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Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter


It’s the movie they really don’t want you to see: #WhatIsAWoman?

Watch the explosive documentary starring @MattWalshBlog FREE on Twitter for 24 hours extended to all weekend (US).

Mod Note:

After investigation, we determined that this documentary/video was released in June 2022 and required paid Membership to 'Daily Wire' to view the video on their website. At this time, membership starts from US$108/year (US$9/month), after discount. The now free content on Twitter, is therefore postable as a deal, under our Free Multimedia Content Deal Posting Guidelines.

To avoid personal biases from influencing moderation decisions, moderators adhere to our published guidelines. Guidelines are written based on the feedback of the community and the ability to moderate them consistently across the site. This deal has been determined to comply with our deal posting guidelines, in particular the Free Multimedia Content Guideline and the Banned Items Guideline. Community guidelines are always evolving and we welcome any discussions in our site discussion forum or Comments / Feedback / Suggestions Thread 2023 thread.

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closed Comments

      • +8

        Three posts above;

        Trans is just made up bs.

      • +3

        "trans people have no right to be trans"

        That's pretty effed up, even for Ozb.

    • +4

      I agree rights of women are at stake. Their sports are being threatened by loser men pretending to be women.
      Ironic its never a problem the other way round.

    • +1

      Loss of rights is in your imagination, it doesn't stop anyone from doing anything.

      This is a documentary with interviews, currently free normally paywalled.

  • Holy! 15 pages of comments in 16 hours.

    • The productivity is inspiring

  • +9

    When I'm looking for answers to the question "What is a woman", the first place I look is a documentary made by a right wing man. Lol.

    • +8

      I can tell you have not watched this. The point is he goes to lots of "experts" and asks them what it is. And no one can answer him…

      • I disagree . The Star Wars Dinosaur had the correct answer .
        The sad thing is if I put it here the mods would delete it .

      • +1

        Woman here. I watched it. I concur with ayoole. So many dudes talking about women. Nothing new to see for us here.

        • You clearly didn't watch it.

          • +1

            @infinite: You can keep saying that if it helps you but I did watch it. Wasn't fact checked. So many important people in this conversations voices completed excluded including:

            Women whose gender was consistent with their sex
            Women born without female genitalia
            Women who'd had mastectomies and hysterectomies
            Women with children
            Women unable to have children
            Older women
            and so on

            Why is it do you think, that the people best equipped to examine this question were excluded? Why is it do you think, that the journalist didn't fact check anyone they interviewed, in spite of their quest for 'the truth'? There is so much missing from this documentary that you can't make any conclusions from it, and yet the majority are loving it. Ohwell.

            • @MessyG:

              Why is it do you think, that the people best equipped to examine this question were excluded?

              The people in the documentary were from many walks of life and perfectly equipped to examine the issue. They did a great job of it.

              I suggest you watch the documentary and see for yourself.

  • +14

    Sad to think of the impact of this pointless, not a bargain, post on trans people. A stain on OzB, ownership should be ashamed

    • +9

      One could argue the very subject this documentary is discussing has an impact on women. No one is trying to hurt anyone, but as the saying goes, facts don’t care about your feelings.

  • +8

    In these comments: a lot of people that have not watched the whole film.

    I support the mods and admin for keeping this deal up as it is a deal, regardless of what you think of the content.

    Matt Walsh was objective and presented a fair argument on a phenomena that is very relevant in the US and could be here too in the future.

    • +4

      You save so much time when you don’t have to form independent thoughts any more

      • +1

        Like perpetuating the woke mind virus and bullying anyone online with a differing opinion?

        That's soooo different.

    • Oh friend, if you think a bunch of guys discussing what is a woman, then I have a bridge to sell you…

      • The documentary is mostly women discussing the issue.

        You should really watch it.

        • No, it's not and the fact that you can't see that is laughable.

          • +2

            @MessyG: Well youre right in one sense the doctor thar performs the opps is a man with no dick, now making money out of turning others, and the old guy in the starwars shop, plus the lecturer at the uni. But the school athlete woman, the alternative realities or therapies chick at the start i guess a woman, the lady that engages with you and thinks at age 4 kids can make up their mind also a woman, the conservative lady against trans also a woman, and last but not least the nice tribual woman who i think kept it quiet simple if you can bare a child = woman.

            The doc is silly as what is a woman a female that is designed to bare children, not what they think its what they were designed to do.

            • @RBZ10: The whole thing is through the lens of men, right down to the selection of women. Here is who is missing:

              A woman who cannot have children.
              A woman who has lost her breasts or uterus.
              An older woman.
              A woman who cannot have periods.
              A lesbian woman
              A trans woman.

              There's nowhere near enough womens voices in this clip, which I suppose is the point.

              • +2

                @MessyG: So the real issue here is that someone didn't make the imaginary documentary you personally wanted.

                Now I see where the root of the problem is.

              • +1

                @MessyG: What exactly do they have to do with this, all those examples are somehow trying to justify a trans person, as stated 'designed to bare children' the fact that the above list of actual women cant due to various unfortunate reasons doesnt change there design, they are just unlucky aka genetic lottery, there are some things in life you just have to accept because thats the cards that have been dealt for your life, as is the case for all of us.

