Seraphin7 » user profile

Member Since | 04/02/2016 |
Last Seen | 12 hours 41 min |
Badges | 42 2 |
Location | Sydney |
Recent Activities

It's only a rort if you're not in on it.

Seraphin7 commented on Wotif Flights Seat Selection
I can't speak for Wotif, but I recently purchased Thai tickets via Certainly was then able to select seats (for free) after…

Seraphin7 commented on ubank Closed My Bank Account
With the impending uplift in AML/CTF laws, expect a lot more of these "random account closures" to occur. Trust me when I tell you, this is…

Not if AFCA chooses not to pursue the complaint for one of the reasons available to them to do exactly that.

Seraphin7 commented on Inheritance and Wills Advice Sought
>He has seen a lawyer, and gotten a will done up. From what I have been able to gather (we are good mates, but it still feels uncomfortable…

Not entirely correct. [You can gift any amount at any…

Absolutely massive case of far kright off.

One owner since the current owner bought it.

>He also said I can arrange a return policy where if anything major happens to the car within 3 months or 5000 km i can return it and get…

Thank you Albo.

Driver's roof or passengers?

Seraphin7 replied to
JimmyF on Neighbor’s Renovation: Can They Replace Our Fence with a Garage Wall? (Melbourne)

Ah, so this is a land grab?

Very interested in this one as well ... getting very close to pulling the trigger to shift over to them.

Seraphin7 commented on Neighbor’s Renovation: Can They Replace Our Fence with a Garage Wall? (Melbourne)
It's really difficult to understand what the **actual** issue is here, given OP has "no issue with [the neighbour] building up to the…

I take it you've never hung around the Jetstar terminals?

Seraphin7 commented on Refinancing PPOR to Buy Investment Property
>From what I read so far in forum posts, the redrawn 200k + the new loan of 800k will be eligible for negative gearing tax deductions That…

I always enjoyed CT, but haven't bought anywhere near as many as I would normally go through since the whole WFH/further casualisation…

Seraphin7 commented on Do You Bother with Home Brand Stuff?
Depends on the item ... and increasingly what actually is a "home brand"? For absolute commodity-type products (sugar, salt, flour, milk,…

Seraphin7 commented on Why Aren't There Any Black Market Alcohol Shops Like There Are Cigarette Shops?
The main reason there's not a significant black market for booze is that there is always cheap goon available at the local bottle shop. I…

Seraphin7 commented on Door to Door Chocolate Wafers $10 - Fraud?
Not a scam or a fraud ... but certainly a strange way to try to drum up some income (there's no dying mother, obvs). I used to see this…

Took a while for this one to come out of the oven ... but you just knew there was an insurance twist in there somewhere.

Seraphin7 commented on Wish to Relocate to USA. Any Suggestions?
>the biggest challenge I am facing is the recruiters don’t understand what E3 visa is and don’t want to sponsor anyone from overseas.…

Seraphin7 commented on Do Flybuys Points Offers Stack?
The fine print says something like you will be awarded 1 base point, plus 4 bonus points on the 5x, and 1 bonus point on the 2x. The effect…

Seraphin7 commented on Is Scouts South Australia Safe for Kids?
>Can I be 100 percent sure nothing bad will happen to him if I send him there? No. But then nor can you be 100% sure nothing bad will…

I'd suggest d1ckheads generally go for Rangers and similar. Equally though, hoons seem to be over-represented in Golfs.

Seraphin7 commented on Gross Failure at Northern Beaches Hospital
>Would this tragedy have happened if this was a solely public hospital? An entirely speculative question, but of course there are any…

Seraphin7 commented on Unable to Redeem Apple Gift Cards

Seraphin7 commented on E-Bikes in NSW. What are the laws?
>E-Bikes in NSW. What are the laws? Basically, they are a joke. Classic set of "restrictions" written by someone who doesn't know whether…

Seraphin7 replied to
persei7 on Neighbour Using Lift Landing Area as a Waiting Room for His Practice

Then negotiate ... how much is it worth to him for you to keep your trap shut?

>Tax treatment of IEP >Interest on early payments is assessable income. Include any IEP in your tax return in either the: > >income year…