Hi all, I’m looking for a network enclosure or junction box with no back or open back to hide my NBN NTD, POE switch, and power points - they are all in close proximity to each other. The idea is …
Hi everyone, wondering if someone can help with this weird issue I'm having with my FTTP connection. Just had it installed today. For reference the FTTP box was installed in Room 1. The Gigabit …
Hello, Moving into a rental and have started the process for Superloop's flip to fibre and their 1000/50 plan. Spent the last 2 days trying to learn about wifi systems and have concluded I …
An update for those wanting to get off copper and move onto FTTP. Upgrades to the Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) network Upgrade works are almost complete in eligible areas. Most homes and …
Hello all, I finally upgraded my NBN50 FTTC (TPG) to NBN250 FTTP (More). I'm currently still using the original modem from TPG which is a TP-Link Archer 1600v After the upgrade i was able to …
So got my FTTP installed today and all working fine. Getting download speeds of 600-800 on Wifi and desktop PC that is directly connected to the Telstra Smart Mode. I have Ethernet ports in all my …
Seems like a pretty decent deal… other deals posted are for lower speed deals. nbn FTTP and HFC only. Lightspeed 1000/50 Typical evening speed: 600/42 Mbps $99/mth for first 6 …
I was checking Leaptel NBN plans, 100/20 $64.95/Month and 100/40 $74.95/Month for first 12 months sound very attractive. Tried to Sign up, but 100/20 lists $74.95 for my address. Online chats saying …
Hello, We currently have Fiber to the Curb (FTTC) and want to increase the speed of our internet which will require Fiber to the Premises (FTTP). I have several questions I hope someone with …
I am looking to join Tangerine or Leaptel, and I would like to purchase my own modem router, as I am not sure of the quality of the supplied one that comes with each company. Does anyone have any …
This discount is only for those upgrading from nbn FTTN to FTTP (100/20 or faster) or nbn FTTC to FTTP (250/25 or faster). Search for your address and if eligible for the nbn FTTP technology upgrade, …
Hi all. I'd really appreciate people's opinions on which ISP you all thought would be best to have do my FTTC-FTTP upgrade? A good line of communication is paramount as there is obviously …
I think I need to upgrade to mesh for full coverage in the back yard FTTP NBN 1000/50 What do people like? Nettcom NF20 or Google nest? Other? It doesn't need to be the cheapest, something …
Finally offered upgrade to NBN FTTP (free standing property no conjoined walls) What are the traps? How much of a commitment do I need to make to the provider? Out of pocket costs? How much control …
I had 3 Deco M5 - TP-Link connected to telstra FTTP. Today I rebooted them. It didn't come back from reboot. The puck seems dead, it's red light. The other 2 are blue blinking, but I …
Currently with Telstra on FTTN and now eligible for FTTP. Currently paying $85 with landline for Unlimited data @ 50/20Mbps. Happy to ditch the landline and Telstra for something better priced with …
I asked the below question in a recent post about NBN but there is so many comments I feel like my comment got lost in it all. So hoping the forums can assist me a little bit better. I’ve called …
Previous long running post from 2022 A million more households and businesses will get the opportunity to choose faster and more reliable broadband as the rollout of full fibre to the premises …