.

  • +7

    Do you work in the APS? 🤣🤣🤣

    • +4

      Has to be a gov job lol

  • You're lucky, but If you're really bored you could invent the job that your company is lacking, then apply for it. The staff are incompetent? Train them.
    Don't just find something to do that needs doing and get paid in compliments and office stationary.
    If you're providing a valuable service to your company, the pay should be commensurate. To not do this puts them in a position of guilt and to counter that feeling you'll be reduced by being punished or dehumanized in some way. Your efficiency will be seen as being the worst type of employee. Good point about taking initiative, but that was out of line. The worst type of employee are the lazy, incompetent, intoxicated, jokers and saboteurs.
    Been there. Boss was a pot-head in a mining company, and he'd get stoned with the drop-kicks of the crew. (KCGM Fimiston) They'd screw up and sometimes sabotage certain sections to make the best look bad. (shut off pumps, cause spills, jam rocks in conveyors). Been electrocuted with 440V due to exposed wiring. Another boss tried to shut off a cyanide leak without PPE. I left after a rusty bridge collapsed joining two CIL sections.
    You're the worst type of employee though.

  • +22

    Ask your boss if you can WFH and then semi-retire.

    • 🤣

  • +1

    Are you in the public sector?

    This is the norm if so.

    • +1

      That's pretty horrifying.

      • +8

        I guarantee you everyone saying this has no idea how government works. Maybe it was true in the 1980s. When government budgets get tight the easiest way to continue to balance the budget is to apply an 'efficiency dividend', i.e. arbitrarily cut the budget by 1-2%.

        This has been occurring for years now, the agencies respond by freezing new hires. Why do you think people have to wait 3 hours to speak to someone at centerlink,
        1. The bosses are completely incompetent but somehow the Murdoch media hasn't pointed this out or
        2. The elected minister in charge doesn't care if the agency is run by a skeleton crew that can't cope if it doesn't hurt votes. It's more important for the party to have money to give handouts to the right people.

        The worst part about these 'can't trust the government' stereotypes is that they ensure nothing ever changes, budgets can be cut and the voting public will cheer while their services can't be delivered. The next stage is where the average joes demand that their taxes are cut because they see no value in paying them, meanwhile their taxes are being spent on other groups.

        OP most likely works in the Australian arm of some multinational brand that sells niche products. They wouldn't care what happens in the backwater sales office since the size of our market is too small, as long as the numbers go up a little every year.

        • +1

          Agree it didn't sound like government at all. OP mentioned shipping product to warehouses.

  • +15

    I'm somewhat in the same boat, but also don't want to take on any more work because I'm not going to get paid any more and I really shouldn't do more than my colleagues. Equality etc.

  • +25

    The rewards for efficiency are more work not bonuses

  • +24

    Do your own thing with the spare time. Study, make extra money with a side hustle, browse ozbargain to save money.

    • +5

      Start your own business, work on your own business, whilst getting paid in your current position.
      You are already doing everything that has been asked of you, and have approached your manager, so its not like you are trying to skip out on work.
      This is the perfect opportunity for you to build your future, and not be a wage slave for the rest of your life.

      • +3

        Just watch out for any clauses in your contract on IP developed using company resources 😅

        • +1

          Insert Silicon Valley Vibes…. Just make sure you refer to your laptop as your girlfriend cough cough

        • +2

          You don't need clauses, your employer definitely owns IP you produce on company time.

    • +1

      I find browsing ozbargain is the opposite of saving money.

      • +3

        The more you spend, the more you save

  • +2

    Most jobs are simple, especially employee jobs with no particular management requirements or billing targets. When I was an employee I'd work about 2-3 hours most days.

    I switched to being self-employed and now I earn about 4x as much as I did as an employee (though part of that is natural career progression, but the base rate is much higher too). However, I also work 3 times as hard.

  • +1

    Your boss probably knows what's truly important to the operations. Your boss wouldn't be threatened by your efficiency if it's making his department make more money or whatever. Unless you're a good fit for his job or something.

  • +1

    Are you actually going to reply to some of these questions? Your history shows you start posts and disappear after a single reply or so.

    • +22

      They are also too efficient at posting on ozbargain.

  • +7


  • +1

    Actually, you must be in the government or quasi-government sector where your job was defined a decade back when technology was not implemented. And protected by the work union.

    So either you enjoy your free time or try to learn some good skill and if you are still exited to do something more then move out to another workplace and make yourself active otherwise in next 2 years will be become a part of the furniture and loose the high pushing high active skills.

  • +1

    Go for a promotion there or somewhere else. No point being bored. Get a better job and get paid more. Or, use the extra capacity you have now to study for your next job.

  • -5

    Lots of ADHD characteristics here. Don't think you will ever be happy with a job. Good luck. Getting some "assistance" should be considered.

  • +2

    So many naysayers in the comments, but I totally get where you're coming from.

