Hey guys, wondering if I can grab some recommendations on teeth whitening in Sydney. I go to two dentists and one of them does whitening by making moulds and making you go home and doing it at home …
Hi guys, looking for a recommendation of a DNA test that gives you insights into your health and what supplementation or genetic predispositions you have. I see a bunch from google but not sure if …
So with ublock origin being taken off the appstore wondering what the go to adblocker is for Chrome? I've tried ublock origin lite and adblocker plus and both don't block ads as well and …
Hi guys, wondering what the best profession would be to take care of this stuff. Looking to remove any trees touching my house/fences and remove the rubbish. I've called a few gardeners who …
Hi Guys, looking to buy some custom embroidered polo's for my work and wondering if anyone can recommend good places that do them. Will need a low quantity probably about 20 to start with. I can …
Hi guys, so I want to start taking advantage of churning from Leaptel/Superloop to get their gigabit speeds leaving TPG after their recent issues, only thing with TPG is that they currently give me a …
Hey guys, looking for advice for travel in China. I'm looking to go around the 12th of April to 27th give or take a day or two if I can get flights for cheaper, wondering what you guys would …
Hey guys, looking for a website to find airline deals on non specific dates, I'm going around April 12-27 but can be flexible in between them or with a day or two leeway if that gets me a better …
Hey guys wondering what the OzBargain credit card of choice is for travelling now? Need one with no international fees, a good international rate etc to replace my latitude card when they put the …
Know there's alot of people here who take amino Z WPI. I'm a massive fan of the taste and have 5kg worth. I started taking 2 scoops a day mixed with water and noticed that I've broke …
Hi All, Saw there was previously an event in Eastwood at Moko which I missed out on so looking to make up for it. Anyone down for a Friday pub lunch? https://mokoeastwood.com.au/ *alcoholic drinks …
Need to get a new pair of brake pads for my VW, don't really care for performance more so after low noise and low brake dust. Got recommended 2 pairs of pads. Is there much difference between …
Looking for a 365 day prepaid boost or telstra sim one with 260gb. These are the best I could find. Best I can find is this https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/184617711755?_skw=boost+%24300+s… for …
My OzBargain 4plus care plan for my VW has expired. Looking for a reliable mechanic to do servicing on my VW who won't break the bank. Used to go to Hills Euro but off the last time I spoke to …
Hey guys wondering if anyone has travelled to South Korea and knows where there are ATM's that don't charge an international operator fee. I'm with Macquarie bank which is fine on the …
Hey guys, I'm travelling to Asia next week and have a Macquarie Bank (Mastercard) debit and NAB (Visa) debit. I have the NAB with the ex Citibank benefits. Just wondering which card will get me …
Hi guys, i'm looking for a really small portable speaker that doesn't sound completely bad. Just want something for background noise for when I'm travelling in hotel rooms. Will be …
Wondering what the best debit card for cash out in Asia. I'll be going to Vietnam/Hong Kong/Malaysia/Signapore for a month, I have my Latitude CC for any card transcations/hotels but will need a …
Looking for a headphone amp/dac for a pair of hd600's. Don't need any special functionality will be hooked up to my PC. Budget is $300 and just looking for whatever has a good deal on right …
Anyone know where sells the cheapest Sennheiser gear, looking for a pair of hd600's. They used to sell for low 300s but can't see anywhere with a price near that. Cheers
Hi looking to invest in some US shares and wondering what the best option is at the moment, googling has come up with interactive brokers/cmc but not sure if they're the best for my use …
Need to buy new brush heads for my sonicare 5100, just wondering are the genuine ones actually worth buying compared to the generic ones on ebay/amazon? Looking at the W2 heads. Thanks
Hey guys, looking for a clothes steamer to buy. Looking for one to do my weekly load of polo/tshirts mainly, I understand with business shirts they'll need to be ironed. Looking at spending $120 …
https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/394830275360?hash=item5bedb7e320… https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/324111116219?hash=item4b768727bb… Hi, I'm looking to buy a bug zapper for pantry moths indoors …
