• expired

7 Weeks Free Health Insurance (COVID-19 Benefit, Stacks with Signup Benefit) @ GMHBA


An insane deal as it seems to stack so you get the sign up benefit (expires 20/9) + Covid return benefit if signing up before 13th September. Duplicate offer removed from title — Mod.

Here is the Covid deal: https://www.gmhba.com.au/campaigns/returnofsavings

Here is the signup deal which has previously been posted on Ozbargain: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/863079

Could be worth >$1000 of value to some people.

⚠️ Important Notice ⚠️

Terms of the campaign was changed. To qualify for the upcoming return of COVID-19 claims savings, GMHBA members need to hold an active private health insurance policy from 13 September 2024 and remain active on 30 September 2024. See the full terms on their website.

The deal expiry date is updated to reflect 13th Sept as the last day to obtain this offer.

Most eligible members who were active on 1 September 2024 will have had their paid-to date moved forward by 7 weeks on 30 September 2024.
New members who joined GMHBA or reactivated their policy after 1 September 2024, and met the eligibility criteria for the 7-week contribution, will have this applied to their membership in the coming weeks. We will communicate further details with these members once the contribution has been made.

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GMHBA Private Health Insurance
GMHBA Private Health Insurance

closed Comments

      • This makes more sense. Thanks! :)

      • +1

        If that's the case I should up my cover to the top, and then drop it back afterwards.

  • +2

    So everyone's circumstances are going to be different, but personally have found be careful if you have been on an existing policy for a while that you are leaving.

    My situation, BUPA for 5 years, my current policy (Budget family Silver Plus $500 excess) doesn't even come up on their quote register anymore. Currently paying $481 per month (no claimable rebate due to family income).

    If I jump ship, Frank is probably comparable at $498 per month (Silver Hospital (Silver) & Lots Extras 50% Back - $750 excess), although am giving up some hospital services (and therefore waiting periods) plus higher exccess, but gaining on some extra limits.

    So for me $1,493 saving (6+7 weeks refund), however if I jump back to ship with BUPA, a similar policy now has even less coverage than current and is now $556 (now lose Orthodontic in Extras and pain devices in Hospital).

    So yes saving, but ultimately $70 a month dearer if I jump back and for lower coverage.

  • +3

    I also feel that this may be Ozbargained and they dont honour the 7 weeks based on sign up date… They might end up pro rata on coverage period…

    • +3

      I also worry about that.
      GMHBA: "Hey, we've got $XXm set aside that we can give back to our XXX thousand members as a 7 weeks premium relief"
      1 day later….
      GMHBA: "So that premium relief idea seemed really popular. We've now got 6,000 new members and can't afford 7 weeks for everyone. Shall we just raise the premiums?"

      • Have saved screen shots of FAQ and T&Cs haha

        • The original T&Cs? I might need a copy.

          I did call support (last week, as I was one of the first to see this and put it in the Bupa thread) and he said "sign up before or up to the 20th Sep and you will get 13 weeks". I have the time stamp of this recorded call. I expect it to be honoured (and have gone to the Ombudsman before, and they request the call conversation)

          I have a compensation month from Bupa until Sep 29. So didn't want to waste it by signing up straight away.

          So I have been doing my due diligence and comparing Frank /GMHBA policies with Bupa for the last few days….and just saw this (FFS).

          So yeah, if you have the original T&Cs and can either put em up, or email. That would be great.

  • I signed up on the 6th and still haven't received a welcome email or had any money taken out…

    • +1

      i signed up on the 7th and its all happened

  • If one is not planning to claim any extras on this, but still wanting to carry over previous served extras periods, is it worth just getting the cheapest extra? Or do you need to buy at least the same level?

    I'm planning to get back onto medibank/HCF/Bupa to use dental extras after the 13 weeks is done.

  • Initiated a transfer request last week. Today got a call from Bupa and they said there is usually a limit on how many free weeks any provider can offer in a year. They acknowledged the 6 weeks free offer but then said the additional 7 weeks might be coming off in the 2nd year. Can anyone clarify if this is indeed correct?