    Firstly, it sounds like your boss was promoted due to tenure not due to management capabilities. I suspect that your boss used to do work similar to whatever you do now and has just been there long enough that the organization felt they needed to promote him into management. This rarely works well as it takes a very specific type of person to be a good manager - and it's generally not just someone who's good at the work that the team does.

    Secondly, you will not be satisfied in a role that focusses on repetition and doesn't allow for automation. I would suggest using spare time to skill up in other areas where your desire for efficiency will be appreciated and rewarded. Some focus areas that I would recommend: process analyst, data engineering, data analysis, automation engineer, development operations.

    • Yeah so youre right in the tenature part… And this is what i find, he becomes a little too deep in the crux of 'doing' rather then managing… Often any task he says he will do but then forgets about it or doesnt delegate. The time he does delegate will criticise the outcome and almost be the blocker :S

      • Yup, this is precisely what happens when upper management promote people based on tenure rather than merit. The double whammy of this is when they also don't provide the necessary training to teach them how to actually manage people and delegate. Have worked for entirely too many people like this, so when I got put in this position - I took it upon myself to seek management training.

  • +1

    Wish I had this problem.

    I had the opposite and burnt out trying to chase the never ending dragon.

    Now I just work at half capacity doing half shifts tying not to die or kill myself with more burn out.

    What I have learnt is there is always something new to learn on the job be it something related to your tasks or with the workplace or job itself.

    Sometimes just even keeping an eye out on what others are doing.

    But yeah I don't know how much you could get away with maybe doing a second source of income on your phone or personal laptop so workplace doesn't catch you on their own it network but maybe consider a second job or income stream?

  • Start a side hustle to make money in your spare time. It's your time, because you've done all the work your company expects.
    Or, get a new job which does challenge you, and where you are remunerated properly for your efficiency.

    Personally, I'd be outta there in a flash. a) you're in an environment of mediocrity and you're the one pulling up the team average; b) your company has not noticed either of the above either thru acknowledgement or reward.

    Your company will never reward you with loyalty long term. Make and take what you can, they will and are doing so.
    I am both a cynic and a realist, and I'm rarely disappointed or surprised anymore.

  • +2

    Theres another possibility. Maybe your performance is normal and other staff perform well below the average.

    It can be a big surprise going from a high pressure job with ridiculous targets to a workplace that just cruises along.

    Work culture can vary dramatically workplace to workplace.

    • Heh this.

      Partner just started a casual retail job while we sort out where we might move to when our lease is up, and she's previously worked both retail and admin/receptionist roles that are fairly demanding. The bar is so low at the new job. Everyone is like wow you're so quick, so good, how do you already know how to do that? And she's like 'huh? I'm doing the bare minimum' (specifically because she's been stressed in previous roles)

      Just really depends job to job!

  • +2

    Unless you are getting 20% package bumps with bonuses every year. You're not really allowed to say, "I'm too efficient at my job". Perhaps you just don't understand what efficiency means and there's a gap between what you think it is and what is required of you at any given role.

  • +4

    If they won't increase your pay to match your effort, settle back in to the average and find a new job

  • I used to do this so it wouldn't feel like forever. So, I stopped caring and work slow now.

  • Tell me you work in Public service, without actually telling me you work in Public Service.

    Enjoy it while you can. Use this time to your benefit. You'll get sick of it eventually - and then the real fun begins.

  • +1

    what's your goal here? are you angling for a promotion? because this is not the way to get it. no one ever got a promotion for just being 'efficient', especially if you "makes the boss feel threatened".

  • You're not alone. Read "Bullshit Jobs: A Theory" by David Graeber. Not saying your job is a /bullshit/ one per se, but it sounds like a lot of what is being described in the book.

    • Thanks ill give it a read

  • +3

    Helllo Nicholas, hows the hand?

    • LOL sorry mate. My mame aint Nicholas, sounds like you know someone like me though glad to know i aint alone

      • +4

        Maybe you can spend your time at work watching Hot Fuzz

  • -2

    Some of the longest serving employees i've met at across different companies (not always the most succesful) always broadcast loudly that they are always so snowed under, always SO busy.

    Mostly it's because they are inefficient and not very intelligent but upper management sees Bob running around stressing and equate that to working hard.

    • You actually raise a good point and right. Ive noted this. Im more one to sit in the corner and just get shit done. So it sounds like I'm setting myself up for failure by not tooting my horn?

    • Knowing how the job works and showing up on time for years on end is pretty valuable too. What's the point of hiring people who work 2x as hard, but always move on so you need to retrain someone else again and again. Being loyal at half speed is valuable. OP already sounds like he's had enough and wants to get out of there, he's of no value at all if he quits.

  • Just take ownership of some current work/model/process and work on improving it for everyone's benefit. Make yourself indispensable.

  • -3

    start trading crypto, i spend 4-6hours watching charts and trading everyday.

    • -2

      The circlejerk of life right there

  • If you can WFH, get a second job that is a bit flexible about time and doesn't impact your existing job.

  • I’ve been similar my whole career and always struggled because all I’ve found (as a software engineer) is that managers don’t like being kept on their toes ie being ready to give new detail ahead of time, so I always build relationships outside of my team to help anyone else in the company whether it’s finance or sales, support or even SLT.

