Best DNA Test

Hi guys, looking for a recommendation of a DNA test that gives you insights into your health and what supplementation or genetic predispositions you have. I see a bunch from google but not sure if there is one that is better than the rest.



  • +1

    What are you going to do if the test result comes up with a high probability of incurable cancer?

    • +12

      Go through the bucket list and party hard? I did it for a few months and it was the best time of my life.

      • Did it happen and are you alright now?

        • +4

          Yes and yes. It certainly took a while for the bank account to recover.

      • were there any escorts?

    • Spend more on bargains?

  • +1

    The popular ones are more about ancestry and they are pretty good at that because so many people do it.

    • +4

      Oh man one of my sister in laws did this and did not stop rabbiting on about it for going on 5 years.

      • +11

        Did she find out she was related to Bugs Bunny?

        • I was thinking of Lola Bunny…..

      • Is she also vegan? They never stop yapping about it.

  • +1

    Is this to check if you're the father?

  • +1

    I did 23andme and was happy with the results, however I got a friend to purchase it from the US and bring back for me (and post back to them in USA when he went back).

    The one they do for Australia is not the full one.

    • +13
      • +6

        Lesson about that is lie about your name and everything else before you submit.

        • yeah if you have funny names suggestions i'll take them I.C Weiner and Seymour Butts are practically my name from overuse

    • +1

      Snark aside, it can be worth talking to a doctor as noted here, and you might be able to get it covered that way. I know a family friend whose doctor has recommended it to her.

      • -7

        The reality is humans actually have, and have had for decades, the ability to have appropriate DNA tests pre-breeding, to help totally eliminate unnecessary suffering and future genetic tragedy, but we choose not to. For whatever reason I cannot fathom. Lucky dip?
        We instead choose to "have one for the country". Or in the case of Elon Musk, have a bakers dozen every few years.He's keen on getting the Yanks out of the whole UN process, so his precious litters (even the ones he has openly disowned for egotistical reasons) can take their place going fwd, I presume.

        Clearly way too many refuse this option, than take it up,>…

        It should be compulsory and expanded by way of the conditions they look for. Like I said , specifically to reduce **avoidable & unecessary**** suffering.

        • +2

          It should be compulsory

          No it shouldn't because that's just (the basis for) eugenics. And who draws the lines? But it probably should be discussed openly as a basis for intelligent persuasion.

          Actually the logical induction of your proposal is to stop breeding outright, since even the healthiest people experience some suffering. Personally I'm all for that: antinatalism. IMO a great ultimate destiny would be to disappear as quietly as we appeared here, (we've been failing hard with the quietly part for a while now), and the quicker the better so we cause less suffering not just to our current and future selves but also to other sentient species. But this topic has tonnes of complexities so it's not something to rush into, and assumes a particular value on (human) life that most people still disagree on.

          There are numerous ways to reduce suffering in the mean time that don't involve coercion.

          • @fantombloo: Not using the tech to avoid avoidable diseases,pain,misery and shit lives is way worse than paranoia about eugenics.But I'm 100% with you on antimalarial. The alternative (the earned one) is (shall we say) not quite as passive.And frankly I think it's unavoidable now. What a pity the other species never got a vote.
            Let's face it, unless we all suddenly became sterile the latter exit will win is winning.

            • @Protractor: I'm not a fan of Lex Fridman but I do occasionally listen to hear out alternative views. This interview has long stuck in my memory and you might find it sobering. Nothing wrong with a deep consideration for science in making our choices but when it becomes prescriptive that's dangerous territory.

              What a pity the other species never got a vote.

              I'm genuinely interested to know how you wrangle with this idea while eating your next hamburger.

              • @fantombloo:

                I'm genuinely interested to know how you wrangle with this idea while eating your next hamburger.

                I've been priced out of that conundrum

                BTW science isn't making the decision in this case, humans are. That's the status quo, but without the available info to make the right choice.

              • @fantombloo: There's way better Jewish podcasters than Lex Fridgeman

        • This blood test should be done on the adults considering breeding and not babies. Too late after birth.