                What is a trans women exactly? I women that converted to being a man? Because they def had a man that played a woman in there aka the surgeon.

                Or is a trans woman that 40 something year old dude that switched back in the doco?

                Also an observation for someone "with kids" you sure do seem to be spending A LOT of time on here replying to people?!?

  • +5

    Love this post, the minority is in uproar while Parents are standing up to the groomers and the unstable, war on Family values is only going to go one way. Don't mess with our kids!

    • +14

      The irony of you proudly standing for "family values" with that profile picture.

      • +4

        Lot of assumptions there.

        • +5

          they tend to do that

          • @MessyG: What’s wrong with the pic? Or are we just assuming something dodgy here?

      • +1

        LOL, Techie4066 well replied!

    • +10

      Don't assume you speak for all parents, families and kids. You don't have a monopoly on values

    • +4

      some parents have equally fallen into this degeneracy exposing young kids to it. Their loss I guess but I DO NOT want my children's exposed.

  • +13

    Users first deal posted since joining ~4 years ago… only reason they posted was to cause this drama.

    • +8

      the negative voters seem to be the ones causing all the 'drama'!

      • +3

        Yeah I'm sure they would just scroll by and say nothing if Ozbargain started advertising drag queen story hour at their local library…

        • +1

          actually drag queen crap is shoved in everyones faces 24/7 through all other channels. ozb just shows what happens if things are kept truly neutral. Sexual deviancy should not have the loudest voice.

          • +5

            @dBagDealer: I see this comment a lot that it is being shoved in everyone's faces. The only place I see drag queens are on social media or right wing news websites. I bet if you switched off those and stopped being played by the algorithms you'd rarely ever see a mention of it.

          • +5

            @dBagDealer: I didn't know a thing about drag queen story hour until people started raging about it online. Not even remotely in my world but for all the drama online you'd think it was everywhere. People just need to gtfo off the Internet, go outside, and calm down.

        • +1

          Thankfully it doesn't happen at most local libraries, because the adults working there have common sense and don't allow anyone of any gender to be shaking their asses in the faces of small children and dancing in a sexually suggestive way for them.

          In the right context time and location, performances of that nature from men, women, or those pretending to be what ever they imagine they are is perfectly acceptable. They can be a heap of fun and should be enjoyed by any adult wanting to attend. So long as they are done in a reasonable location. Kids story time at a local library is NEVER that place or time though.

          • +2

            @infinite: What drag story time ever had someone dancing in a sexually suggestive way?

            • -1

              @cashews: All drag shows are sexually suggestive by nature. That's why they exist, they are a celebration of one's chosen sexuality.

              • +1

                @infinite: You are completely clueless about what actually happens at a drag story time event then. There is nothing sexual whatsoever about them. You seriously think parents are taking their young children to watch a sexualized performance?

                Sounds like you've fallen hook, line, and sinker for the culture wars rhetoric.

                • +3

                  @cashews: The Drag Queen Story Hour movement began in the US in 2015, but has since spread across the world. The Munich event, scheduled to take place next month, will include stories read aloud by a nonbinary ‘drag king’, with the charming name of Eric Big Clit, and a 13-year-old trans child, who has previously written a book about his ‘journey from boy to girl’. The event is aimed specifically at young children and is described as suitable for children as young as four.


                  ….you couldnt make this shit up if you tried

    • What drama?

  • +8

    …546 upvotes. 140 negs.
    up top of the front page and nearly the top deal

  • +10

    RT created a quality documentary about transgender regrets. Eye opening and educational without the political bias.

    • +9

      Woah woah woah. Are we doing communist propaganda as well now?

      • +2

        I don't see anything in here from the Victorian government.

        • +2

          Whoa there son. Let's not disparage the communists by equating them to Dictator Dan.

    • +4

      Thanks for sharing, streaming it right now!

  • +5

    At the end of the day what this thread ultimately boils down to is a bunch of people on the internet, arguing with and insulting others whom they know absolutely nothing about, and in my books that's pretty pathetic.

    I'm going outside.

    • +7

      Welcome to the internet.

  • +4

    What is this?

  • +10

    This isn't a bargain.

  • +6

    Idk id say its a deal just for the entertainment of 15 pages of popcorn.

    This stuff is def designed to divide, its really a non issue given they make up less than 1%, the only thing id say is they shouldnt be allowed to have kids unless they can produce them as a pair themselves or adopt a kid, outside that they can do what they want and if it takes off as a new crazy with all this pr like gay pride did just means less people reproducing in the world which is probably a good thing in general. But like i say no designer babies the reality is cant have your cake and eat it to. The reality re the women question and bathrooms is the majority 99+% of users of female sex toilets are female sex people so unfortunately like all minorities you have to deal with it and man up or was that women up? Maybe they should have a third option for trans gender ppl that way all the groups can be happy male sex in one female sex in the other and trans with trans hec they would have the quickest access at sports events haha.

    • +1

      It's a non issue if your daughter isn't getting bullied by a man with a ponytail on the sports field.

