Compare The Market: $275 Cashback on Hospital & Extras Combined Insurance, $225 on Hospital Cover Only @ TopCashback AU


Super decent offer as it stacks with free weeks

Hospital & Extras Combined Insurance $275
Hospital Cover Only $225

Stacks with free weeks for some health funds as below

  • Union Health
    Eligible new members who join Union Health by April 30th will receive 4 weeks free on their health insurance. The 4 weeks free will be applied to the second month of your membership provided you pay by direct debit and hold cover for 30 consecutive days from your policy start date.

  • see u by HBF
    New policyholders who commence an eligible see-u combined hospital and extras policy with a $750 excess between 6 January 2025 and 31 May 2025 and pay by direct debit will receive 4 weeks free and your 2 and 6 month waiting periods waived on extras. 4 weeks free will be applied to eligible policies once a premium payment of at least 4 weeks has been made to see-u.

  • Australian Unity
    This offer is available to eligible New Members who have not held Australian Unity health insurance 90 days prior to joining and who purchase Australian Unity hospital and extras cover at the same time (i.e. either a combined product or a hospital product and an extras product); or purchase Australian Unity extras only cover (extras product) by itself. New Members must pay your premiums, maintain your Policy, not have fallen into arrears or be suspended and complete 60 days of continuous paid membership (within the first 60 days of membership) before being eligible for 6 weeks free. The 6 weeks free offer is applied to each policy by advancing the date it is paid up to, i.e. moving it forward 6 weeks

  • Bupa
    Buy an Eligible combined hospital and extras policy by the 31 March that commences by the 30 April and pay by direct debit to receive 4 weeks free on your first year and an additional 2 weeks free after 13 months Excludes combined cover with Freedom 50 and Freedom 60 extras plans. You must maintain the cover and meet all payment obligations for 28 consecutive days from the join date and be financial. The remaining 2 free weeks are applied once you've held eligible cover for 13 months. The 6 weeks free will be applied to your policy as an extension of the paid-up date of your policy.

Referral Links

Referral: random (4046)

Referrer gets $35, referee gets $10 (after $10 of earned cashback within 180 days of signing up).

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  • +1

    was going to switch to see u. amazing tthanks!

    • My free months with frank end on 18th march and did the same lol

    • Thinking about this too. Does anyone know when the promo ends? Is there a minimum stay before the payout is locked in?

      • 60 days so just a little over the paid and free weeks which makes this a great deal

        Cashback will be confirmed after your insurance product/service has been active for at least 60 days

    • I am the other way, currently with see u, so have to switch to Bupa LOL

      • +3

        This is the third deal I’ve seen that you’ve negged with a random comment. Are you ok man?

        • His username checks out.

          On the side note, i want some chicken leg

    • +1

      how quick was your tracking

  • waiting for tracking

  • Does anyone know what's the cheapest out of these just to avoid the medicare levy?
    Also, is churning easy? do i need to manually stop the previous policy or that's done by the new company (similar to electricity)?

    • +2

      The new health fund will manage the transfer for you.

      To avoid the levy, you just need cheapest hopsital cover

    • +5

      Just keep in mind that the medicare levy and medicare levy surcharge are different things. The latter you can avoid by taking out a hopsital cover…. the former I don't think you can avoid it.

  • Thanks, OP!

    I've always benefited from your posts about private insurance cover.

    Off-topic, but I'm about to sign up for a Gold Cover as we're preparing to start a family.

    What's your approach to this? I'm thinking of signing up with a provider offering six weeks free and then switching to another one.


    • +5

      Why gold cover.
      If its for pregnancy, public hospitals have superior antenatal care and midwifery services. Maternity wards are also much superior than majority of private hospitals

      • +3

        If something goes wrong, baby and mum will be transferred to public.

        If something goes wrong for just the baby, only the baby might be transferred.

        Just go public.

      • +4

        Don’t understand the neg but we’ve had amazing care with our first all through the public system

      • +1

        Whilst i agree with the general sentiment and believe most should leverage public, there are many factors that can change that equation. Most especially, if the pregnancy involves a fertility specailist or other sensitivities/complexities it can be very beneficial and compelling for the mother to be to be working with the same person who actively manages through to delivery. Not everyone has a straight forward path to building their family.

        • I thought PHI doesnt cover fertility clinics

      • Would you recommend Gold cover if we are looking to go IVF / assisted pregnancy way!?

    • +1

      Don't plan on getting many free weeks for gold-tier cover, almost every provider has them explicitly excluded in their T&C, Bupa is one of the few that doesn't.