          • @Sammy2000: If a full spectrum test were done at birth, the person would know as an adult what genetic risks they have and what that means with a partner with same or impact DNA traits. Right now yes, all parents should test before having kids. Why wouldn't you? The govt should focus on prevention via testing at both ends of the cycle, and IVF should be user pays 100%.

            • @Protractor: IVF should be user pays. If you can't afford IVF how are you going to afford kids? Mother nature said no. Adoption is an option.

        • Let's just cut to the chase. All of the "too many hoomans™ should have to undergo compuslory DNA testing at birth (or as soon as possible if they are already polluting the planet with their existence) and again at regular intervals as the $cience™ of eugenics develops further. Those "hoomans" with inferior genes should be sterilized so they do not contaminate the gene pool for the good of society and to keep the community safe and effective. A compulsory euthenasia lottery should also be implemented. This is for the greater good.

  • "Luke, I am your father"

    • +4

      “No, I am your father”

      (Which, ironically is also the actual correct quote from the movie.)

    • I live on the second floor

      • +1

        I live upstairs from you

        • Keep the bloody noise down!

    • I always say it is a good man that knows his father

  • +1

    I went with CircleDNA's premium DNA test. Your results are saved into your account and you can view them in an app. If any new findings are made they update it on the app. I bought it during a black friday sale which came in a 3 pack for about $300 each roughly.

    • +1

      But did you find out anything useful?

      • +3

        Sensitivity to certain diet types, nutritional requirements, optimal sports, cancer risks, drug response. A lot of them are kinda gimmicky which I don't even know how they calculate like personality traits and dancing/musical ability.

  • I've used myheritage DNA kit around $58 on sale. Found relatives I didn't know about, and interesting ancestry markers.

    You can download your test results and send it to other companies to further test.

    I submitted the DNA results to (was US$12) and got medical markers, some were spot on and some were not (so far).

    If you are more interested in the family tree use for DNA, then others have suggested doing it via produces more results as they traditionally spend more on advertising so have a larger user base to compare against.

    Unfortunately, you can't submit DNA results to Ancestry, only buy their own kit, which I have not done for comparison.

  • +8

    Do you really want to give away the rights to your genetic code? Read the fine print.

  • +4

    Don't want to sound paranoid or like a conspiracist, but whatever you choose, please please please read the T&C thoroughly.
    There have been a few reports of DNA testing organisations (like ancestry ones) that hold a lot of your very personal information on hand and sell it to third parties!

    • -2

      They do that so they can't find out who is an anti vaxxer and the 'gummnt' can use them later.

      • +3

        More likely insurance companies to deny people healthcare.

  • Give Genespiral a go if you already have data with a larger provider like Ancestry, 23andMe, etc. It's a bit of fun and everything is processed in your browser on your device, it doesn't send your sample data anywhere either. It supports exports from all major providers and it's straight up free which is a bonus, we are on Ozbargain after all.

    • LOL

    • +3

      At least they're honest:

      This app should be considered a novelty tool, similar to horoscopes or personality quizzes. The genetic insights and trait descriptions provided are not meant to be taken as scientifically validated or definitive. The content is intended to be entertaining and thought-provoking, not as a factual representation of your personality, health, or genetic predispositions. Just as you would interpret a horoscope with a sense of fun and curiosity, we encourage you to approach the results in this app in a similar light.

      Other DNA companies regularly get duped by dog DNA and vice versa

  • Had some done before kids with Eugene and the testing and results process was really good. However after the genetic counselling we have not had any updates which they said they would send should there be any new discoveries regarding our genetic code. So either nothing new has been uncovered or that part about the updates is a lie.

  • If I understand what you are referring to I don't think it exists yet, you need to go through the catalogue of a pathology and pick out the tests you think you need. The link between DNA and disease is not that well understood to do what you expect. If you find a test from somewhere that isn't also an actual pathology assume it's rubbish.

    For example…

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