Join an Eligible Private Health Insurance Policy & Keep until 31 May, Redeem a Free Meerkat Hoodie @ Compare The Market


Should be able to combine with the topcashback deal

Credit to InfamousCalf

When will I receive my gift?

Your Meerkat Hoodie will be sent after 15 May, 2025 when all policyholders who purchased during the promotional period have maintained their paid-up policy for a minimum of 45 days.

Which health insurance policies are eligible?

Hospital cover at a bronze level or higher (i.e. either bronze, bronze+, silver, silver+ or gold). Combined hospital and extras policies are eligible provided the hospital cover is bronze level or higher.
Please note, extras only policies are not eligible. You can find our Terms and Conditions here for more information.

How to receive a Meerkat Hoodie?

You must:

  • Purchase an eligible health insurance policy during the promotion period;
  • Fill out the opt-in form that is sent via email (24 hours after you purchase), and;
  • Make sure your policy is paid up and maintained until 15 May in line with the Terms and Conditions.
  • And you will be able to receive your very own limited edition Meerkat Hoodie!

Mod note: Original title showed a free hoodie after the policy is maintained for 45 days. This is incorrect. The policy must be maintained for a minimum of 45 days until 15 May. Please do not cancel your policy after only 45 days.

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  • Also add a $50 gift card, when you click through topcashback link and redirect to your choice of provider but do the rest of the submission over the call when compare market representative call you. not sure what kind of gift card it is visa or mastercard though

    • Also add a $50 gift card, when you click through topcashback link and redirect to your choice of provider but do the rest of the submission over the call when compare market representative

      Doesnt stack unfortunatly according to topcashback

      See this comment

    • I had it confirmed twice with the representative that it will retain my cashback and $50 gc will be on top of it, that too on a recorded call with a reference number I jotted down somewhere.

      I even remember telling the lady whether it would've been faster if I entered my own details rather than dictating it to you and then you mistype it twice until I correct you 3rd time but then she convinced me with this $50 gc at the end :P

      • Oh well up to you.
        Topcashback already confirmed its or the other.
        Enjoy your $50 card

  • Can i delay policy start date to mid April; or wont be eligible?

  • +1

    Surely this cant be a bargain? A $5 hoodie for signing up to health insurance?

    • It’s not even a ‘oddie’ but a cheap ‘hoodie’. You’ll probably need health insurance once the jumper catches on fire

      • You won’t even need that. Emergency department is free dude

        • True, so you don’t need their crappy hoodie at all then.

  • Lost me at “Private health insurance” LOL

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