Do Cheap Bug Zapper's Work?……

Hi, I'm looking to buy a bug zapper for pantry moths indoors (been using the traps and cleaned the entire place but can't find where they're coming from). I'm wondering if these eBay zappers actually work? I can see other ones from actual stores for way more expensive but not sure if the cheap ones do the trick as well.



  • I was gifted an AussieMozzie or similar which is like a mini version of this and it works well
    So I guess the answer is yes

  • My understanding is none of these devices that are marketed as mozzie zappers have been scientifically proven to attract mosquitoes, so those killed would be purely due to the mosquitoes flying into the zapper by chance.

    Moths and similar insects that are attracted to light would be attracted and make up the majority of the dead bugs.

    So they may be effective for your pantry moths, but I feel a bit of overkill? Are they safe to use indoors also???………

    Have you tried the below?…

  • these don't work for mosquitos - because i bought one just like the links posted and had to go through the hassle of returning it.

    I've tried a lot of options but I just can't justify spending $120+ on the ones made by Pestrol…gotta put money aside for it, as i'm on a budget.

    Mozfog is the latest one I tried. My partner says it works about more than half the time when she smokes out the back, still gets bit on occasion but not as much as before. It's not a zapper though, it's a repellent.

    Mozfog is like $59, another OZB referred it so gave it a fair go.

  • +1

    Just get the Hovex pantry moth traps for pantry moths (other brands probably work too). You also need to go through your pantry and find the source/s and chuck it out check your flour, rice, nuts, pasta etc. Have done this and it works. Leave the traps there for months after getting rid of source. Also note pantry moths are different to cloths moths so will need separate trap for those, but there’s one available. They work via a hormone attractant.

  • Have you checked all your flour, rice and things like that? They literally come in with those things.

    You need to completely empty your cupboards.

    Best thing is to just throw away all your non tinned food and start again tbh

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