• expired

$20 off nbn/OptiComm 250/25 $109 and 1000/50 $129 Per Month for 6 Months (New & Existing Upgrading Customers) @ Aussie Broadband


Yeah you read that right. A discount for existing upgrading customers.

SPEEDUPGRADE20 is for existing upgrading customers. Call up to get the discount.

SPEED20 is for new customers or if you haven't used Aussie BB in the last 6 months. The code works online and over the phone.

1000/50 $129 (Was $149).
250/25 $109 (Was $129).

250/25 and 1000/50 is only available on nbn FTTP and HFC and OptiComm.

For a limited time, upgrade to an eligible high-speed 250/25Mpbs or 1000/50Mbps plan and we'll take $20 off your monthly bill for six months.

To take advantage of this offer, simply call our friendly sales team on 1300 880 905 and ask for the speedupgrade20 promo.

Eligible customers Existing Customers who have not have downgraded from the 1000/50 or 250/25 plan in the last 4-months.

**A ‘new customer’ is defined as an individual who has not had an active broadband service with Aussie Broadband in the last six months or hasn’t been an authorised contact, residing at the same address as the primary contact, on an active broadband service with Aussie Broadband in the last six months.

A promotional offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer.

Existing customer T&Cs

New customer T&Cs

Referral Links

Referral: random (252)

$50 each for referrer & referee apply afterwards.

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closed Comments

  • +24

    meh superloop is way faster for me than aussiebb
    its also 30 bucks cheaper

    • +2

      Yeah depends on the ISPs CVC in your area. Generally both are good.

      • +5

        Superloop no longer publish CVC using their new portal.

        • +1

          Maybe because CVC will be gone on 100Mbps and above once the updated nbn SAU gets approved.

          • @Twix: oh? what does this mean, no more congestion?

            when is this meant to be happening, first I'd heard of it.

            • +1

              @bohn: Congestion should go for the most part. Maybe by the end of the year.

              • +5

                @Twix: great. are they also going to undo that stupid thing they did when they made 20mbps upload the standard.
                used to be 100/40, not most offer only 100/20.

            • +2

              @bohn: What it means is that fast speeds will become more expensive.

              NBN revenue has two parts: service fee (AVC) and data usage fee (CVC). Labor's plan was for service fee portion of revenue to drop and data usage to grow. This would mean faster plans would be cheaper.

              The reality we have today is that faster plans with 5:2 download:upload are expensive and plans with lower upload designed to limit traffic are discounted. Today 4G & 5G are faster for many people and cheaper for those who download less data. The impact of this is that more people will abandon the NBN as too expensive. Less people connected, means that fixed costs need to be spread over a smaller group of customers resulting in price rises.

          • +1

            @Twix: gets approved*

        • https://jasongi.com/superloop-cvc-graph-archive/ <—always other ways to find cvc on your poi with superloop

          no issues when joining them last month, its been rock solid gigabit speeds

    • What speeds you getting? I'm with more I get around 700 800 max. But random times 300. These speeds are taken off downloading games to the xbox series x.

      • most of the time between 700-940

    • thinking of changing to SL… any RAF codes?

      also do I have to give ABB notice??

    • I got super loop yesterday and am only getting 450 Mbps when speed test instead of at least 700 or 800. Is that normal?

      • No, check if your router is capable

      • +2

        Is the test done over Wi-Fi? FYI your client device (e.g. phone, tablet, laptop, etc) may be the limiting factor. To reach 700Mbps or above, either the device needs to support Wi-Fi 5/6 and/or multiple radio (e.g. MIMO mode).

        If the test was done over Ethernet and that is the speed, I can confirm Superloop (at least for my CVC) can only deliver up to 900Mbps between 11pm-6am (Mon-Fri) and all day during weekends. Any other time, my speeds are capped between 500-600Mbps. For uploads, there are no limitations.