    In most places I’ve been at, work is prioritised, discussed as a team, estimated and then started. One project was estimated as 1 month, I finished the code in 2 days and integration in a further 1 day. It’s hard, as an efficient thinker, to slow down to other people. So I ended up just working 4-5hr days without anyone noticing (wfh). This is while being a manager of 15 people and outputting as much work in as 2-3 other people, in terms of code, investigations, admin and project planning. Though it made it hard to change jobs lol.

    My partner also had similar issues working at an ecommerce site and he used his time to do online courses to learn marketing subjects (google marketing) which helped him get a much higher paying job at another company.

  • I've been in the same boat as you a few times and I wish I'd used the spare time to upskill. There are tons of online courses or other valuable skills that you could be working on that mean when you leave this job you step into something more interesting and better paid. The average person isn't a very efficient worker and they like it way for range of reasons.

  • That's what she said

  • I'm just a tradie and my point of view might not apply, but then again it might. If you're objectively better than everyone else at the job, can you do that same job off your own back? Or at the very least get a promotion? From what you've said it seems like you have a giant amount of unused potential, don't squander it for some company that doesn't know what to do with you, make some MONEY either for yourself or at another company who can use you to your full potential.

  • +2

    Slow TF down. Work smarter, not harder, better, faster stronger.
    Work doesnt end. Theres always more work.

  • if you are too damn good at what you do, is there positions to move up/upskill for another department to increase your level and pay rate?…if not, why bother? cause they know you too damn good at what you do they leave you alone, while the ppl who are crap at what they do get to move around to other departments to upskill and increase pay cause they can multitask anywhere in the office where they are rostered….this is the crap i came across working in warehousing as a pickpacker…

  • Are you young and new to the workforce?

    There is no point in what you are doing, and it is also going to be annoying for the workmates and bosses. You just need to finish the jobs a bit prior to the deadline and make the boss happy. Be the best but not much much better, that is counterproductive.

    You either need to change jobs to a higher paying one or use the leftover time to up skill yourself, learn new things.

    The art is to work the least amount for the most money.

    I am listening to youtube. The finance podcasts helped me to make better decisions in investing. Also how to allocate things in my super.

    Nowadays people need to learn how to use AI to their advantage. A lot of people dont know what ChatGPT and the likes can do. They will be disadvantaged.

    • The finance podcasts helped me to make better decisions in investing

      Which ones would you recommend?

  • +4

    The reward for good work, is more work.

    Unfortunately working hard/efficient/effectively in most cases doesn't lead to any form of reward financially or seniority (in most corporate roles).

    As others have said just chill, or run a side business sneakily during work hours.

    If you ever want a promotion, don't work hard, but be vocal, be known, be seen.

    • +2

      The reward for good work, is more work.

      So here's the funny thing that many people don't get about this statement. While it's true, there are people who want that.

      Some people out there get satisfaction from solving problems, creating efficiencies, and making others' lives easier.

      In short, for some people - more work IS a reward. I am one of those people.

  • just Netflix and chill in your spare time

  • Being efficient is good. But kinda useless if you don't pair it with initiative ie. don't wait to be told what you can do, just do it (as long as it's reasonable).

  • +1

    Not sure what industry you’re in, but I would take the time to build connections with fellow employees, and others in a similar industry.

    Build your network (including on LinkedIn), then look for better opportunities. When you have a vast network, there will be more options. Maybe a change in departments will come up or with another organisation, but people will be there to help you make the jump.

  • +1

    If I were you, just relax and get paid.

    You told your manager, you (profanity) up….. Congratulations you may now get more work for the same pay……

    There is no reward on being an efficient, fast worker. Actually there is… More work with the same pay.

  • If you’re content with having so much spare time, then enjoy it. Your employer is paying for your time, and it’s up to them to best utilise it. Maybe look into doing some online courses / certifications? Then you’re still building your skills and working towards further career aspirations.

    Though I know from experience that a lot of free time at work isn’t always as nice as it sounds. It ultimately caused me to find another job, and this may also be something you want to consider.

    BTW you may be very efficient in your role, but it’s also possible that others are purposefully dragging out work. From my experience, this can often be a cultural thing where it’s an open secret that there isn’t enough work, but most are happy to coast and there’s poor governance in place, so the effort is artificially inflated to maintain the status quo (including your boss).

  • +1

    Don't simp and volunteer for tasks because you only assume more responsibilities and set much higher expectations. Any deviation from this will be perceived as under performance on your part, whilst your inefficient colleagues cruise and get a pass.

  • Enjoy it, you have a good job. Ideally all jobs would be like this - work where you're constantly busy sucks.

    Don't try to justify it or get worried about it, just ride the gravy train while you can.

  • There is one thing to be efficient and complete your tasks. However if you want to show how capable you are; use some critical thinking and how how you can elaborate on your outputs to benefit other areas or tasks that you or your team does.

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