• expired

7 Weeks Free Health Insurance (COVID-19 Benefit, Stacks with Signup Benefit) @ GMHBA


An insane deal as it seems to stack so you get the sign up benefit (expires 20/9) + Covid return benefit if signing up before 13th September. Duplicate offer removed from title — Mod.

Here is the Covid deal: https://www.gmhba.com.au/campaigns/returnofsavings

Here is the signup deal which has previously been posted on Ozbargain: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/863079

Could be worth >$1000 of value to some people.

⚠️ Important Notice ⚠️

Terms of the campaign was changed. To qualify for the upcoming return of COVID-19 claims savings, GMHBA members need to hold an active private health insurance policy from 13 September 2024 and remain active on 30 September 2024. See the full terms on their website.

The deal expiry date is updated to reflect 13th Sept as the last day to obtain this offer.

Most eligible members who were active on 1 September 2024 will have had their paid-to date moved forward by 7 weeks on 30 September 2024.
New members who joined GMHBA or reactivated their policy after 1 September 2024, and met the eligibility criteria for the 7-week contribution, will have this applied to their membership in the coming weeks. We will communicate further details with these members once the contribution has been made.

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GMHBA Private Health Insurance
GMHBA Private Health Insurance

closed Comments

    • +2

      Same. Best to wait until 7 Oct as they will probably need time to check you have had active PHI on 30 Sept to apply 7 weeks to our accounts.

    • +1

      The 7 weeks is applied from the 1st of Oct on, so I reckon you can wait.

  • I applied 13 Sep and just got an email to say its been applied. Looking at the app it shows its paid to 23 Nov. Will see what happens to the 7 weeks next month

    • Did you have to contact them about this? On the app it says I am a member since 7th Sep. I am setup for weekly payments and the next debit date shows 21st Sep.

      • Didn't contact them. Just got an email. I am setup for monthly payments

  • I didn’t realise they changed the cut off date to 13th September for the 7 weeks free 😭

    I just signed up an hour ago assuming I still have until end of today.

    Can someone share with me screenshot of the original T&C?


    • +1

      I called them this morning to join and they were able to manually approve my 7 weeks. Maybe worth to give them a call?

      • Nice! I’ll give them a call tomorrow, thank you ☺️

  • +2

    Was my fault for leaving it til 20th thinking they wouldn’t change the date forward for the 7weeks Covid benefit 😅😭
    Anyway joined 20th and was still only eligible for the 6 weeks only. The CS told me “yeah you should’ve jumped on it when you first heard about this, I can’t help you for that 7 weeks Covid benefit now. Honestly, it was more for giving back to the current existing members who’s gone thru Covid era, but we realised that Covid benefit offer has blown… viral now and not for the intended purposes so… 😅
    In other words, OZB’d. Lesson learned, next time just sign up first, and this is my first time churning PHI too, thanks much for the info on this thread guys much appreciated 🙏

  • +2

    Hmmm, I haven’t had any of the free weeks applied and I signed up the day this post was made. Going to have to reach out to them. Anybody else in this position?

  • +1

    from: GMHBA Limited <[email protected]>
    date: Sep 20, 2024
    subject: Six weeks free applied - Ref: xx
    You’ve got 6 weeks free
    Good news – your join offer of 6 weeks free has been applied to your membership.

    There is nothing more you need to do.

    Don’t forget you can manage your cover at any time in the GMHBA app or online member area.

    If you have any questions, we’re here to help.

    GMHBA Health Insurance

    And next payment date was updated under Cover - View my cover.
    Waiting for the 7 weeks now.

    • Mine's changed too. Fingers crossed for the extra 7

    • What day did you join?

      • 13/9 for me.

        • +1

          Thanks mate, I joined on 16th and nothing yet.

      • +1

        13/9, last day it was active (after updated terms)

  • Welp, just tried to maximise and upgrade cover to Gold Hospital + Top Extras, one day before September 25 cutoff - however, after submitting, they tell you it takes up to 3 business days to process, and during this time, my existing cover (Bronze + Basic) still applies during this time.

    • It's based on 13 Sep net premium

      The 7-week contribution will be calculated from 13 September 2024 and based on the weekly net premium amount for your cover. If there are any changes to your cover after this date, including to rebates, loadings or discounts applied to your membership, then your premium contribution may no longer be precisely 7 weeks.

    • Oh dear, this was a bad idea - the changes have been processed, and now all my extra's have had their waiting period restarted.. jeez this is annoying!

