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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

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  • +3

    Thank God the AFL banned trans from the AFLW . It would have destroyed the womans game and caused some serious injuries to them .
    We aren't going to see those that can't make it in the AFL wrecking the AFLW .
    And not get the American problem of them breaking all the women's records .
    Its so unfair to the poor women .

    • +7

      Why the neg then?

  • +4

    Man, I feel like a woman

  • +1

    Can a man get pregnant?

    • +7

      So if someone is unable to conceive you are saying they have to hand in their woman card? Try again.

      • +2

        Ok. If someone is blind, do they have to hand in their human card?

        • +5

          Being able to see has never been a requirement to be human

          • +1

            @ihfree: Yep. And being able to conceive has never been a requirement to be a woman. They’re a woman coz they were born with the parts that normally would allow them to conceive.

            • @Cusack: How does intersex fit with your revised reasoning?

              You know there are already definitions that better suit the point that you're trying to make.

              • +5

                @ihfree: I would call them intersex. And it’s a deformity which is not what we’re talking about here.

      • Watch the film.

      • Nope. You're saying that. They're saying "can a MAN get pregnant"?
        This is very different to stating every woman can get pregnant. But I think you know the distinction.
        So… Can a man get pregnant?

    • +2

      Yeah probably - uterus transplants are already a thing and along with advances in medical science, it's something you're quite likely to see (and be outraged over) in your lifetime.

      • +5

        So they don’t have a uterus. Sticking feathers up your butt does not make you a chicken. Planting a uterus does not make you a woman.

        • +2

          I just answered in the context of the original comment. Anything you choose to add beyond that is on you.

          • +1

            @ihfree: Thanks for answering. Let me rephrase the question. Can a man get pregnant ‘naturally’?

            • -5

              @Cusack: Meh, you're just arguing semantics.

              We all know what's possible from a biological point of view(well hopefully, anyway) and we all know the definition of woman and man that is being argued against in this "doco."

    • +7

      About 50 a year according to medicare.
      The question is should we change the entire fabric of our understanding of human gender and biology which has stood since time immemorial all because a tiny percentage of society says so? I'd say no.
      And that doesnt stop anyone from identifying as anyting they want.
      People should do what they want and be happy, but those people should also realise and accept that society does not and should not revolve around them. It's selfish entitlement. Accept you are different, a man who has transition to a women will never have the same experiences as a biological female, never ever and no matter hormones they take. Accept it and move on. We don't need to change our definitions of gender because your insecurities. We don't have to redefine men and women due to miniscule exceptions to the rule. We would all accept humans have two eyes, two arms and two legs. Some people are not born with all of their limbs yet we don't change the definition of a human because of that.
      However when it comes to gender suddenly people are up in arms because they can't accept that men have penises and women have vaginas.

      • +1

        The question is should we change the entire fabric of our understanding of human gender and biology which has stood since time immemorial all because a tiny percentage of society says so?

        Our "understanding" of human gender and biology has constantly been evolving. Especially gender as it varies so much from culture to culture.
        A lot of aspects about society and our understanding have changed over the years.

        And that doesnt stop anyone from identifying as anyting they want.

        Well yeah, nothing can technically stop someone from identifying a certain way..

        But we don't have to redefine men and women due to miniscule exceptions to the rule.

        *currently "minuscule" but a growing amount. When something is stigmatized for so long and then slowly becomes more accepted, more cases will come to light.

        We would all accept humans have two eyes, two arms and two legs. Some people are not born with all of their limbs yet we don't change the definion of a human because of that.

        Humans don't need to have two eyes, two arms or two legs to be human.
        Here is the classification of humans https://teara.govt.nz/en/table/12130/classification-of-human…

        However when it comes to gender suddenly and people are up in arms because they can't accept that men have penises and women have vaginas.