    • +1

      The 7 free weeks are applied as credit on your account. Technically not free weeks, just cashback in form of credit to pay for your membership (instead of depositing directly in your bank account)

      • Thanks for the clarification. I continued with the switch. They did offer a premium reduction by $10 per week. But will worry about it the next calendar year.

    • They're just trying to talk you out of moving.

      • Got same info from HCF, and they matched with the 7 weeks this year, so not moving now!

        • +1

          Well I guess the benefit is the stacking of the 6+7

    • Bupa have given me 14 weeks free so far (due to their debacle)… so there's that.

      • In 1 year? Spoke to them and said they will gove me 4 wekes this ywar and 4 weeks next year

      • How exactly did you go about asking this?

    • How did you go about initiating the transfer request?

  • I'm currently with Frank insurance. If I switch to GMHBA to take advantage of the six weeks offer would I be eligible?

    The offer has this wording with GMHBA 'who have not been a GMHBA member in the last 12 months'. Is Frank considered being a 'GMHBA member'?

    • +3

      Contacted GMHBA via chat and they said I am eligible.

      • Very good.

        • +1

          yes GMHBA said I would be eligible from Frank. I called Frank to negotiate and was given 6 weeks free as well. No need to change!

  • I don't get this :( someone explain like I'm 5 pls

    • +4
      1. Sign up.
      2. Pay first 4 weeks of coverage.
      3. Receive the following 13 weeks free.
      • -5

        I thought you must pay 1 month?

      • No one actually confirmed the 13 free weeks.

        I believe this is the closest explanation to potential 10 weeks.


        • +1

          There's going to be a lot of unhappy customers if they do not honour both promos stacking

          • @Obs: Not available in conjunction with any other offer.

            • +2

              @Ozzster: I'll reply myself - the covid one is not an offer from their perspective, therefor can be combined.

        • +5

          I confirmed it (via phone). Both GMHB and Frank. They just move your paid up to date 7 weeks into the future, then another 6 weeks after your paid month is up.

          • @tunzafun001: Did they say it was a weeks credit applied to your account as opposed to a $$$ credit?

            • +3

              @tryagain: Their words were "we move the paid to date 7 weeks and then 6 weeks into the future".

              If you are asking if you can chose Gold cover, then change to basic during the bonus period to get more weeks…I don't know, but it seems not.

              Then again, it's a backend system, it probably only knows $$ and will probably work.

        • +2

          Once you join, if you meet the terms and conditions, you would be eligible for an additional 7 weeks free covid relief payment.
          "To qualify for the upcoming return of COVID-19 claims savings, GMHBA members need to hold an active private health insurance policy on 25 September 2024 and remain active on 30 September 2024."

          is this the eligibility for that?
          so if I get policy by 20/09, I assume I should be eligible for both offers?
          6weeks + additional 7weeks?

          That is correct.

          Again this will be in form of free weeks? so spread across a year? or across mulitple years?

          It will be paid in one 13 weeks free lot after your first month of payments have been taken

      • So for people who need to head to the hospital heaps / I guess if they get a bonus cover like dentals / psychologists ???

  • Can you buy now and say to start after e.g. Novemeber and still be available/?

    • No. Have to be a member from 13-30 Sept to quality for 7 weeks free. The 6 weeks free is an available for signups till 20 sep but not sure if the policy has to start by 20 sep.

      • Is it too late to sign up for the 13 free weeks?

        ETA signed up anyway

  • +3

    So just confirming:
    - To get the 6 weeks free, I need hospital + extras before 20 September
    - The 7 weeks free is a credit to the account based on my level of cover/premium from 25 September to 30 September
    - There are no 2 month or 6 month wait periods.

    Financially, is the best outcome to get the top rated hospital and top rated extras cover (about $120 a week) and then drop down to the lowest level of cover (about $55 per week) at week 10 (4 weeks paid + 6 weeks free)?