    • It took just one day for them to upgrade my cover from basic to gold. Also there is a 14 day cooling off so you can always just reverse it if it doesn't work out.

      • +1

        The 7-week contribution will be calculated from 13 September 2024 and based on the weekly net premium amount for your cover.

        So its not gonna work

  • Didn't receive anything even if I signed up on the 9th…

    • I reached out and they said it will be activated after you’ve been a member for month. Not sure why someone people get it instantly and others don’t.

      • I ended up joining on the 17th (they'd honor it like others above), got my email for 6 weeks free on the 26th. Not sure yet when we'll get the 7 weeks covid

  • +3

    Consistent with the promise made by GMHBA, I received the 7 weeks free yesterday. You can check this by checking the 'paid to' date in your app, which will have been advanced by 7 weeks.

    I'll be joining Territory Health after GMHBA for 6 weeks free, see https://www.territoryhealth.com.au/. There is no qualifying period for the Territory Health offer - this is a 100% discount for the 6 weeks.

    • Thanks for sharing. Mine still only shows I'm paid up until the initial 6 weeks free. Cannot see the additional 7 weeks. Anyone else missing the covid return bonus?

      Edit: Joined 7th Sep well before the T&C were changed.

      • Mine has not been applied. Will wait a few days and see

    • my paid to date is only 5 oct but next payment date is 6 nov. i got an email saying the 6 weeks free had been applied. joined 6 sept. just been waiting and seeing.

    • also that territory health offer is pretty good. as you say no qualifying period and applies to these.

      a. Better Hospital (Silver+);
      b. Better Hospital (Silver+) and Extras packaged cover;
      c. Vital Hospital (Bronze+);
      d. Vital Hospital (Bronze+) and Extras packaged cover.

      might as well go with b. since it's free from day 1?

  • For anyone who hasn't received the 7 weeks, I'd say there's a reason for that, and that you're going to have to contact GMHBA.

    GMHBA clearly states that you will receive the 7 weeks on 30/09/2024:

    When will eligible memberships receive their seven-week contribution payment in 2024?
    COVID-19 claims savings will be returned to eligible active memberships from 30 September 2024. On this date, the paid-to date for most eligible active policies will be moved forward 7 weeks. We’re working hard on getting these savings back to members and will send a reminder in September.


    • COVID-19 claims savings will be returned to eligible active memberships from 30 September 2024. On this date, the paid-to date for most eligible active policies will be moved forward 7 weeks. We’re working hard on getting these savings back to members and will send a reminder in September.

      Highlighted the keywords that eases my concern of not receiving the 7 weeks, so I'm going to wait a few days to see what happens. They probably have so many new sign ups that it will take some time to process them all.

  • +14

    FYI for anyone else. I signed up on 13 Sep. Got the 6 weeks free but not 7 weeks. Had a chat with them and they said:

    I can see that your joining offer of 6 weeks free has been applied to your account and you are currently paid to the 23/11/24. You are also eligible for the covid 19 Claim Savings 7 weeks free promotion. Our existing members had this applied today 1/10/24. Due to the unexpected number of new members our membership team is currently working through processing the 7 weeks free offers. I cannot give you an exact date of when this will occur just yet. You are eligible for this offer, and we will honor it.

    • +6

      Thanks for talking to them and letting us know. Saves us some time of reaching out.

  • Best to be a bit patient, looks like this post caused a massive storm for them and they have been doing maintenance + massive CS backlog to accommodate us all. Should be reflected in time if you met the cut off date.

  • damn it missed this

  • +2

    Just had a call from them. They confirmed my joining date of the 13th was good for the COVID deal and it's just taking some time to process them all.

  • How do we actually checked whether we already get the Covid benefit or not yet? Do they send email or do we have to register to their portal/login?

    • I was told there would be an email. It would also be reflected in the Paid To date in the app.

  • It's interesting that there appears to have been a batch of customers (like me) that received the additional 7 weeks via an automated process. Now, posts above suggest that the remainder are being done manually.

    The decision by GMHBA to change the eligibility date seems likely to have led to these delays (and that's not even considering the extra time wasted in now having to deal with additional enquiries).

    • They went to the trouble of calling to welcome me today so they may have a bit of capacity available. Thankfully any delay processing will be covered by the 6 week deal.

  • Nothing had been applied yet for me, btw as I haven't used anything yet could I still get a full refund?
    Bit confused…

    Paid to Date

    • Did you sign up on +-7th September, and so far you paid for 1 month?
      Sounds like 6 weeks has been applied but not yet the 7 weeks.
      Not sure why you would want to cancel now though.