Hey guys looking for a new pair of IEMs to replace my bgvp dm6's, wanting to spend about $350. Wondering what the best in that range are or if there's a pair with better value for money …
So I got on the google pixel phone HN phone plan a couple months ago as many did and cancelled it then paid the notice as soon as I received it. My credit score dropped about 87 points since. It …
Hey guys, travelling Japan in two weeks and wondering if it's a better idea to exchange a majority of my cash before i arrive and bring it there or rely on withdraws when i'm over there. I …
So I've just splurged and got a really good mattress and looking for a protector, I don't want something that will change the feeling or the mattress at all. Do I just buy the thinnest one …
Anyone know how to find a trustworthy buyers agent? I'm looking to purchase an investment property in the WA but live in Sydney. I'm weary of agents who get a kickback from real estate …
So I've just bought a decent mattress and looking for a bed base for it, looking for something that can get the best out of my mattress . Aesthetic's wise just want something simple and …
Wondering what the cheapest way of fixing a couple small chips on a dell xps 9310 is. It's more so noticeable on black screens. https://imgur.com/a/o6xaOGB (it's the white specs around the …
Hi guys looking for a new double mattress. My budget is around $2k but I'm hoping to spend what it takes to get something good and right before the point of diminishing returns whatever it is. I …
Hi guys, I'm going on a few holidays soon and looking to upgrade my phone camera to get some better pics. I've currently got a samsung s21 5g and looking at a pixel 7a. Upon looking up …
Hi guys, so I decided to jump on a last minute deal to go to Vietnam in 2 weeks. I've got 10 days but get there 1030pm so effectively it's about 9 days. Flying in and out of Ho Chi Minh …
Hi guys, my anker has stopped quick charging so looking for a new powerbank. I need something 10,000mah that I can carry around with me and quick charge. Upon resesarching apparently the charmast …
So I've left booking to the last moment and have to book accommodation in Japan for October. Wondering where the best place to book it is? I'm assuming booking.com is going to put a …
So i just used the moomoo matched deposit deal and wondering if there's a thread/section where there's similar "bargains or hacks" which are posted. Eg matched deposits to …
Hi guys, so I've got this error on my Golf Mk7 TSI. The car drives fine at the moment but I'm assuming the clutch needs replacing. Car is nearly 10 years old now. Just wondering if this is …
Hi guys, looking to get a longines 39mm hydroconquest L3.780.4.56.6 and wondering where a good spot to get a discount in Sydney for it is or where to get it online for the cheapest? Are there any …
Hi guys, looking to buy a second omega watch around the 3-4k mark and wondering if anyone can recommend a place in Sydney (preferably North Sydney area) who can authenticate it for a fee. Just need a …
Looking for this perfume under the $124 RRP. Chemist Warehouse list it for $80 but no stock anywhere. Anyone have any suggestions where I can get it from?
Hey guys, looking for good quality no show socks. I keep buying the kmart ones but they lose how elastic they are within a month then start falling down. I'm after the ones that cover most of …
Hi guys looking for a dehumidifier for my small bedroom to keep it less damp when it's not too hot and when I don't want to use the aircon. Wondering what you guys would suggest? Looking …
Hi Guys, new to the watch game and I'm looking for a small divers watch about 38mm or there abouts since I have small wrists. Looking for something which i'll put a rubber/silicone watch …
Hey guys looking for bulk packets of microfibres to clean the interior of my car as I'm too lazy to wash/dry them. I used to get powerforce 20/50 pack from aldi but can never find them anymore. …
Hi guys i'm looking for wine for gifts for clients. but know nothing about it. Wondering if there any bargains, looking to pay nothing under $50 for a bottle but just hoping to get something …
Hi guys, time to retire my old laptop and looking for an XPS or equivalent in build quality ultrabook from $1500-1700. Looking for something 13-14" and don't need touch or anything like …
Hi guys, I'm looking to see how I can stream the soccer world cup on my TV in higher quality than 720p which is all I can get from SBS on demand, looking for preferably 4k. I'm happy to …