    • I will have to pay $480 for the first 4 weeks (from 19 September to 17 October)
    • Thereafter, I will have the top cover for 6 weeks for free (until 28 November)
    • I would have $840 credit (7 weeks at top cover rate of $120/week) applied to the account for the 7 weeks free. Since I will be dropping to the lowest level cover which is $55 per week, that $840 credit should cover for 15 weeks.

    Is my understanding that I can get essentially 25 weeks of cover (10 weeks top cover + 15 weeks base cover) for $480?

    My wife needs a few fillings done and we are travelling to Southern Africa, so need vaccinations, and can try for the sunglasses and gym membership (if it works). I should get these extra benefits in the first 10 weeks

    Is my understanding correct, or is that scenario too good to be true?

    • That is quite a maximising approach. Best to ask (but a bit awkward) a rep?

    • +1

      I just gave them a call to check your theory. It doe not matter what cover you have, they all will receive equal weeks for free. Top and basic will get the same. Downgrade will not give you anything.

      • In theory kaiser's approach should work. He is talking about the covid credit, not the 6 free weeks. The 7 covid weeks are calculated thus according to their website: "The 7-week contribution will be calculated from 13 September 2024 and based on the weekly net premium amount for your cover." Whether that is actually what happens in practice….

        • Their hotline said no.

          I have other concerns though. These promos need you to take extras, which are themselves 30% on top of the cheapest hospital cover. 13 weeks cost less than that. So, any other 6-week promo that doesn't need extras will be cheaper.

    • normally if you sign up to the lowest cover, upgrade but then change your mind about the upgrade within the cooling off period they will refund the extra premiums you've paid.

      not so sure about your galaxy brained plan

    • +2

      Official line is it won't work…but reality is it more than likely will.
      Question is …do you want to roll the dice? If you need a few things, then it might be worth it anyway. Paid for higher cover with Bupa. A "couple of filings' were $900. Cost me an extra $100 for the month..but got an extra $300 of dental out of it.
      Good luck…may the tightarse be with you.

    • did you try this?

  • Do we have to pay full 1 month before the date to get the free weeks?

    I'm currently on direct debit and it has only taken 1 week's cost. Will I be eligible?

    • +1

      I am set up for weekly payments too. I asked on chat. So on sep 30 we will get pushed out for 7 weeks and payments will be paused. Then we will be charged remaining weekly payments till it totals one month, then 6 weeks kicks in.

  • Does anyone know if your excess gets waived if already paid for the year with Bupa and now churning to GMHBA or Frank?

  • Spoke to Bupa and they will give me 12% off my premium savings me $500 for the year or 5 weeks free. So think I'm moving over.

    • So, we can actually told them we're moving and they'd do something for retention?

  • +1

    Just looked at terms and conditions and they're now saying you need to be a member on 13 September, which is today.

    For the 7 weeks COVID benefit.

    • +2

      I confirmed with chat- need to have an active policy by the 13th sept (today) in order to get the covid benefit. I initially had my plan starting next week before the 20th, but got them to change it to todays date. Also the 6 weeks applies after the first 4 weeks

  • +1

    Them changing the date sucks. I signed up with them when this deal was posted with a start date of 19th September as I wanted to claim for Dental and Optical via my current provider.

    Now I am left with no choice. Either to switch today to GMHBA and let go my claims or just let go off this deal

    • The deal is good but the sign up date deadline is too tight..

    • Why today? Isn't it till 20th of Sep?

    • Ok I just did live chat trying to change it and they said they'll still honour it even if it's arranged to start after today, because the policy already existed in the system before today.

      • I did the same via phone call and they said it should be fine as I joined on 7th Sept with start date of 19th Sept.

        Got that in writing as well via email.