      • Yer no 7 weeks yet, and yes I signed up on September 6th.

        Just weighing up if it'll actually get enough value out of it.

        • I would wait out part of the 6 free weeks at least.
          Somebody commented above that 7 weeks would also be applied manually.
          (And I also took screenshots during sign up.)

          I would give them some time to credit the free weeks.
          Paying 1 month and getting 6 weeks free (if moving to somewhere else later) is still good value according to me. If you cancel now, you probably can't get the same promo in the next 12 months and you will definitely miss out on the 7 weeks.
          Worst case I would call them in +-5 weeks time asking about 7 weeks, if not yet credited by then.
          You could still take a screenshot of T&C's now to support your potential claim later.

        • +5

          I just went to the T&Cs page again. Seems like they are crediting anyone who had a policy on 1 September first. They’re tackling all us OzBargainers later 🤣

          From their website:

          “Most eligible members who were active on 1 September 2024 will have had their paid-to date moved forward by 7 weeks on 30 September 2024.

          New members who joined GMHBA or reactivated their policy after 1 September 2024, and met the eligibility criteria for the 7-week contribution, will have this applied to their membership in the coming weeks. We will communicate further details with these members once the contribution has been made.”

  • They said they will need end of month to add all promotions.

  • +1

    Just got charged for my 3rd fortnight. They said you have to pay for 3 fortnights before you get the 6 weeks free. Is that consistent with everyone else’s experience?

    Doesn’t seem to be aligned with the actual offer.

    • Must pay first months premium to receive discount.

      I paid monthly, only 1 deduction and pay date has moved to November for me
      2 fortnights is 28 days (most months are more than 2 fortnights?).

      • I suspect this may be the case.
        I paid monthly as well and noted the "paid to" date moved forward by 6 weeks.

        (Still waiting on the 7 weeks)

      • That is probably it. Annoying that they charge 3 fortnights rather than prorating the 3rd fortnight to only take two days. But it is what it is

        • Yea I realised after signing up that I should have elected to pay monthly at the start instead of fortnightly so I switched back to weekly so I would be charged for 5 weeks instead of 6.

    • I paid one month, asked them to apply the 6 weeks, then set the direct debit date to after the expiry of the 6 weeks free.

      Once the 7 weeks was applied, I again asked them to change the direct debit date, this time to after the expiry of the 7 weeks free.

      Lots of people in this thread seems to try and devise complex schemes. It's OK to be upfront and say you are taking advantage of the promotion etc.

      After the 1 month paid + 6 weeks free + 7 weeks COVID return, I'll be leaving.

      • Why would you need to manually move the direct debit date?
        Doesn't it move forward due to the 6 and 7 week periods anyway.

        • Because funds have shitty and differing systems.

          I made the requests to make the policy do what is in my interests, not the funds.

  • Not happy about my response. I am going to have to escalate. I signed up on 11th to start on 20th September as terms and conditions stated initially you needed to be active on 25th:

    "Thank you for reaching out. I can confirm that the 6 weeks free when joining has been added to your policy, however you are not eligible for the COVID Return of Surplus 7 weeks. Your joining date was 20/09/2024, this was after the cut off. If there is anything else we can assist with, please let us know. Kind regards"

    I am going to start a complaint process.

    • +1

      Go to PHIO

      • Thanks, I’ll start off by contacting their complaints department and then see what they respond.

    • Same timeline for signing up and activating my policy.

      They said they would honour the t&c at the time of my sign-up.

      • Hi, initial contact has been positive. They said they’ll honour if you logged insurance before 13th September.

        • They told me starting on the 13th was ok.

  • Cant be bothered with this silly promo. They are trying to get a second month before applying the covid payment as they know most people will leave as soon as free months finish.

    I talked to my previous insurer and they agreed to back date the policy from 13th and will cancel and refund mine with frank under 30 day cooling off period.

    They havent even applied my transfer certificates so forcing me not to claim.

    • I haven't experienced this at all.

      If you have to claim, then claim. Just remind them that they still need to apply the Transfer Certificates.

      • But ive used some limits from previous fund and its been 26 days so far

        • +1

          Well, it sounds like you've moved back to your previous fund already, so this discussion is moot.

    • -5

      lol, i think its very unethical for anyone to expect to just milk the health insurance and not contribute. This is what drives health insurance premiums up

      • +4

        You're joking, right?

        Health insurers are currently making record profits.

        I am not sure you understand how promotions work. The insurer itself sets the terms of the promotion. When a consumer takes up a promotion, the consumer is doing exactly what the insurer wants the consumer to do.