      You're better off getting the cheapest gold-tier hospital cover at somewhere like Mildura Health for just the person giving birth, and drop back down to the level you actually need on a family plan 6 weeks afterwards (worth waiting just incase of complications). Other person just keeps the minimum level they need.

      Also worth looking at some of the 'silver+' plans, none of them were actually cheaper than Mildura Health gold for us but YMMV.

      Once you're on the family plan, should switch every 10 weeks or so to maximize free weeks depending on the deal, and look at funds that reset mid-year to maximize extras. Fair bit of effort and hassle, but with how expensive it is you can basically save enough cash for a free holiday each year, pays more than my hourly rate at least.

    • +3

      I'll back this statement.

      My sister went private, we were convinced to stay public.

      Partner had to have an emergency cesarian 21hrs in, and stay in hospital for half a week. Decision was made, 6mins later she was in an op theater.

      Public care was brilliant, and we had access to post birth midwife….thing. They come to your house and talk you through everything.

      There is no reason for private cover, and you will actually miss out on a few things. My sister wasn't eligible for certain care options.

      • +3

        No reason to go private if you're in the catchment area for top-tier public hospitals, especially if you can get into a good MGP program.

        But there are plenty of crappy public hospitals where you'd almost have a better experience giving birth in the parking lot than in the ward, where the extra cost of going private is completely worth it. Especially if having your support person nearby is important to you, some private hospitals have beds for them to use.

        • A lot of encouragement to have your birth at home these days (public). Sister in law has done it three times now. The cynical side of me (and her parents) were WTF. But when you see it in action, it actually makes sense. The birthing team are awesome. Have all the things hospitals have ready to go. Once you've gone through it once, you realise it isn't that complicated (and my daughter was upside down breached, mum in labour from 5am, went all night, and daughter born via an emergency caesarian at 4pm). But my partner wants to do it again, but this time as a home birth. Thats the confidence we have in that team.
          No issue with support people and being comfortable if your are in your own home.
          So yeah, if your hospital is rubbish (ours basically is - it's the staff that make it). Then do it all at home.
          The days of laying on your back, legs in the air and a Dr pulling a baby out with forceps are LONG gone.
          Won't say any more. Need to keep some mystery and excitement. But 100% you don't need, nor arguably want private health cover for pregnancy in 2025.

          • @tunzafun001: Home birth is great for low-risk pregnancies, should be encouraged more.

            Much riskier for medium and high risk pregnancies though, so definitely not for everyone.

            If you have a higher risk pregnancy and live in a crappy public hospital catchment area, with a good private hospital nearby, then it's still worth going private. Otherwise not

            • @Jolakot: Kind of like saying if you live near a food market with off food, you are better off going to Maccas. Seems a bit obvious.

              Of course if you have some complication that requires immediate surgery, then a private hospital might be the go.

              But 99.9% won't be in that scenario… and Macca's is basically rubbish, and you don't need to pay more for it…and you will get a better product by using the fresh market.

              Most don't know (including me not long ago), that Macca's is actually not better.

              • @tunzafun001: High risk pregnancies are about 15%, would absolutely need a hospital.

                That analogy doesn't really work, maccas sells a completely different product than a food market, and one option is free while the other isn't.

                More like going to a soup kitchen running short staffed on overworked volunteers, that can barely keep up with the growing line let alone wipe down the tables, compared to a cheap chain restaurant.

                If you go to a well run soup kitchen with enough volunteers to make amazing soup, serve thousands of people a day and keep it clean then it would probably be on-par with the chain restaurant.

    • I recommend private if you can afford. I have heard some horror stories on public , that they dont take the patient until the last min for delivery. Private you can go and get admitted earlier. Also there is the same doctor that is coming for your delivery and your routine checkups.

      I think only wife needs preganavy cover as baby is automatically covered for 3 months or something. Check this with isurance provider.

      • +2

        Ive heard a few horror stories in private hospitals, bleeding with no anesthetist onsite.

        Private hospital maternity units are almost completely run by midwives with 1 locum doctor for the whole hospital afterhours. If anything goes wrong, pretty much a disaster.

        Most private hospitals also wont accept high risk pregnancies for this very reason.

        Not sure if i want to be in a hospital with no anesthetist onsite afterhours especially if there is a probability that you would need surgery

  • So its technically almost free money if getting free weeks?

    • Yep

    • -1

      Technically nothing is free.

