Who Has Recently Ported into AldiMobile? What Was The Experience Like?


I currently have 6 accounts with Belong (Telstra MVNO) and looking to consolidate to a single AldiMobile Family account.

I am keen to hear from fellow OzBargainers who have ported their number in and what that experience was like? I know they say it can take upto 2 days.

I am also interested to hear how the access is like to managing the family account? ie view users data usage etc.


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  • Some say porting to the same network is fine these days but I still prefer to go via a different one to reduce the risk of any issues.

    • Some say porting to the same network is fine these days

      Nope. I know someone who tried twice this week to port from Telstra to Aldi and if failed both times… All details were correct.

      • What's their name & number so I can ring & confirm it's a true story?

  • I can't revisit this cos too painful, but suffice to say never again.It was complicated,slow to get going and the speeds were slow.
    I can still feel a background migraine revisiting it.

  • Porting is easy. But aldi doesn't connect from time to time. have to port out to use the service.
    There must be something seriously wrong after 3g shutdown.

    • I use to be on boost then ported to voda. I had same issue not connecting from time to time. Regret switching. Thinking of dumping it and switching back to boost or just getting a nother number with esim on same phone to get by before switching the main number back to boost when the plan ends

  • +1

    I did it recently on 2 different numbers from Boost to Aldi both were done in less than 30 minutes.

    I have had no noticeable difference between boost and aldi as far as service goes.

    If it doesn't go through straight away give them a call, sometimes there may be a typo in the information your provided.

    • Thanks.

      What info do they need to initiate the porting?

      • Just the standard information.

        Name, DOB, Government ID in my case Drivers license number.

        They check that it matches the account that you are coming from, if not it'll flag an error within a few minutes and won't port. Although people often wait 4+ hours or days without realising there was an error.

        Best to give aldi a quick call if it hasn't worked within about 30 minutes to double check.

  • No issues from Optus to Aldi, easy to manage online and cheaper. Havent noticed any difference in the service or data either.

    • Just done a Catch Connect to ALDI, took several days and 8 phonecalls before they managed to port.

      Complete useless people in some goat (profanity) country.

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