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[NSW, VIC] 20% off Point Sessions Mondays to Thursdays @ URBNSURF

expired [NSW, VIC] 20% off Point Sessions Mondays to Thursdays @ URBNSURF


Its an expensive sport but you are guaranteed waves! Enjoy 20% off all Point Sessions to help you get back into the swing of things! Feeling the post summer holiday blues? We hear you! Let URBNSURF …


Who is using a Samsung on AldiMobile?

I just ported in, and I can receive calls, send and receive SMS. But when I try to make a call, it says Not Registered. I ported from another Telstra MVNO Belong, so I know its not the phone. Kinda …


Who Has Recently Ported into AldiMobile? What Was The Experience Like?

Hi, I currently have 6 accounts with Belong (Telstra MVNO) and looking to consolidate to a single AldiMobile Family account. I am keen to hear from fellow OzBargainers who have ported their number …

Amazon AU

Amazon Toll Ipec Damaged in Transit. Help

Hi, I have a unique situation that is turning into a comedy of errors (none are mine). I ordered 2 items (Tempered Glass Chair Mats) Item is $80. One was delivered, and the same day, the second …

International Multi City Flights Modification

Hi, I am looking for some advice. I am planning a trip in October which includes multiple cities in the USA. The proposed flights would look like: SYD > LAX > HON > SYD however, I might …

Do Insurance Companies Still Negotiate Policies Price ATN OFY

I recall reading a couple of years ago that some would. Anyone know if it still happens? I have 2 policies to add today. Thanks

Credit Cards (No FX Fees) for US Trip That The Kids Can Use, and Parents Can Monitor?

Hi, Im looking at a family trip to the US and looking for the best way to manage the 4 teenagers with credit cards with no FX fees. The kids are already trusted with spending but on holiday its a …

Fly to USA and Trans-Pacific Cruise back help needed

Hi OzB! Looking for some help with a Sydney-LA-Hawaii Cruise back -Sydney ( trip for September/October 2023) Preferred option is: Fly Syd to LA, then LA to Hawaii then cruise from Hawaii October …

Ducted Home Aircon Question for Any HVAC Tech and Home Energy Experts!

I learnt that most HVAC systems chill the compressor to 15°C then the thermostat inside the house will regular fan speed to achieve the desired internal temp. If the AC unit is always chilling to …

Origin Energy

Origin Energy Spike Hour, Any Ozb Users Been on It for a While?

Hi, I am keen to know if there are many users on OzB and how long you have been on it for. I'm coming up to a year and looking for members who may have been on it since 2020. Thanks in …

Anyone Have The 'Complete Home Filtration' Water Filter?

Hi, I saw this at the home show and am keep to see if it passes the OzB value test? The questions are: Is it as good as the Google and FB reviews say? Is it worth it? And has anyone found an …


Anyone Know What Kmart Casual Pay Rates Are for a 19 Year Old?

I'm having a debate with my son who is led to believe this mate is getting $35 an hour at Kmart. (No loading) Anyone have any info to share? Thanks!

Parent Adding L+ Plates to Insurance. Which Comprehensive Insurer Is Competitive

Hi, As a parent, i am now needing to add 2 Learners to a policy. Im shopping around now but thought i'd see what the OzB brains trust has to say. Im in Metro Sydney and Covid has stagnated my …

[NSW] Free Tickets to Allianz Stadium Community Open Night Extravaganza 28/8 5-8pm @ Ticketek

out of stock [NSW] Free Tickets to Allianz Stadium Community Open Night Extravaganza 28/8 5-8pm @ Ticketek

For one night only, be there as Allianz Stadium kicks off an unforgettable new era with an Opening Night extravaganza, featuring an official opening ceremony and live performances from Guy Sebastian …

iPad Pro 10.5 or iPad Air 3?

Genuine iPad question for iPad aficionados : 2017 iPad Pro 10.5 or 2019 IPad Air 3? I have a choice of the above 2 options. Presuming lightly used or new battery in both. Would be used for kids …

Questions about Apple Magsafe Case and Accessories

Hi, Hoping some fellow bargainers here (calling Apple fans) who have a magsafe compatible case. Do any of these cases actually have magnets/metal in the case (or is it simply a white printed ring …


Anyone understand the Samsung Subscription offer?