        Gender isn't the same as sex.
        Also, many cultures throughout history have accepted variations outside of male and female.
        Here's a helpful map that shows some of the more prominent ones https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/content/two-spirits_map-…

    • +6

      An airtight one without rebuttal is: can a male produce female gametes?

      Answer is no.

      • They can if they're a trans male.

        • +2

          That’s called a biological female.

      • Intersex people can produce both.
        So what does that mean?

        • That there are 3 genders?

        • +3

          No, they can't.

          Intersex people are simply one sex or the other, but they show physical characteristics of the other sex.

          They still can only produce male gametes, or female gametes. No one in the history of human medical science has ever produced both.

          • @Odin: I did not say an individual who is intersex can produce both.
            I said intersex people (the category/group) can produce both. It's not a group that exclusively produces one or the other.

            • +2

              @[Deactivated]: Oh OK, but even then, intersex are still ultimately male or female biologically - can be defined by chromosomes or gametes produced.

              Yes, intersex is an additional category, but it's not a 'normal' function of human biology, it's a defect in our makeup/growth/development.

    • dont you mean ' potential birthing person'….? the answer should be self explanatory

    • Nope. Ofcourse not. Only a woman can get pregnant.

  • +3

    The honest answer these days to the question "What is a woman?" is "It's not a man".

    • Ok, recursion is my jam…

      What is a man?

      • +1

        What is love?

        • +3

          Baby don't hurt me

  • +8

    great video and fantastic it's free got everyone to watch now. great deal 👍

  • +2

    If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

  • +7

    not interested in peddling political agendas onto this forum

    • Don't do it then.

  • +8

    Good video. Live and let live i say, call yourself whatever you want and everyone deserves certain rights and protections that need to be fought for. But there are biological realities that cannot be ignored also. And there is the matter conflating sex with gender. Especially critical in competitive sports. It in beyond insane to think otherwise. There are limits as to what you can demand on others also. Whatever your beliefs, its all legitimate par for discourse. This is the most important thing in a democratic society. Its terribly unfortunate so many have allowed their brain to be wired to think that somehow their beliefs and feelings entitle them to shout down and suppress others and refuse to actually digest contrary viewpoints. It's sad, but in a way i suppose all part of the complexity of natural selection.

    • +1

      Don't get me wrong it's fine to accept the very small % that are this way .
      But don't let the small minority with a large voice #! it up for normal woman and I mean normal .

      • What is a normal woman?

        • +1

          You need to watch this documentary!

  • +11

    Can’t say I’m surprised this was allowed to stay here as a deal. RW propaganda is not a deal.

    • +10

      No propaganda should ever be a deal. I can’t understand why mods are allowing this garbage to stay - it is plainly not a deal.

      • +4

        That this is being allowed to stay says the mods have given tacit approval of the deal, video and culture wars ensuing. It's an interesting, albeit disappointing, position they've taken, particularly given the purported support of R U OK day on this site.

      • I can.

    • Yep, “free” propaganda is not a bargain. Super disappointed in the mods on this one, bad call. Maybe we should post about “free” access to North Korean news, what a deal!

  • +2

    Same happens in discussions about cage vs free range eggs. Don't ram the crap down people's throats and it will be fine

    • +2

      Tell that to the chickens

  • +16

    I consider myself to be a left wing person but I think he did a good job on this issue which most are too terrified to touch I think the whole idea that we can simply decide to be X and then demand to be treated as X is a absurd for the most part. Interesting that in America it's now big business too which really distorts the debate like most things where there's companies getting filthy rich from something

    • +11

      The fear of being cancelled is exactly why they are all dancing around their terminology.

      • +9

        ……..and to think that free speech, and free though, was once honoured by the Left.

        Now it's 'toe the line, or you're a bigot/nazi/transphobe/islamophobe', and 'let's burn/ban book and media we don't agree with'.

        And the youth of today think they're 'Progressive'? Stop the world, I'm getting off.

        • +3

          youth of today are confused as (profanity)!