      • +1

        I get the issues and could go on a rant about how the very fabric of society is being chellenged by stupidity with ppl not knowing how the basic definitions work. But now everyone has easy access to voice their views, all kinds of specials are coming out of the wood work. Re sport I totally agree trans shouldnt be competing with female sex women, getting past all the gender crap sport is defined by sex not how i think i feel (gender). Female sex compete with female sex and male with male unless the sport has an open category then go for it. But the whole idea of entertaining gender is stupid because they seem to blurr sex and gender interchangable, when reality is sex is genetic and gender is a thought, view, idea no diff from beliving in a god, i dont have to agree with someones thoughts and thats fine but you cant change your sex no matter what you think in your head. Hardware is fixed (sex) software can be changed (gender).

        • +4

          " But the whole idea of entertaining gender is stupid because they seem to blurr sex and gender interchangable "

          I comepletely agree. The most devious " trick " the woke perform, is blur the lines between sex and gender ( according to their own definitions ).

          It's called leftist creep.

          They take 3 steps forward, then the public goes " hey what's all this ", then they take 1 step back, then 3 steps forward, rinse repeat.

          And then you get to the point where people FEEL JUSTIFIED abusing someone who opposes a man beating up a girl in a sports arena.

  • +24

    It's really not a good look for OzBargain that this is still up for 16 hours now.

    I come here for products on sale, not this type of toxic stuff. It's literally a link to a tweet, with the tweet being the deal.

    • +8

      If you don't agree with the deal, just ignore it and move on?

      • +20

        But… he has to discuss why he disagrees with the deal so he can prove his negative vote. That’s the whole point of this website and format…

        • Doesn't have to vote, can just ignore the post and not react. Leave it to ~80% of people that think that this is a deal and to the Parents who are ready to fight paedophilia.

          • +4

            @adamm12: But that is not how the website works. Stop trolling, it already worn off hours ago. Go back to Twitter.

            • +1

              @n3dd: That's exactly how it works, don't agree that it is a deal you ignore the post and move on but we all know why you are here.

              • +3

                @adamm12: Elaborate? I am defining that the user is commenting why he is giving a negative rating, which is a requirement of the website if you verbally ‘disagree’. But you are trying to state that the intentional action is in fact, to just ‘ignore’ it and move on. Contrary to how the deal format works by requiring both positive and negative voters to COMMENT. Stop trolling.

          • +4


            Parents who are ready to fight paedophilia

            How does one take up this fight?

          • +4

            @adamm12: What does trans people have to do with paedophilia?

      • +3

        hard to ignore when the whole point of alphabet mafia is to force everyone to have intimate knowledge of their 3500 fluid (made up) genders.

      • +1

        Since when is a free video on Twitter a deal? Do we want this forum bombed with links to Youtube to entire Taylor Swift and Lizzo concerts? As a deal?

    • I believe this site is actually ran by a Singapore company. They’re probably not fussed.

    • If you don't like it don't read it?

      Nothing wrong with challenging peoples ideas.

    • +1

      It's a product that's normally not free, being provided free for a limited time, this is exactly what OzBargain was made for.

  • +8

    Are we going to have what is a true (insert religious denomination) docos as deals? Or one nations free guide to who is really indigenous?

    • +5

      If you have some that are usually paid and are temporarily free, you should post them.

    • +1

      you could try putting something up from the woke religion but I can tell you it will be negged into oblivion because not everyone believes in it.

    • " whataboutism "

  • +4

    I now have enough material from this post for my second thesis on hoodwinking the public at large over largely inconsequential subjects.

    My first gained world wide recognition in the relevant circles as a masterpiece in the field.

    I reckon i could write a book now.

    • Divide and conquer eh

  • +5

    (profanity) these guys

  • +1
    • +2

      *tips fedora*

    • were

      • +3

        Good on ya for posting that, man. That Challenor stuff was absolutely insane with how far the administration team went to circle the wagons. Absolutely insane, and definitely one of Reddit's most disturbing (and/or telling) hours.

        • +3

          I think it was way worse when they outed Ghislaine Maxwell as being an associate and close friends with Ellen Pao & Steve Huffman, and that she'd been given "super admin" rights to her account by them which she'd been using to moderate sub's specifically designed for vulnerable young women. Reddit knew about it and did nothing. Even after the FBI warned them about what she was doing.

    • +3

      LOL, the comments there sum Reddit up perfectly:

      Is ozbargain moderated like reddit? I wouldn't have thought so.

      nah unfortunately on ozbargain people can speak their mind, so disheartening to see

      • +1

        obviously posted by one of the more vocal negative posters here who wasnt getting any traction with reports & whining to mods

  • +8

    Not a bargain. Put in forums please mods.

  • +2

    We need a documentary and a deal post linking to it - What is an Ozbargainer?

  • +7

    Majority has spoken, this is a deal, everyone else can ignore it and move on. Thanks and see you on the battlefield.

    • +12

      This is a great indication of how things would be if the tech platforms were neutral. you can see the woke mafia threatening and even begging mods to take this post down or hide it. They don't want people to look past the ugliness behind the rainbow.

      • +1

        Cancel Culture demands

  • But we already did this

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