    • +2

      Not sure how frequent people churning on health insurance
      For me probably doing 2-3 policies per year, so still have to pay a bit in between
      my current policy with see-u was also applied in CompareTheMarket via TCB (with $260 cashback + 4 weeks free) back in Oct 2024
      And today decided to take this offer again to Bupa

      • I wanna churn away from medibank but not sure what happens to my points there as I don't see a good option to spend those points on so far!

        • +2

          Gotta use points before you churn

        • +2

          If youre talking about the live points they last 6 months after you leave, so you can leave and come back when there's another offer.

        • As per their representative -
          Live Better points will expire if:
          -you haven't earned or redeemed Live Better points in the last 24 months
          -you haven't held an Eligible Medibank policy in any period of 6 months or more; or
          -you haven't taken out an Eligible Medibank Insurance policy within 6 months after creating a Live Better account.

  • +1

    Why buy insurance?

    • +1

      To contribute to the Australian economy. Everyone has to own a house and an suv

      • +2

        *at least two houses for the Ponzi scheme thanks

        • +3

          You mean "investment property"

    • +4

      Because the liberals caved to the private health lobbyists and mandated everyone earning above $90k pay them for junk policies else get taxed more.

      • What if you pay that tax? Instead of trying to save it and putting that money in insurance.
        If I am paying 6K per year for gold cover not to mention this doesn’t cover all of the cost and 3K in tax because I didn’t have insurance .
        Am I missing something here?

        • +2

          Because the insurance cost is slightly less than the tax itself. I'm also against paying tax as a "penalty" for not taking out some trash private health insurance.

          I'm a firm believe that you should only take out insurance if you think you'll make use of it.

          For example someone without a family in their 20's and 30's will get little to no benefit out of taking out PHI. Even with elective surgery i barely received 1 years in premiums as a rebate.

          Sure if you have kids it would make sense.

  • -1

    What if you bought a new insurance plan 2 weeks ago? Does this work?

  • Hey @easternculture

    Was just about to go with the Medibank offer.

    Cashrewards has this offer as well (various rates for different insurance types).

    Can I go this HBF deal for the free 4 weeks, and then sign up for the Medibank deal to kick in 8 weeks after that? Pretty sure I can do that?

    • Yeah, you can setup a sign up date.
      However, look at t&c as sometimew your policy has to be active before the end of promo

      • @easternculture

        Would you go this deal, or the current Medibank offer? (seems their points can be hard to find a use for)

        • I struggled to use my live better points last year.
          Had to stall and keep my medibank membership active for an extra 2 month over my churn to get enough points for an apple watch but got those months refunded by providing them with new fund details that i signed up with

  • Do you know when this expires? I'd love to jump on this but I'm currently churning through the free weeks of another insurance!

    • You can set an advance date to when you want your cover to start

      • +1

        Oh neat! I might do that. But also do you know when the deal ends? Just so I have a mental deadline.

        • @tightarse

          • @easternculture: Still no news on when this offer ends?
            Its probably going to take me some time to do a proper comparison.

            • +2

              @ezza: Ends 23:59 AEDT March 31, unless withdrawn prior by CTM and/or TCB.

  • does anyone know which health insurance provides cover for weight loss medication, waiting periods and how much you can claim back. I am looking into getting a prescription for either wegovy or mounjaro.

    I have tried searching but can't any useful information on the internet so might need to contact each one separately.

    • +2

      Weight loss medications as a private script (non pbs) can be claimed under pharmacy i would have thought

    • +1

      Bupa does, but 2 month waiting period, not sure if they have an offer to waive waiting periods though.

  • I’m under working holiday visa. Is this suitable?

    • probably not. this is for medicare card holders

  • Been 4.5 months and still waiting for superloop to track.

  • Anyone been able to choose the See U Silver Plus? I can't seem to be able to get it to appear in the options.
    All I receive is just their Silver package

  • OP, there are 13 funds that CTM lists on their website, most of which are offering some sort of "free weeks" promo. Why have you have you chosen to identify just four of them as eligible? I am missing something here?

    • +3

      Feel free to suggest and ill update post

      • -2

        It might be better to remove the four currently listed and state that "Most" will offer 4/6 weeks free after x days/weeks and to do your own research. Unless you want to go through all 13 and capture all that info yourself? The good people of OzB might feel misled if they're not presented with an accurate snapshot with just 4 randomly selected?

        BTW, thanks for posting this. I was about to switch but will hold off now. Hopefully @tightarse can confirm when this CB offer expires with TCB.