  • +1

    Thanks for getting in touch, The six weeks free promotion will be in place soon, we’re working to have this in place by your 19/10/2024 direct debit. You will be notified once the six weeks free has been added. The seven weeks free will be in place by the end of this month.

    • Cheers

    • Hi, let me know how you go. I contacted them today and said I needed to pay 5 weeks to get the free weeks (while when I signed up it says it one month). I just sent the a message. I really hope they apply the free weeks.

      • 6 weeks added
        7 weeks by end of oct

        • Great! Happy for you. I hope they will add mine soon.

          • @fozzie: They finally applied the free 6 weeks. Now waiting for the Covid. Let’s see when they’ll apply that.

            • @fozzie: Oh damn that's nice! I messaged them twice and they still haven't added it on. My next direct debit is due in two days… at least one of my claims got approved already.

  • I thought the preventative dental limit was $1000 but now it says $500. This is on top extras 75% back.

    • Had an old screenshot, it was always $500.

      • Plus, you should have a copy of the Private Health Insurance Statement (PHIS) for your policy. The PHIS details inclusions, exclusions, and limits.

        Funds can't make detrimental changes to the policy without notice to you.

        • Thank you ☺️

  • +1

    Just got an email

    Enjoy 7 weeks on us
    We'll be covering 7 weeks of your premium payments from 30 September 2024. This is to return claims savings made during the pandemic. To be eligible, members need to be active from 25 September - 30 September 2024.

    Not applied to account just yet

    • Yeah received this email on 5/10

    • Still haven’t received anything about the 7 weeks…

      • Neither

        • +1

          I didn’t either but contacted them. They said it should be manually processed by end of this month. I started my policy on 20th September but signed up on 11th so they told me I would qualify as they changed terms and conditions after the 11th. After 31/10 if not applied I will contact them again.

  • Just got the email:

    Great news – GMHBA is covering 7 weeks of your premiums, and this contribution has been applied to your membership on 30 September 2024.

    As you’ve only recently joined GMHBA, you wouldn’t have received our earlier communications on this, so we’re letting you know now.

    This 7-week premium contribution is part of our COVID-19 claims savings return to members.

    As a not-for-profit insurer, we’re always looking out for our members and hope this brings you and your family some financial relief.

    What you need to know

    You’ve qualified for this return, and on 30 September 2024 your ‘paid-to date’ was moved forward by 7 weeks.

    The 7-week contribution was calculated on 25 September 2024 and based on the weekly net premium amount for your cover at that time. If there have been changes to your cover after this date, including to any rebates, loadings or discounts applied to your membership, then your premium contribution may no longer be precisely 7 weeks.

    If you’d like more information, please see our Frequently Asked Questions or get in touch.

    Why is GMHBA giving back?

    During the COVID-19 pandemic, GMHBA set aside funds to pay for anticipated delayed claims, but not all claims that we planned for have been made. This has resulted in us generating additional claims savings which we’re giving back to our members.

    This final return will bring our total COVID-related support to over $103 million.

    We’re here for you

    GMHBA is celebrating its 90th anniversary this year and reflecting on the difference that we can make in the lives of our members and communities. Over the past financial year alone, GMHBA Limited has:
    paid $513 million in benefits for our members
    supported 112,430 occasions of care
    funded 61,782 surgeries
    provided over $500,000 in community investment
    We’re pleased to welcome you to GMHBA and to help ensure you and your family have the care you need for the life you live.

    Yours sincerely,

    Wes Self
    Chief Operating Officer
    GMHBA Health Insurance

    • +1

      Nice! Haven't received mine yet

    • When did you join?

  • +5

    I didn't get an email but my date has moved to 11 Jan for my next payment yay!!! So all has been applied.

    • Same

    • Same, 14th Jan for me.

    • Same Jan 5.

      • -1

        Is it the one showing in "view-my-cover" when we logged in? Mine showing Paid to Date: 15/01/2025, but Next Payment Date: 17/12/2024

        • Similar for me, I think they are charging you 2 days of premium to move your paid to date to 17 Jan

          • -2

            @victorheaven: That's a ridiculous assertion. Of course they are not charging you to move your paid to date.

          • @victorheaven: Probably right. I'm paid til the 11Jan. Next debit is 13Dec, no doubt for the 2 days I'm short for Dec/Jan.

        • Ask them to move your next payment date to 16/01/2025. A simple email will fix this.

    • Same here.

    • Same here for both my account and partner's account.

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