        In other words, the speeds I am receiving is not consistent to what Superloop has advertised which is 'capped speeds' during the evenings. In all fairness, 500-600Mbps is still plenty for media consumption and WFH. But it is still not consistent with the advertisement.

        • Thanks, I just moved into the house, I will assemble the computer and then test Ethernet. I tested on wifi with Asus ac1900 router, Mbp 2019, p30 pro and Lenovo yoga 2019 laptop. All same results ATM.

          • @John Doh: there's usually a speedtest from the router itself. Might be under QoS tab in asus router web interface.
            This would be the best test to conduct as it would be direct from router to modem.

            • @mbcd: Thanks, I am running merlin, so it was under QOS and internet speed and it was much worse at 270 mbps average no matter which server i connected. even superloop. But after that I did normal speedtest.net on mbp I get 470.

              Thought it might be device limitation and initiated speed test from both phone and laptop and the combined results were worse at 240. I think wired network on PC is the way to go, will test it later today.

    • +3

      I find ABB has lower latency than Superloop. At least in Adelaide

    • Superloop also part of the free FTTN/FTTC upgrade to FTTP. Not sure if Aussie offer that.

    • Agreed, I'm faster on super loop too. I'm on opticomm and managed to get a friend referral so I'm getting 1000/50 for $90/month (goes to $100 after 6months)

    • There's more to value than price alone.

  • -1

    Can I change it back after 6 months? Using 100/40

    • +2

      You can change a plan or service provide at any time.

    • -7

      Only if you ask them politely…

    • Why would you sacrifice upload speed?

  • +7

    Superloop is $99 for the first 6 months of 1000/50.

    • +2

      More Telecom is $100.80 for the first 12 months.

    • Is superloop dhcp or pppoe for wan, I have google nest and pppoe is not very good for Google nest it has issues when DHCP is meant to work better.

      • DHCP for Superloop.

        • +1

          Thanks Twix, I might switch over, sick of buffering when I got 250mgs speed.

    • Better? Better.

      • +4

        Better? Better.


  • -2

    $20 off nbn 250/25 $109

    I'm currently paying $100 per month with More Telecom.

    When the $83 per month for 12 months finished recently, I contacted their retention team and asked if they can do better, and they gave me $100 / mth for another year.

    It pays to ask…

    • Hi, what is their retention team email? Mine is finishing up this month too and would like to keep the 30% offer for another year. Thanks in advance

      • +2

        Hi, what is their retention team email?

        I just put in a 'polite' request online asking for a better price (as I was considering switching to get a better offer) and they called me back after a couple of days.

        • +1

          Thanks jv. Will do the same

          • +1

            @timliu1996: Be careful with thanking jv in public. The lynch mob start sharpening their lynching…er….tools.

    • more is rubbish

    • It does pay to ask and you can get a better deal if you're willing to lock in for longer periods. I've been on 69.95 per month for 250/25 for a couple years now in an opticomm area. Although I did have to lock in for four years to get this deal. I also lucked out, not many people in my area seem to know about opticomm so I get 285mbps during peak.

    • Does more telecom still use PPP credentials for FTTP?

      • +1


        • Thanks.

          Just wanted to know if fibre upgrade would resolve my issues with them because there BRAS was acting up again (= no connection all) since 5pm yesterday until 10am this morning.
          Since fibre still uses BRAS it wouldn't help to upgrade to fibre with them.
          Not amused, they said since resolved within 24 hours: too bad for me not having internet for 17 hours and no compensation.
          They're not even willing to look into the issue.
          Happened 3 times for at least 10 hours straight the past 6 months and several times for up to an hour.

          Support is not knowledgeable at all, and keeps asking reset modem, factory reset and wait.

          • +1


            too bad for me not having internet for 17 hours and no compensation.


            • @jv: Thanks, I actually made a TIO complaint, will see how that goes. Callback next day, unfortunately I was in a work meeting, but responded via email.