        • +1

          I went through all of them. The only 5th one that offers free weeks is NIB but they are probabaly one of the worst PHI you would want to sign up with

          • -1

            @easternculture: I just quickly looked up the first two funds listed on the CTM website and Frank offer free weeks and AIA offers cashback. I'm not gonna bother reviewing the rest, but clearly the four you've listed aren't the only providers with the Free weeks promo.

            • +2

              @JoeyJoeJoe: When i checked in the morning, there was nothing from frank on my comparison. Might have been added recently

            • +1


              Frank offer free weeks

              Not according to this.

              • @Reveen: How did you navigate to the PHI “Offers” page on CTM? I can’t find it!

                • @JoeyJoeJoe: Google, as I was struggling to find any reference to the free weeks with Frank you mentioned were stated on CTM.

                  So where did you see it?

                  • @Reveen: I went directly to their website and found it. However, the link you have provided clearly states no free weeks, just a waiver of 2/6 months.

                    I'm now unsure which website to believe and which free week offers are eligible. If I follow the TCB link, and select compare PHI, it doesn't show any of the free week offers for any PHIs - just a list of the PHIs partnered with CTM. And yet the link you've quoted above clearly spells it out, but I can't navigate to that webpage using their website.

                    • +1

                      @JoeyJoeJoe: I think you might have mixed up with another fund because at time of my posting, frank had no offer of free weeks

                      • @easternculture: Perhaps! The link provided by Reveen includes 7 PHIs with Free Weeks, not just 4. (Frank and a couple of others not offering free weeks via that link either). But if you go directly to the Frank website its up to 12 weeks free.

                        When you collected and posted the information for the 4 funds offering free weeks, was that doing so by going directly to their websites? Or did you follow this link - There is a mismatch between direct website offers and those listed in the URL.

                    • @JoeyJoeJoe: I thought so.

  • Can I use a code from the actual private health insurance fund and still qualify for the cashback?

  • Doesn't stack with previous 15 week free DHF deal sadly

  • +1

    I was halfway filling out when I received a call from CTM. $100 gift card to do it over the phone, confirmed tracked $275 Cash back + $100 gift card + 4 weeks off with HCF.

    • +1

      How? The deal is for online cookie tracking via TCB and CTM. How could the phone call have tracked this deal?

    • If CTM intervene before you submit the application via TCB, it will invalidate the cashback

      • i was informed by CTM on the call this is not the case and they were fully aware of the cashback offers.

        • +1

          A completed quote is not an Eligible Purchase and therefore ineligible for cashback. You will only be eligible for cashback on a completed purchase of a policy.

          From my understanding has to be completely online

      • Confirmed multiple times over the phone that she was editing my online submission. Emailed by topcashback purchase has been tracked too.

        • +1

          Tracking does not mean approved.

          • @easternculture: Fair enough just going on what I was told over the phone. Ill guess its a wait and see

            • +1

              @iltalt: Yeah we will know in 12 weeks.
              Customer service have no authority on approving cashbacks, they get comission on signups which explains why they are calling people immediatly.

              • +2

                @easternculture: Agreed. I'm pretty sure the Call Centre Agents' greediness to score a few extra bux will invalidate your Cashback, despite what they tell you. Proceed with Caution.

                • +1

                  @JoeyJoeJoe: I would just call CTM and cancel and re apply a new policy fully online

                • +1

                  @JoeyJoeJoe: While I agree with you in principle, this is clearly an automated interception that is part of an onboarding system, and if cashback subsequently denied by CTM, would burn their bridges with cashback sites for future lead generation.

                  There is also nothing in the TopCashback t's and C's about completing online. The sale rep even directed me to the Topcashback t's and c's for qualifying.

                  Perhaps @tightarse could confirm?

                  • +1

                    @MagpieSilver: Theoretically, for any cashback transaction for any merchant, you would have to complete the transaction online. Any disruption along the normal path of the transaction, may be a reason to invalidate the cashback.

                    Because cashbacks are usually managed by third party merchants (someone can correct me if im wrong), any irregularities in the transaction may trigger a red flag for review before it is approved or denied

    • Like EVERYTHING these days…get it in writing…

  • Just did it over the phone. They call seconds after the initial quote generated. Confirmed it tracks and still is valid on the phone (i went ahead and mine tracked). Didn't get offered the $100 gift card though (Hospital only is probably why - less commission for them.)

  • Oh no. Just join see u last week. Can i jump to another provider straight away. 😫

    • Depending on t&c of each individual offer , you may be able to start the new cover (elect a date on application) when see u offer ends

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