    • -1

      I consider myself to be a skeptical person and the lack of fact checking in this 'documentary' and the blind acceptance by the majority of Ozbargain was simultaneously eye opening and disappointing.

      • +3

        You clearly haven't watched the documentary.

        • -3

          I watched the whole thing. The lack of fact checking of any of it and the disturbing overuse of childrens videos was concerning and again, disappointed by the majority on here who just accepted it all blindly and got scared by it.

  • +5

    Let's be real, this video will remain free. There's no way propagandists like this will charge for their work. Therefore not a bargain.

    • -1

      yepp this is a loss leader . its pure propaganda.

    • There's no way propagandists like this will charge for their work.

      The documentary has been seen by so many paying customers, Meta have made over $5 million dollars in ad revenue purely from advertisements they placed themselves on the Documentary's Facebook portal where you can pay to watch it (https://xtramagazine.com/power/facebook-meta-profiting-off-t…). That was all the way back in October of last year before they'd even released it globally and taken the geo-blocking off it. That's not even the main portal or platform to pay to watch the documentary, either.

  • +11

    XX - Woman
    XY - Man


    • +2

      XX - human female
      XY - human male

      Chromosomes aren't gender, despite what US fascist propoganda might try to sell you.

      • +5

        Semantics is not biology. It’s not really a productive use of one’s imagination to deny reality

      • +8

        Yep. Noting quite like conflating biology and social constructs to show your true hand. This culture war only makes sense viewed through a very specific historical, social and cultural lens. It completely discounts non-binary gender roles recorded throughout history and in different cultures, particularly Pacific Islander and Native American cultures.

        • +6

          People are free to label themselves as they see fit — but you can’t simply will yourself to be a woman. There ain’t no lens to an alternate reality

        • +2

          It completely discounts non-binary gender roles recorded throughout history and in different cultures, particularly Pacific Islander and Native American cultures.

          Oh boy, are you gonna be disappointed in what you find and hear if you go to the Pacific Islands and start spouting that sort of hilarious nonsense.

          • @infinite: Sure. 200 years of indoctrination by Christian missionaries will do that.

            • @twjr: Why do you hate their faith so much?

              They certainly don't have any issues with it.

    • Genotype vs phenotype has entered the chat.

  • +10

    Propoganda, not a deal. Posted to stir up controversy

  • +7

    Trying to find the deal here. A deal would be paying you to watch The Daily Wire

    • +5

      Can you pay for my sub to the daily wire?

  • +2

    Lol OzBargain weekend entertainer.

  • +1

    What is a Dangerous woman?

    • +3

      Your mother-in-law, probably. Thankfully the most dangerous person in these parts is jv — who identifies as the conscience of OzBargain

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  • +9

    excellent post…..matt walsh is based!

  • +2

    I like the part where the trans doctor is asked how many change their mind ? The answer was none . Just more lies to try to rack up more money .

    The real answer is 3-5% which isn't that difficult to find.

    • +3

      How often does a crazy person regain their senses? 3-5% seems a little optimistic

    • +3

      The majority of those who transition back do so due to societal pressure and bullying, not because they've changed their minds about how they feel..

      • Any stats on this statement?

  • +1

    I’m offended

    • +2

      Seems like a slam dunk

  • +5

    propaganda is not a deal

    • +8

      It's anti-propaganda.

      • Its anti-anti-anti propaganda

  • Anyone watching it the Star Wars Dinosaur is the best expert in the first 15 mins and the best spot to stop with his wisdom.

    • +1

      We’re meant to use the Force — not abuse it

  • What documentary came first? "What Women Want?" Or "What Is a Woman?"

  • +2

    Wow 14 pages of comments (most likely from men?) on a what is a woman documentary that they've probably never watched 😂.

    • +1

      its been out for over a year and has hundreds of millions of views worldwide….have you been living under a rock?

      • I was able to access it with WiFi as soon as it came out from under a rock.

      • why isnt it free forever then ?

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