              • @johnmelb: Acceptable outcome achieved via TIO complaint, waiting to get the compensation in form of credit on internet bill.
                Thanks @jv for the tip.

  • +1

    Always been curious - Does faster internet have much of an impact in regards to ping with gaming or is it all about routing? I'm on 100 down with ABB and I'm wondering if moving up speeds would actually have any effect.

    • +2

      Does faster internet have much of an impact in regards to ping with gaming or is it all about routing?

      Probably not…

      Mine improved a lot when I upgraded but that was almost certainly due to going from FTTC to FTTP.

    • +1

      Nah your ping stays the same. FTTP has the lowest ping out of all the nbn types. It's all about the ISPs routing and peering.

    • Nope, if you want to improve ping stability and lower jitter in your home. Look for QoS settings in your router. If you have an ASUS router for example and 100Mbps Internet with 20Mbps upload. I recommend you enable Cake QoS (best one I've tested). For bandwidth you want to give headroom so make download 90 Mbps and upload 16 Mbps. Now your ping should be stable regardless of what others in your home do while you're playing games.

      • I have ASUS router and if you set QOS then it limits speeds to the 90 Mbps you put in even if nothing else is on. Is that wanted?

        • What's your internet speed? Without QoS. Which plan are you on?

    • +1

      No. Ping generally relates to the distance you are from the server you're playing on.

    • Add CGNAT to your list of online gaming concerns.

      • +3

        Gamers and remote access users should call Aussie BB to turn Carrier Grade NAT off.

  • +3

    ABB was great when it started but now i can get yhe same offering for half the price. They’re not as overpriced as Telstra but they’re getting there.

    • +3

      They’re not as overpriced as Telstra

      They are pretty close

  • +1

    Exising customers on these plans won't get these promo. Only for the ones upgrading :(
    To redeem, a redeemer must:
    • be upgrading plans to apply the promo code.
    • must call 1300 880 905 and quote the promo.

    • Deal updated. I know of existing customers that are already on 250/25 and 1000/50 who got the discount. Call them.

      • Tried this, was told I was ineligible because I'm already on the 1000/50 plan.

        • +1

          I would call again. A few OzBargainers switch between Superloop and Aussie BB every 6 months to get the discounts.

          • +1

            @Twix: Staff member I spoke to suggested calling the retention team to try and get a discount. Might do that on Monday.

  • This comes with free CGNAT

    • +1

      Call Aussie BB to turn Carrier Grade NAT off.

      • -6

        Yes and pay an extra $10 a month

        • +7

          $0 to get Carrier Grade NAT off.

          $10 a month is for a static IP.

          • @Twix: I stand corrected. I knew there was a $10 catch somewhere with this lot though.

            • +1

              @beastontheroad: They don't change IPs very often. Most can get away with not paying for the static IP.

              • +2

                @Twix: I use a script that updates my external DNS via GoDaddy's API, and my IP hasn't changed in the 2 years since I configured it

              • @Twix: I opted out of CGNAT when applying the upgrade. Does a static IP benefit gamers?

                • +1

                  @combatant: A static IP helps if you host a server.

                  • +1

                    @Twix: Thanks, assumed it was only for hosting.

                • +1

                  @combatant: I had problems with connecting to gaming servers with CGNAT. I didn't need a static IP, a regular dynamic IP was fine, which is free

          • +1
  • +3

    Aussie were great but superloop have been just as good for me for my fttp and 50 bucks a month cheaper.

  • Is 250/25 an upgrade from 100/40?

    • +1

      For most people yes, unless you upload a lot…

    • Depends how often you upload files. You can always switch back to 100/40.

    • 40 upload would be better with video call.

      • If you are making 10 simultaneous video calls, then maybe…

  • +1

    Superloop loop best and cheaper.

  • Call centre says if existing on 1000/50 you're not getting it - wording is dodgy as.

    Waiting to talk to retentions…..

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