Hi brains trust, Thought I'd run this past the OzBargain value test as I can't see how these numbers stack up. I'm reading this url …

Garage Door Insulation, Who Has Tried Using Various Products

Hi fellow OzBargainers! Keen to see who on here has actually added garage door insulation? I have seen ThermaDoor, KoolDoor, Foilboard and even foil rolls from Bunnings.

Have You Upgraded Your NAS, from What to What and Why?

Hi, I'm curious to hear from the group who have upgraded their NAS! What did you have and what were the reasons for the upgrade? And what is the life of a NAS? and how much surplus storage do …

Running out of space on Office 365 and need to back up all Outlook emails for offline storage and access

Hi, I got an email from Outlook saying I have less than 0.5GB space left on my Outlook storage. I have exported the PST file but its only showing as 11GB but I am expecting 40+ GB for 10years worth …

[NSW] Keter Patio Cooler & Beverage Cart $309.99 (Was $399.99) in-Store Only @ Costco, Casula (Membership Required)

expired [NSW] Keter Patio Cooler & Beverage Cart $309.99 (Was $399.99) in-Store Only @ Costco, Casula (Membership Required)

Membership required! But you all know that now. Feels redundant having to say it! A few pieces left and this is a new item to Coscto Crossroads. May be at other Costco stores too. Was interesting …

First NAS Questions. Need Your Tips!

Hey Brains Trust! I havent played with a NAS before but I am looking for a solution and recommendations for things i may have missed. Things i'm thinking of using this for are: automatic …

eBay Australia

Needing to Spend $2500, eBay Gift Cards Are They Instant and Worth The Effort?

Hi, Needing a sanity check here. I am making a $2500 ebay purchase this morning and exploring the discounted ebay giftcards but given the amount and time to issue i dont want to tie up funds if it …

Logitech Super Light Gaming Mouse

Happy Sunday folks! I'm looking for a number deal on the Logitech Super Light mouse. Previously seen as low as $160ish. I have access to Amazon Prime, Ebay Plus, Goodguys and JB discount …

Transport for NSW

Do Tertiary Full Time Students Have to Re-Apply for Opal Concession Card Every 6 Months?

Hi, A question for all full time Tertiary students in Sydney. If you are a full time student, are you having to re-apply for Concession Opal card every 6 months? And when does this eligibility …

KBDFans Gaming Keyboard options (local options?)

Hey! My son has just told me he wants to order a customisable keyboard from KBDFans. Apparently this stuff is worth it and he is prepared to drop some serious coin on it. Starts off with a Tofu65 …

Line of Credit: Using Interest Free Purchases with $8.95 Monthly Servicing Fee

Is this a good way to think about using this line of credit? Plenty of retailers offer Interest Free for 6m,even up to 60 months for large purchases. These includes major retail chains. But the …

NSW Defensive Driving Courses and logbook hours

Hi, I’m looking at buying my son a defensive driving course (in Sydney) and looking for recommendations. Also does this contribute to their total hours and I had heard that some insurance …

Powerline Recommendations (with Wi-Fi Option)

Hi, I’m looking to replace a Netgear powerline adapter which is used to get Ethernet upstairs. What are fellow OzBargainers using and is there any that also can provide wifi at the other …


7-Eleven ParcelMate, and What Other Options for The Rare Package Send

Hi, Im sure there are fellow OzBargainers using this. What is the interstate (ie Sydney to Melbourne) delivery time like? And how does it compare to the similar services from AustPost, OfficeWorks …

Switching Energy Providers? A Few Good Questions?

Its time to review my Electricity and Gas supplier and being a family of 6, with 4 of them in Uni, high school and primary, i need to fast track some savings. Some questions are relative to NSW, but …


Honda 7year Unlimited KM Warranty & Servicing

I have a question surrounding the maintenance interval per log book in order to Maintain the 7 Year Warranty and Road Side Assist …

FTTP nbn down - Optical Cut

Hi, My FTTP NBN link went down yesterday around 3pm. The NTD shows red on the optical link suggesting there it’s lost connection and a cut somewhere. (No on my property) Neighbours seem …

Any Comprehensive Insurers That Include L and P Plate Drivers

Hi, I have an 18yo still on L plates (soon to be P) and a nearly 16yo who will get L plates soon. Are there any comprehensive insurers who will cover L&P plate drivers as lites drivers without …

Hungry Jack's

Work Shoes for Hungry Jacks/McDonald’s

Hi. What footwear do you recommend for teens working on their feet at fast food joints like McDonalds and Hungry Jacks?