    • Yeah, was in-call with them last week to discuss the cover, thinking to do a bit more research and planned to move tomorrow. Should have just done it right away. Sad :(

  • Joined Basic Plus Starter Hospital and Top Extras 75%

  • Just signed up. It says from 13th so hopefully I'll qualify

  • Signed up today. confirmed over phone that as long as the policy is active from today, should qualify for 7 weeks

  • Oh, with the change of date I'm close to missing the boat on this one.

    I'm paid to 9th October with the free weeks offer from Medibank — so that's nearly a month. I was hoping to hear back about others' experiences whether or not a switch with the free weeks still owing would result in some return of money paid - I would think not. Anyone have any experiences with this?

    Trying to work out if the switch is worth it.

  • +3

    What the hell, I had signed up to start on the 20th and now they changed! Trying to move it to earlier online but not letting me. Very annoyed right now. Might just restart a new one from now and cancel the one I had started from the 20th. Very annoying.

    • +1

      No need to do a new one, read a few of the comments above

      • Thanks mate! Yes I did. I signed up on the 11th, so fingers crossed it'll be ok :)

  • +2

    Looks like this got ozbargained and so they clamped down, moral of the story for fools like me is not to dilly dally - I did and would have signed up tonight but no way the policy would be active in time.

    • I signed up 10min ago and shows its active from today. I'll phone them tomorrow to confirm else I'll just cancel

      • Yeah same, thought I'd give it a shot! Just waiting for an email to indicate whether it's been processed. It shows as active in the member's area so fingers crossed, hopefully I got in in time!

        • Yea I wasn't sure to use my BSB or credit card so not sure if that has an impact. Will know tomorrow

  • Argh, I signed up on 10th and set my start date as 14th 😭😭😭

    • +2

      Read above: Gmbha confirmed they’ll still honour the deal if signed up before changing the terms and conditions. Fingers crossed as I’m in the same boat.

      • Thanks! I have also emailed to request they move the start date forward. Usually active policy also means cover is being provided

      • Do you know when the terms and conditions changed? I signed up at 10:45am on Friday, with next Wednesday set as my start date. I'm not sure I would have met the cut-off period.

  • …I was planning to sign up today…the term has changed..

  • +2

    called up Frank to say I'm swapping they gave me 7 weeks free. i stayed with Frank.

  • +1

    Missed the boat on this sadly as i had set a reminder to sign up today and just found the updated terms on the deal. Any other health funds running something similar?

  • Missed the boat. Is it still worth it to join for the 7 weeks free or there are better options out there?

    • +1

      Pretty disappointed I missed the boat….

      But it was still cheaper than other options I had gotten a quote for so I went with them anyway. Hoping to chat with them in a few days to see if they would give me the free weeks

    • Well it really depends on your personal situation for health care needs as to what are the better options, in terms of free weeks NIB are doing something at the moment as well - if you join GMHBA now you will get 6 free weeks not 7, that's the part that's expired.

  • How do they apply the 6 weeks free? I have been charged for the first month's premium but the paid-to date hasn't really changed.

    • +1

      Mine is showing that I'm paid up until 10 weeks from my join date. Not sure when this was updated. I pay monthly so looks like they just gave me 4 weeks cover for my first month instead of calendar month.

      • Thanks mate, what date did you join?

      • I joined 13th and shows is valid until 12 Oct

        • Mine's the same.

  • Does anyone have a screenshot of the previous T&C’s before they changed the date to 13 September? I joined under the previous T&C’s but with a starting date of 18 September so I’m worried I will need to provide this as evidence.

  • +1

    I sent them an email on Monday and they agreed to honour the 13 weeks. Said to call to setup the account and I did so on Tuesday.

    If you're desperate, send them an email or give them a call.

    • I did that via chat, and 13 weeks are honoured if you sign up before 24 Sept 2024.

      • Is that extra 7 weeks credited as dates ( like due date after 7 weeks) or amount ( dollar amount to your account)?

        • I believe it's the latter (i.e. a $ credit to your account).

  • I took this on 9th. Just got a mail about 6 weeks. Should I ask them about 7 weeks now or I should wait for their mail.

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