PC Rig for Son! HELP?

Ok, firstly im not a gamer, but am an Oz Bargainer. So i need help from my trusted fellow OzBargainers! My son is put together this PC gaming rig, and asked my help to see what Cyber Monday deals …

Best Bulk Fast Charging Cable Recommendations?

Hi, My missus and 4 teens and teens are ruining all my chsrging cables as they like to charge and play. I'm looking for OzBargain experts on buying bulk 10pack of usb cables that will support …

NBN Box: Is yours hot?`

Hi, I just got NBN via HFC connected and the Arris CM8200B NTC seems to run hot to touch at the top of the unit. Should it be running this hot? And is there anything I should be concerned about?

NBN HFC: HFC Install Technician 2month wait?? Is there Self Install?

Hi, I ordered NBN HFC last week and my provider tells me that there is a HFC Technician shortage to connect the NBN Box! I have a couple of Coax points in the house as well as an amplifier when i …

Oven Door won’t completely close

Hi, I’m hoping someone can help! My new ‘Factory 2nd’ Delonghi oven door won’t completely close. It is slightly ajar and the door sensor picks this up and creates an audible a alert due to …

 30% off Sitewide (+ Additional 15% with Code) @ STM Bags

expired 30% off Sitewide (+ Additional 15% with Code) @ STM Bags


STM are celebrating Cyber Monday, by introducing 30% site wide! Make Sure you select AU for pricing before discount. Discount applied automatically (bottom left of check out screen) Example Bag …

Fashion Retail and Claiming Work Wear as an Expense off Your Tax

Hi, My missus works in Fashion retail and she is required to purchase in season clothing from their new and existing range. She is not allowed to wear clothing from a competitor whilst on …

Telstra 20% off Sim Only Plan. $56/Mth, 12mth: 15GB, Unlimited Talk/Text Incl 10 Countries @ MBN Mobiles

expired Telstra 20% off Sim Only Plan. $56/Mth, 12mth: 15GB, Unlimited Talk/Text Incl 10 Countries @ MBN Mobiles

After seeing another Telstra post requesting a shorter term for Sim Only Telstra deals we have put this together. Telstra Friends/Family deal of MBN 20% off Telstra Go Mobile Plus 12 month $70 Plan …

Telstra 20% off $76/Mth, 24mth: 8GB+4GB Bonus, Unlimited Talk/Text Incl 10 Countries + $10 Galaxy S8/Iphone7 32 @ MBN Mobiles

expired Telstra 20% off $76/Mth, 24mth: 8GB+4GB Bonus, Unlimited Talk/Text Incl 10 Countries + $10 Galaxy S8/Iphone7 32 @ MBN Mobiles

After missing out on the Telstra Staff plan which needed a Staff ID and had a limited selection of phones, this deal is now available! Telstra Friends/Family deal of MBN 20% off Telstra Go Mobile …

Free 250ml Coke Varieties NSW Macquarie Shopping Centre NSW

expired Free 250ml Coke Varieties NSW Macquarie Shopping Centre NSW

Outside Athletes Foot is a Coca Cola stand giving away free 250ml Coke varieties. Includes the new Stevia Vanilla Diet Regular Zero Broden is no where on site! Plenty around They will even let …

Bumped into car in car park. My fault.

Hi, I bumped into a car in a car park. It was my fault. Blind spot. Never the less. My error. Small scuff in their bumper, and even smaller scuff on my car. I apologised and ensured they were ok. …

Roadside Assistance - NSW

Hi, I'm sure that many other ozbargainers have looked into this, so I am seeking your assistance with Roadside Assistance. We are just finishing with the $199 NRMA premium roadside assist but …

Neighbours Garden Bed Retaining Wall Collapsing and Has Damaged Fence

Happy New Year, I'd like some logical feedback on this currently small issue. The neighbours land is slightly elevated compared to our block. Their backyard garden bed has a lowline retaining …

Magnetic USB Charging Cables - Who Has Used Them?

Hi, With a wife and 4 kids and double that in phones and tablets, our USB charger and charging cables get a solid work out every day. (the micro USB ports cop it too! We use Samsung and HTC at home …

Birthday Money and Wedding wishing wells.

Hi, I'd thought I'd post to see what people are doing these days. Giftcards have a place but they say Cash is King. What $ value do you do for kids birthdays and separately …